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Hak.5 Folding@home


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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you planning on creating a new team if you are unable to get it back?

This is what I want to know. I'm still donating to the "MintIRC" team, and I want to switch back to helping Hak5, so let me know if another team is created. Maybe Darren or Matt could do it, so they would have control over it?

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Hi Matt,

Please also give me a heads-up when you get the Hak5 name back, either with the old number or when a new team is created. Also, a mention on the show would not be bad, certainly if a new team is created and we need as much people to yoin it to start it up the ranks again!


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first and foremost, it doesn't matter what name is there, what matters is the fact that you are helping a great cause.

Second, the team was setup and run by another user and decided to rename it on his own. While MintIRC is welcoming to the name change, it doesn't matter if we have a folding team or not.

Thirdly, you or anyone else could do just like the user had done... create a new team and have it promoted as you see fit.

Lastly, its not a "disgruntled member" of IRC. The user just decided to rename it at least 3 or 4 months ago, if not longer.

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Well, I joined folding because of the mention on the Hak5 show. So I did it with the Hak5 team. I'm proud to be in a Hak5 team. I have nothing with MintIRC. So, I'd like for a Hak5 team to return to folding. Preferably with all points we worked to hard for in the past. If that does not work then with a new team. Preferably the new team (with the old point or not) has to be controlled by one of the Hak5 crew so a unwanted name-change does not happen again. But if need be I'll create a new Hak5 team and ask the hak5-crew to mention the team-number change on the show to win as much people over.

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Well if it's okay with Matt + Darren, I created a new team: 172248

Kept the name Hak.5, since there isnt a team called that anymore.


I'm starting to donate right away! Got 2 PCs and a PS3 running on this. Trying to convince friends to start donating too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well this isn't the 'official' team, just one I created, but there are no other Hak5 teams at the moment, so we could make this the 'new official team'.

Stats so far:

Report generated on: 11:47:26 October 19, 2009

Date of last work unit: 2009-10-19 10:27:20

Active CPUs within 50 days: 18

Team ID: 172248

Grand Score: 52411

Work Unit Count: 88

Team Ranking: 15885 of 167007

Home Page: http://www.hak5.org/

B2u44 26645 14

erik 23022 61

ILikeBacon 1685 5

badsector 1059 3

Torsten 0 5


Red=No of Units Folded

@erik: you must have some serious power to have folded 61 units already, what system are you using?

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I think it's something to do with the work involved folding the unit, since units can be of different lengths. I've had some which take a few hours, and some which take a few days depending presumably on the molecule actually being folded.

PS3's tend to get given the smaller units, as they are designed to be able to fold a unit overnight, so usually it takes 5-9 hours on a PS3.

The larger computer units take me a few days, although I don't leave my main system on all the time, I do however fold on a slower older system 24/7, which still takes a few days to complete a unit, because it's a bit slow.

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@erik: you must have some serious power to have folded 61 units already, what system are you using?

I have several machines running folding:

1) my computer, a new machine with AMDs 7750's, running a folding proces in each core and with big WU sizes (I have 4Gb RAM in there, so there is room). This one is running 24/7, using Linux clients on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit.

2) the computer downstairs my wife and kids use. This is a 3 year old machine with Intel Core 2 DUO 6300 processors, running a folding proces in each core. Normal WU sizes (machine has only 1 Gb RAM). This one is not running 24/7, but something like 16h/day, using Windows clients (on XP SP3).

3) my old computer running as XDMCP display for a virtual machine (VirtualBox running Vista on PC 1) ). This "display only" machine is a HP Vectra VL400 with a PIII, 1GHz and 512Mb RAM. This one is running one folding proces 24/7 using a Linux client on Ubuntu 9.04 32bit.

4) one PC at my parents in law. Also a dual core machine. Running Windows clients (on XP SP3), not running 24/7 but running regularly. I do not know the CPU types on this one.


