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help me get wpa key


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I want to get WPA key for WIFI where I get the signal . I know in Cyprus all the WPA key start with “TP” and owner of the Telephone No , how can I use the cowpatty to get the WPA key .

Can any one give me the command lines create a rainbow table using cowpatty

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I want to get WPA key for WIFI where I get the signal . I know in Cyprus all the WPA key start with “TP” and owner of the Telephone No , how can I use the cowpatty to get the WPA key .

Can any one give me the command lines create a rainbow table using cowpatty

What part of "We don't condone illegal activities" don't you understand?

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Is a rainbow table even possible? Wouldn't it take a few petabytes quite literally?


Your giving hackers a bad name. How about you pay for your internet and hand out your keys to everybody where you live and hate your internet. I would understand if you were borrowing it temporarily just to surf the web til x happens because of x, but your just being a flat out thief who wants to steal other peoples stuff. If you don't have the guts to walk up to their door and ask them for their key, than you shouldn't do it behind a computer monitor. It's just common sense.

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if you know the first two letters and have an idea about the size of the password, then

puts "Possible keys:"
key[0].each do |c1|
  key[1].each do |c2|
    key[2].each do |c3|
      key[3].each do |c4|



Its ruby btw, hope you get the point

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Is a rainbow table even possible? Wouldn't it take a few petabytes quite literally?


Your giving hackers a bad name. How about you pay for your internet and hand out your keys to everybody where you live and hate your internet. I would understand if you were borrowing it temporarily just to surf the web til x happens because of x, but your just being a flat out thief who wants to steal other peoples stuff. If you don't have the guts to walk up to their door and ask them for their key, than you shouldn't do it behind a computer monitor. It's just common sense.

It's more of a lookup table than rainbow table. You also want to use a password list, instead of every possible character combination, cause yea, it will take a shitload of drive space.

Here's the math on the amount of time it would take to bruteforce a wpa key.


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Wpa-tkip psk's is already broken to begin with. A simple google would have given hime all the answers he needed if he had at least bothered to look for the answers himself. This isn't a technical question that requires help, its a lazy question that required someone to put in minimal effort to answer their own question.

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I just read some research on WPA cracking, they optimized the method so you can get through WPA tkip in 1 minute.

To the best of my knowledge, WPA and AES and WPA 2 are not yet cracked, has anyone read anything on that?

Yup. http://bit.ly/QKOeD

There is the PDF fromt the researchers who cracked it as well as source code to update Aircrack with the new attack.

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This is blatantly illegal and i have no idea why you guys are helping out with it, but i cannot resist to contribute to what has already been said here...

I found that WPA keys are typically just someones home phone number. You'd be surprised how often that is. If you know the area code you can build a dictionary file, pre-compile your rainbow tables, and give it a shot.

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