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PeToUSB FormatEx Error[11]: An Error Occurred Formating the Drive

Satal Keto

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I'm trying to create the Multipass described in episode 524.

When I try to run PeToUSB against my 16GB SanDisk Cruzer USB, I get the following error

FormatEx Error[11]: An Error Occurred Formating the Drive.

I have tried this both on XP and on Vista (using Run As Administrator)

I have tried what Darren said about formatting it to FAT32 if I get an error, but I still get the error after that, I have also tried formatting to NTFS to see if that works but without any luck.

I was wondering whether anyone else had come across this problem and had managed to find a solution to this problem.

Thanks for any help in advance

Satal :lol:


I have also received

FormatEx Error[7]: Failed To Dismount Drive

while trying to do the same thing on a XP VM, but I'm just assuming that's something about it being on a VM

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I'm trying to create the Multipass described in episode 524.

When I try to run PeToUSB against my 16GB SanDisk Cruzer USB, I get the following error

I have tried this both on XP and on Vista (using Run As Administrator)

I have tried what Darren said about formatting it to FAT32 if I get an error, but I still get the error after that, I have also tried formatting to NTFS to see if that works but without any luck.

I was wondering whether anyone else had come across this problem and had managed to find a solution to this problem.

Thanks for any help in advance

Satal :lol:

Maybe the drive is corrupted? You can also try formatting under linux as fat32 as well. If linux can't do it as well orread the drive, then maybe the drive is damaged to begin with.

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Maybe the drive is corrupted? You can also try formatting under linux as fat32 as well. If linux can't do it as well orread the drive, then maybe the drive is damaged to begin with.

I would hope that it isn't corrupted as its still pretty new :(

I tried formatting it to Fat32 using Ubuntu using the following command

sudo mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/sda1

It still didn't work on Vista or XP :(

So hopefully some one else has an idea of what I could possibly do to try and get this working as I would like to think that my USB stick isn't corrupt as I have been using it without a problem for a couple weeks now.

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Is it formatting at FAT32 when you try format the drive, or throwing the error then? If it does format as FAT32, are you trying to run PeToUSB after formatting it with FAT32? If so, you dont need to. Run PeToUSB, and when it throws the error, format the partition at FAT32. You dont need to run PeToUSB after that.

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the petousb software have a problem of formatting greater than 2gig drive but if it doesn't format with Linux or windows then I think the drive is corrupted maybe u can try deleting the partition and creating it again you can do that by diskpart in win.

hope it works.

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