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Really nice setup. Good stuff. :D

running a folding proces in each core. Normal WU sizes

I am curious as to how you run a process in each core. Is that using both cores for one unit, or running a seperate unit in each core, as I have a Core 2 Duo E4500 overclocked to 2.6GHz running 24/7 which (as far as I know) is only folding a single unit with both cores.

Also, are you using the standard F@H client from the F@H site, or something else, like BOINC?

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Really nice setup. Good stuff. :D

I am curious as to how you run a process in each core. Is that using both cores for one unit, or running a seperate unit in each core, as I have a Core 2 Duo E4500 overclocked to 2.6GHz running 24/7 which (as far as I know) is only folding a single unit with both cores.

Also, are you using the standard F@H client from the F@H site, or something else, like BOINC?

I'm using standard F@H clients. Each one crunches away on it's own work-unit. When you have a Core2Duo machine, you have 2 CPU's. When only one F@H proces is running, load will be 50% overall, because one F@H proces only uses one CPU at the time. This can easily be seen with Taskmanager in Windows. It will show each F@H proces using just under 50%. On Linux with one proces running your load-average will go just above 1 (on an otherwise lightly loaded machine), and with 2 processes to just over 2. The command "top" will show each Fah_Core proces using just under 100% (of one CPU).

I am not using the SMP F@H client, or not in SMP mode anyway. On Windows, you need to use the console clients to be able to start 2 processes. Or at least 1 console and 1 graphical I think. Both need their own directory. The first time, you need to start the second proces with -configonly, and give it machineid 2 or something, then really start it (as a windows service). Maybe you need to manually edit the machine=2 in the client,.cfg after the -configonly. I don't remember exactly. It is in the F@H FAQs somewhere. Maybe the old version 5 FAQs as SMP was not available with version 5. This is when I started folding (back in 2007 I think). I started using 2 processes: 1 per core, and I simply have not gone to SMP, although I have started using version 6. I just kept the old setup I used with version 5.

On Linux I have created 2 users: folding and folding2, with different homedirs. And installed the binaries in each I also have 2 stop/start-scripts to be placed in /etc/init.d/. I cannot upload them, but can sent them with PM for anybody interested.

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because one F@H proces only uses one CPU at the time.

I didn't even know that :o . I just presumed it would use both cores.

As for running two units, thanks for the help, I will give it a shot when I get some time to play about.

And as for the suggestion of using two users on Linux, would this be also possible on Windows, as I can see that the F@H directory is stored in the App Data folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Folding@home-x86\work, which would presumably be in a different user's folder if i was logged on as that user.

I cannot upload them, but can sent them with PM for anybody interested.

Well i'm still running Windows at the moment, but i'm seriously considering migrating to Ubuntu 9.10 when it comes out for my actual working computer, so I might let you know at some point in the future. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question, sjbwiii but here's an update on team stats for people:


Report generated on 14:11:00 December 04, 2009

Date of last work unit 2009-12-04 14:09:13

Active CPUs within 50 days 41

Team Id 172248

Grand Score 250960 (certificate)

Work Unit Count 813 (certificate)

Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 6593 of 169352

Home Page http://www.hak5.org/

Top Folders:

Rank Donor Score Units Folded

1 SJBWIII 89346 356

2 erik 66696 234

3 B2u44 57365 30

4 MRGRIM 23960 138

5 Daagr 5116 12

6 ILikeBacon 2301 9

7 AeoAeo330 1752 3

8 torte 1401 13

9 badsector 1059 3

10 wrightcj01 672 2

Hak.5 Team Page

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm currently folding for one of my favorite forums - [H]ardocp. After the December challenge (race to xmas) via WCG in which I promised to fold for the [H]orde, I no longer have an obligation. We are trying to reach top ten in that race. I've got 3 machines. Would Hak.5 like to fold for the [H]orde? I'm always willing to help, or is there more help needed for Hak.5?

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