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Need pointed in the right direction. WPA-PSK related


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I've taken care of most of the preliminary questions however post 3 has the most current issue.


What I've done:

1. Used backtrack4 and successfully acquired a handshake into a capture file.

2. I tried random dictionaries i found online, just to test (didn't work)

3. I downloaded the 33gig package. The SSID I have is "EAWHITE" and "SMAPSTAR" thus rendering the 33gig pack useless right? Since its not in the list.

4. I need to generate my own tables I guess? I hoped the 33gig package of rainbow tables by renderman would help but I think i wasted my time and bandwidth.

There has to be a guide / thread related to where I'm stuck but I can't find it.

Someone said I should use cowpatty to generate a table based on the two ssid's I have. Someone said this takes months? I'm only interested in 12 characters and less.

Thanks guys!

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Ok guys I'm on to something! (but still stuck.) After much more searching I found this guy explaining what I need to do! Its just not very clear. I'll add it here for others :)

You do it like this if you have linux and the latest aircrack-ng installed:

Download wpa_psk-h1kari_renderman and extract - (lzma decoder needed)

This will give you a .tar - extract this one to.

When done you will have a couple of folders with pre-hashed tables. Each table is a file with the name of SSID it has been calculated with. Basically every one of these files contain all the combinations for the SSID of the file + about 1 million words.

If your SSID is not top1000 (included in wpa_psk-h1kari_renderman) you can use airolib to add the SSID (or another password) to your table and then run -batch to compile it. Just create a .txt file with passwords/SSIDs and follow the instructions that comes with airolib.

The wpa_psk-h1kari_renderman is probably the best pre-hashed table there is out. And with airolib its easy to add more passwords and SSIDs to the table.

Now get crackin!

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So maybe my new question is about what is bolded above.

I know others say use /genpmk. So when I'm using /genpmk and wanting to use what is present in the renderman package, what do I specify everything as if the SSID were SMAPSTAR?

In other words, I see this command on the cowpatty site: /genpmk -f dict -d hashfile -s cuckoo

When using that, what is the dictionary file? The hash file is what we are looking to create yes? I'm just not sure what I would type for my ssid.

You guys > *


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