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Episode 5x24

Darren Kitchen

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Try using:

title Ophcrack
kernel /bootoph/bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal lang=C kmap=us screen=1024x768x16 autologin
initrd /bootoph/rootfs.gz

/Hits self..

Having the correct 2.3.1 live cd version would have helped :)

Thanks !

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hi, guys please help

i followed all the instructions on the episode for multipass episode 524

i have tried everything to get this to work but no luck all i get is a menu that gives me these for options….

find/menu.lst, /boot/grub/menu.lst, /grub/menu.lst




i followed all the instruction i can’t understand why its not working really hope you can help

my menu.lst file is in the root of my pen drive and copied the code excatly

really hope you can help

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@roonie 02 Aug 2009 13:14:27

are you sure you put something in your menu.lst?

are you sure its called menu.lst? (also with capitals?)

your sure your USB is bootable?

edit: Do you have copied the grldr from grub4dos 0.4.4?

If is that possible to boot all these isoes with chainloader option?

some can, all windows versions work with the chainloader, also freedos works here..

Bart's PE gets stuck here, but thats because i used a wrong windows version

somewhere in this thread is a way to boot ubuntu as a iso...

so give it a try

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Just want to throw this out there.. If you have a 8GB+ drive and your getting an error "FormatEx Error[11]: An Error Occurred Formating the Drive" even after formatting it FAT32 (as mentioned in the show), you need to download the newer version of PeToUSB v3.0.0.8 (link here).

I thought that might save some research time if anyone gets that error.. Good luck!

i tried every thing to format using petousb on a vista machine i had to be admin to see the drive in petousb on 1 of my xp machines it would never even see it on my laptop it is seen but same error message "FormatEx Error[11]: An Error Occurred Formating the Drive" have cruzer u3 8gb i have removed the u3 partition i have formated it fat32 numerous times using windows and the hp formating tool ; i used MS diskpart program to see if there was a hidden partition on it, there wasn't still don't know why it wasn't seen on my xp desktop

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Ok... so i have been adding things little by little getting them working....

Working So Far:

OphCrack (can't find tables on usb, however, with the ophcrack cd in, it found the tables there....)

WILL NOT LOAD TABLES FROM USB... with tables on a cd, then everything works fine...

System Rescue CD



Testing Now:


I can get BackTrack 4 to run, but then it stymies me at the bt4 login

any ideas on login & Password?? (how ironic!)

Trying the root.toor combo.... brb!

Read. This. Whole. Thread.

If you would have read this whole thread you would have realized that I solved your Ophcrack problem a couple posts ago... Go find it, there's no use in repeating information that is already here.

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I too have been waiting for this for quite sometime. Just a thought, wondering if possible to create 1 USB drive full of tools then create an image of that drive and extract the image to a second drive to create a multipass.

Also has anyone tried converting .iso to .img? Am just now trying to get mine set up.

Thanks to the Hak5 crew and Frank Castle this tool will come in great use on a daily basis for me:)

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I have used this method before to get multiple distro onto a USB.

My problem with this is when the distro has lotsa files.

For Trinity:

I moved all of its files to a folder called "trk3" & added to menu.lst:

title Trinity Rescue Kit

kernel /trk3/kernel.trk initrd=/trk3/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose

initrd /trk3/initrd.trk

I get the error that Trinity cannot find the CD [its a USB?].

What would I do to correct this?

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I too have been waiting for this for quite sometime. Just a thought, wondering if possible to create 1 USB drive full of tools then create an image of that drive and extract the image to a second drive to create a multipass.

Also has anyone tried converting .iso to .img? Am just now trying to get mine set up.

Thanks to the Hak5 crew and Frank Castle this tool will come in great use on a daily basis for me:)

what do you mean?

that you have 2 usb drives, with both the same programs?

thats not so hard, just copy paste...?

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4. Oh btw. Is there a way to put Win7 setup files on the key, and make "install windows 7" one of the choices?

Tried just starting the iso, that didnt work.


Adding an xp install cd to the multipass would make life so much easier, but so far I haven't had any luck getting it to work. Does anyone know how to get it to work?

No, read this:

Solution: multi-partition the drive and dump the Windows discs to each individual partition. Chainload setupldr.bin from the appropriate partition for XP or earlier, or bootmgr for Windows Vista/W7.

if you just dump the windows cd .iso on your drive and use the chainloader command it should work. (it works fine here)

the code:

title Windows 7 (64b)
map (hd0,0)/win764.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

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Does that work? I read that Linux and Windows NT-based OS's like Windows XP, Vista and 7 cannot see the mounted ISO, and Windows PE 3.0 (what Windows 7 Setup runs on) is NT-based.

it works here, i starts just like the CD, just a bit slower...

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[Anyone having success with [GRUB2 1.96] booting directly from the .ISO ?

Great results so far for only Ubuntu variants...

1. Ubuntu Jaunty, LinuxMint 7 work great with grub.cfg ;

menuentry "Ubuntu Live 9.04 i386" {

loopback loop /boot/iso/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso

linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/boot/iso/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso --

initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.gz

2. Backtrack (and others) Fail from the dreaded hang (Commit interval 5 seconds EXT3-fs) endless loop...

menuentry "BackTrack Pre 4" {

loopback loop /boot/iso/bt4-pre-final.iso

linux (loop)/boot/vmlinuz find_iso/filename=/boot/iso/bt4-pre-final.iso BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet --

initrd (loop)/boot/initrdfr.gz


This is becoming more trouble than it's worth... the teasing part is, Grub2 will be standard eventually, and it touts itself as being able to (cough cough) easily boot an .ISO image file (Live CD).


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if you just dump the windows cd .iso on your drive and use the chainloader command it should work. (it works fine here)

the code:

title Windows 7 (64b)
map (hd0,0)/win764.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

All i get is:

"Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area"

Is that a FAT/NTFS issue?

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For persistent changes on Backtack 4 Pre-final use

title BackTrack 4 Pre-final

root (hd0,0)

kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent vga=0x317 ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet



and place a "casper.rw" file on the root of your usb stick you can get some large casper.rw files from here


I set it up this way and did apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, fast-track update all etc etc and it has stuck :)

Edit: The casper.rw file is where your changes are stored so choose the size you want based on the changes you will make.

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Firstly awsome project!

I am trying to get the XP install setup working. Here is my menu.lst entry:-

title Windows XP Pro (32b)

map (hd0,0)/X2PVOL_EN.ISO (hd32)

map --hook

chainloader (hd32)

Everything seems to be going well, starts the install process etc but then when it gets to the end part of detecting HDDs I get a blue screen.

Ideas anyone?

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How to get Trinity Rescue Kit up and running

1. Copy the TRK ISO contents to the "Root" of your USB Stick

2. Rename your USB stick to "TRK_3-3" without quotes... if you do not do this it will give you the error that it cannot find the CD etc.

3. Add this to your "menu.lst"

title Trinity Rescue Kit

configfile /submenu.lst

4. Create another list file called "submenu.lst" and add this to it. Note: You dont need them all just the ones you want to use or if you only want a couple you can just add them to your menu.lst instead.

title Main-menu

configfile /menu.lst

title TRK 3.3

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - as bootserver to boot other TRK clients

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkbootnet

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - running from RAM (best >= 512mb, 256mb min)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkinmem

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - with bigger screenfont

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 normalfont

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - in simple VGA mode (debugging of kernel output)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=1 pci=conf1 splash=off

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - with Belgian keyboard (see docs for other)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 keyb_be

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Virusscan all drives (non interactive)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 virusscan

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Try more pcmcia and usb nics (when not detected)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 pcmcia

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Try more SCSI drivers (when disks not detected)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 scsidrv

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - with a secure shell server enabled

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Execute local scripts on harddrive of PC

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 locscr

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Fileshare all drives, secured with user

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbsec

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Fileshare all drives as guest, no security

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbguest

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Single user mode

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 runlevel 1

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=bios (Alternate boot 1)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic pci=bios

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=any (Alternate boot 2)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - PCI=conf2 (Alternate boot 3)

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf2

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - Verbose startup for debugging after initial bootfase

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 debugging

initrd /initrd.trk

timeout 100

title TRK 3.3 - SSH server and run from RAM

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - SSH server, run from RAM, act as a secure fileserver

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem smbsec

initrd /initrd.trk

title TRK 3.3 - with proxyserver support enabled

kernel /kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 proxy

initrd /initrd.trk

title Memory tester: Memtest86+ v1.65

kernel memtest.x86


When using updatetrk it copies everything from the root of where TRK was booted and rebuilds which is going to thrash your usb stick and probably not work after it does... that is if you have other files like BT4 etc on it... to get around this at least for now you can trk2usb it on another usb update that one then copy the files over to the Multipass

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All i get is:

"Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area"

Is that a FAT/NTFS issue?

Your image file is fragmented, so yes, it is a FAT issue. You COULD defragment your USB but that would mean moving all the files around, which would mean a dying USB faster because of all the writes. I'm not sure how bad this would impact the write cycle but I'd rather not try it because my drive is already more than a year old. I'm thinking of maybe imaging it after I have EVERYTHING I want, defragmenting the image somehow, and then rewriting it to the USB drive. What's everybody elses thoughts on this?

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