Charles Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 I just finished up my multiboot disk, got most of the problems worked out due to this thread. Thanks to the guys at Hak5 for doing a great episode. I think the only one I had a problem with was KNOPPIX and Trinity Rescue Kit. (both had to be in the root of the drive) I didn't create a usb disk with trinity on it, but just copied the trk3 directory into the root of the thumb drive. The thumb drive's volume label is "MULTIPASS." Installed applications: BackTrack 4 Pre Clonezilla DBAN Gparted Hiren's BootCD 10.1 Knoppix 6.2 DVD Kon-Boot Memtest86 Memtest86+ Mini Windows XP (part of Hiren's Boot CD) OphCrack Super Grub Disk Trinity Rescue Kit Ubuntu 9.10 Ultimate Boot CD Avira Rescue CD Kaspersky Rescue Disk Directory tree: . |-- AviraRescueCD.iso |-- HBCD | |-- Active.uha | |-- Astra.uha | |-- BiosBoot.uha | |-- DiskCmdr.uha | |-- Diskptch.uha | |-- DosBurn.uha | |-- DskMangr.uha | |-- ESTest.uha | |-- EasyRecv.uha | |-- FastLynx.uha | |-- Ghost.uha | |-- HDAT2.uha | |-- HDDReg.uha | |-- HWiNFO.uha | |-- HddErase.uha | |-- HddTools.uha | |-- Killdisk.uha | |-- Med_Tool.uha | |-- Mini98.uha | |-- MpxPlay.uha | |-- NTFS4DOS.uha | |-- Network.uha | |-- NtPwd.uha | |-- PCI32.uha | |-- PCcheck.uha | |-- PartCmdr.uha | |-- PartMngr.uha | |-- QuickVie.uha | |-- ReHive.uha | |-- RegView.uha | |-- SavePart.uha | |-- SystemAn.uha | |-- TestDisk.uha | |-- Tools.uha | |-- VC.uha | |-- Victoria.uha | |-- Warn.bat | |-- WinTools | | |-- 7Zip.bat | | |-- AngryIPScanner.bat | | |-- AsteriskLogger.bat | | |-- AutoRuns.bat | | |-- Autorun.csv | | |-- Autorun.exe | | |-- CCleaner.bat | | |-- CPUz.bat | | |-- CPorts.bat | | |-- ComboFix.exe | | |-- ContentAdvisorPasswordRemover.bat | | |-- CoolWebSearch_Remover.bat | | |-- DTemp.bat | | |-- DefragNT.bat | | |-- DependencyWalker.bat | | |-- DialAFix.bat | | |-- DisableAutorun.bat | | |-- DisableCompressOldFiles.bat | | |-- DiskMan4.bat | | |-- DoubleDriver.bat | | |-- DriveImageXML.bat | | |-- DriverBackup.bat | | |-- DrvImgXp.bat | | |-- DskSpeed.bat | | |-- EASEUSPartitionMaster.bat | | |-- ERDComputerManagement.bat | | |-- ERDExplorer.bat | | |-- ERDSystemRestore.bat | | |-- EditHosts.bat | | |-- EzPCFix.bat | | |-- FastCopy.bat | | |-- FileDisk.bat | | |-- GPU-Z.bat | | |-- GetDataFAT.bat | | |-- GetDataNTFS.bat | | |-- Ghost32.bat | | |-- GhostExp.bat | | |-- Grub4DosInstaller.bat | | |-- HBCDCustomize.exe | | |-- HDDScan.bat | | |-- HDTune.bat | | |-- HijackThis.exe | | |-- HxD.bat | | |-- IBProcMan.exe | | |-- InfraRecorder.bat | | |-- JkDefrag.bat | | |-- KasperskyVirusRemoval.bat | | |-- KillBox.exe | | |-- MailPassView.bat | | |-- Malwarebytes.bat | | |-- MbrFix.bat | | |-- MbrWizard.bat | | |-- MemTest.bat | | |-- MessenPass.bat | | |-- MonitorTester.bat | | |-- NewSID.bat | | |-- NtRegOpt.bat | | |-- OpenedFilesView.bat | | |-- Opera.bat | | |-- PCI32.bat | | |-- PCWizard.bat | | |-- PageDfrg.bat | | |-- PartSaving.bat | | |-- PartitionFindAndMount.bat | | |-- PasswordRenew.bat | | |-- PhotoRec.bat | | |-- ProceXP.exe | | |-- ProcessActivityView.bat | | |-- ProcessExplorer.bat | | |-- ProduKey.bat | | |-- Recuva.bat | | |-- RegEditPE.bat | | |-- RegRestoreWizard.bat | | |-- RegScanner.bat | | |-- RegistryBackup.bat | | |-- RemoveRestrictionsTool.bat | | |-- RemoveWGA.bat | | |-- Restoration.bat | | |-- RootkitRevealer.bat | | |-- SM.bat | | |-- ShExView.bat | | |-- Shredder.bat | | |-- SilentRunners.bat | | |-- SmartDriverBackup.bat | | |-- SmitFraudFix.bat | | |-- SnapShot.bat | | |-- SpaceMonger.bat | | |-- Splitter.exe | | |-- SpybotSD.bat | | |-- SpywareBlaster.bat | | |-- StartupCPL.bat | | |-- StartupMonitor.exe | | |-- Streams.bat | | |-- SuperAntiSpyware.bat | | |-- TCPView.bat | | |-- TestDisk.bat | | |-- TrueCrypt.bat | | |-- TweakUI.bat | | |-- USBFormat.bat | | |-- UltimateWindowsTweaker.bat | | |-- Undelete.bat | | |-- UnknownDevices.bat | | |-- Unlocker.bat | | |-- UnstoppableCopier.bat | | |-- UsbDeView.bat | | |-- VideoMemoryStressTest.bat | | |-- VirtualFloppyDrive.bat | | |-- VolkovCommander.bat | | |-- WinDirStat.bat | | |-- WinKeyFinder.bat | | |-- WindowsGate.bat | | |-- Winsock2Fix9x.bat | | |-- WirelessKeyView.bat | | |-- XP-Key-Reader.bat | | |-- XpTCPIPWinsockRepair.bat | | |-- files | | | |-- 7Zip.uha | | | |-- Autoruns.uha | | | |-- CCleaner.uha | | | |-- CpuZ.uha | | | |-- Cygwin1.uha | | | |-- DDriver.uha | | | |-- DependencyWalker.uha | | | |-- DialAFix.uha | | | |-- DriveImageXML.uha | | | |-- DrvImgXp.uha | | | |-- EPM.uha | | | |-- ERD.uha | | | |-- EzPCFix.uha | | | |-- FastCopy.uha | | | |-- FileDisk.uha | | | |-- Files.uha | | | |-- GPU-Z.uha | | | |-- GetDataB.uha | | | |-- Ghost32.uha | | | |-- HDDScan.uha | | | |-- HDTune.uha | | | |-- HxD.uha | | | |-- InfraRecorder.uha | | | |-- JkDefrag.uha | | | |-- KasperskyVirusRemoval.uha | | | |-- Malwarebytes.uha | | | |-- MbrFix.uha | | | |-- NTREGOPT.uha | | | |-- NirSoft.uha | | | |-- Opera.uha | | | |-- PCwizard.uha | | | |-- PartFind.uha | | | |-- PasswordRenew.uha | | | |-- Recuva.uha | | | |-- RegEditPE.uha | | | |-- Restoration.uha | | | |-- RootkitRevealer.uha | | | |-- SRunners.uha | | | |-- SmartDriverBackup.uha | | | |-- SmitfraudFix.uha | | | |-- SpybotSD.uha | | | |-- SpywareBlaster.uha | | | |-- SuperAntiSpyware.uha | | | |-- TrueCrypt.uha | | | |-- TweakUI.uha | | | |-- USBGrub.uha | | | |-- UltimateWindowsTweaker.uha | | | |-- Undelete.uha | | | |-- Unlocker.uha | | | |-- VFD.uha | | | |-- VideoMemoryStressTest.uha | | | |-- WinKeyFinder.uha | | | |-- WindirSt.uha | | | |-- WindowsGate.uha | | | |-- coolweb.uha | | | |-- mkisofs.uha | | | |-- sm.uha | | | `-- xp-AntiSpy.uha | | |-- siw.exe | | |-- snapshot.exe | | `-- xp-AntiSpy.bat | |-- XP | |-- XP.BIN | |-- XP.CA_ | |-- XP.DAT | |-- XPLOADER.BIN | |-- adds.uha | |-- atis.uha | |-- boot.gz | |-- chntpw.uha | |-- copyr.uha | |-- dcc.uha | |-- dosnav.uha | |-- fm.uha | |-- fw.uha | |-- ghstwalk.uha | |-- grldr | |-- isolinux.bin | |-- isolinux.cfg | |-- keyboard.bat | |-- memdisk | |-- memtest.gz | |-- menu.c32 | |-- menu.lst | |-- mix.uha | |-- nortUTIL.uha | |-- nssi.uha | |-- ntfs.uha | |-- pRESIZER.uha | |-- pmount.uha | |-- pqdi.uha | |-- pqpm.uha | |-- ts.uha | `-- uharc.exe |-- KNOPPIX | |-- KNOPPIX | |-- LICENSE.txt | |-- README_Security.txt | |-- SOURCES.txt | |-- background.jpg | |-- index_de.html | |-- index_en.html | |-- index_fr.html | |-- index_it.html | |-- knoppix-cheatcodes.txt | |-- knoppix-logo-medium.png | |-- knoppix-logo-small.png | |-- knoppix.lst | |-- linux | |-- minirt.gz | |-- modules | | |-- aufs.ko | | `-- cloop.ko | `-- sha1sums |-- bootbt4 | |-- bootsplash | |-- grub | | |-- bt4.lst | | |-- bt4.xpm.gz | | |-- bt4boot.xpm.gz | | `-- stage2_eltorito | |-- initrd.gz | |-- initrd800.gz | |-- initrdfr.gz | |-- memtest86+.bin | `-- vmlinuz |-- casper | |-- filesystem.manifest | |-- filesystem.manifest-desktop | `-- filesystem.squashfs |-- clonezilla | |-- isolinux | | |-- | | |-- chain.c32 | | |-- drblwp.png | | |-- isolinux.bin | | |-- isolinux.cfg | | |-- memdisk | | |-- menu.c32 | | |-- ocswp.png | | `-- vesamenu.c32 | `-- live | |-- eb.zli | |-- filesystem.squashfs | |-- freedos.img | |-- gpxe.lkn | |-- initrd1.img | |-- memtest | |-- packages.txt | |-- parameters.txt | `-- vmlinuz1 |-- dban | |-- dban.ima | `-- memdisk |-- fingerprint.xpm.gz |-- gparted | |-- Gsplash.png | |-- | |-- chain.c32 | |-- exithelp.cfg | |-- filesystem.squashfs | |-- gparted.lst | |-- initrd1.img | |-- isolinux.bin | |-- isolinux.cfg | |-- live.cfg | |-- memdisk | |-- memtest | |-- menu.c32 | |-- menu.cfg | |-- packages.txt | |-- parameters.txt | |-- prompt.cfg | |-- splash.png | |-- stdmenu.cfg | |-- vesamenu.c32 | `-- vmlinuz1 |-- grldr |-- kav_rescue_2008.iso |-- konboot | `-- FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img |-- mem86+ | `-- BOOT | |-- BOOT.CAT | `-- MEMTEST.IMG |-- memtest86 | |-- BOOT.CAT | |-- BOOT.TXT | |-- ISOLINUX.BIN | |-- ISOLINUX.CFG | |-- MEMTEST | |-- MEMTEST.34 | `-- MEMTEST.SMP |-- menu.lst |-- sgd.iso |-- tables | |-- bzImage | |-- ophcrack.lst | |-- rootfs.gz | |-- vista_free | | |-- md5sum.txt | | |-- postdict | | |-- table0.bin | | |-- table0.index | | |-- table0.start | | |-- table1.bin | | |-- table1.index | | |-- table1.start | | |-- table2.bin | | |-- table2.index | | |-- table2.start | | |-- table3.bin | | |-- table3.index | | |-- table3.start | | |-- vista_free.md5 | | |-- vista_free.sfv | | `-- worddict | |-- xp_free_fast | | |-- README-5k.TXT | | |-- table0.bin | | |-- table0.index | | |-- table0.start | | |-- table1.bin | | |-- table1.index | | |-- table1.start | | |-- table2.bin | | |-- table2.index | | |-- table2.start | | |-- table3.bin | | |-- table3.index | | |-- table3.start | | |-- xp_free_fast.md5 | | `-- xp_free_fast.sfv | `-- xp_free_small | |-- md5sum.txt | |-- table0.bin | |-- table0.index | |-- table0.start | |-- table1.bin | |-- table1.index | |-- table1.start | |-- table2.bin | |-- table2.index | |-- table2.start | |-- table3.bin | |-- table3.index | `-- table3.start |-- trk3 | |-- AUTORUN.INF | |-- | |-- bootlogo.jpg | |-- captive | |-- clamdb | | |-- daily.cvd | | `-- main.cvd | |-- disableautorun.exe | |-- initrd.trk | |-- isolinux.bin | |-- isolinux.cfg | |-- kernel.trk | |-- memdisk | |-- memtest.x86 | |-- mkpxelinux | |-- pxelinux.0 | |-- pxelinux.cfg | |-- syslinux | |-- syslinux.cfg | |-- syslinux.exe | |-- trinity.ico | |-- trk.lst | |-- trk.xpm.gz | |-- trkramfs | |-- trspack-1_0.exe | |-- trsrun-1_0-nq.exe | |-- trsrun-1_0.exe | `-- vesamenu.c32 |-- ubcd411.iso `-- ubuntu910.iso 25 directories, 409 files menu.lst: splashimage /fingerprint.xpm.gz foreground ffffff background 0639a1 timeout 120 ### Back|Track 4 Pre ### title BackTrack 4 configfile /bootbt4/grub/bt4.lst ### Clonezilla ### title Clonezilla root (hd0,0) kernel /clonezilla/live/vmlinuz1 boot=live union=aufs vga=789 ip=frommedia live-media-path=/clonezilla/live bootfrom=/dev/hda toram=filesystem.squashfs noprompt ocs_live_run="ocs-live-general" ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_keymap="" ocs_live_batch="no" ocs_lang="" initrd /clonezilla/live/initrd1.img boot ### Darik's Boot and Nuke 1.07 ### title Darik's Boot and Nuke kernel /dban/memdisk initrd /dban/dban.ima ### Gparted ### title Gparted configfile /gparted/gparted.lst ### Hiren's Boot CD ### title Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot ### Knoppix 6.2 DVD ### title Knoppix 6.2 configfile /KNOPPIX/knoppix.lst ### Kon-Boot ### title Kon-Boot map --mem /konboot/FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook rootnoverify (fd0) ### Memtest86 3.5 ### title Memtest86 kernel /memtest86/memtest ### Memtest 86+ 4.00 ### title Memtest86+ map --mem /mem86+/boot/memtest.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) ### Mini Windows XP ### title Mini Windows XP find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN ### OphCrack XP/Vista/7 ### title OphCrack configfile /tables/ophcrack.lst ### Super Grub Disk ### title Super Grub Disk map --mem /sgd.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) ### Trinity Rescue Kit ### title Trinity Rescue Kit configfile /trk3/trk.lst ### Ubuntu 9.10 x86 LiveCD ### title Ubuntu 9.10 find --set-root /ubuntu910.iso map /ubuntu910.iso (0xff) map --hook root (0xff) kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu910.iso quiet splash locale=en.UTF-8 -- initrd /casper/initrd.lz boot ### Ultimate Boot CD 4.1.1 ### title Ultimate Boot CD find --set-root /ubcd411.iso map /ubcd411.iso (hd32) map --hook root (hd32) chainloader (hd32) ### Avira Rescue CD ### title Avira Rescue CD map /AviraRescueCD.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) ### Kaspersky Rescue Disk ### title Kasperky Rescue Disk map /kav_rescue_2008.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) title kernel initrd # --- Reboot --- title Reboot the System reboot # --- Shutdown --- title Shut Down the System halt bt4.lst: # By default, boot the first entry. default 0 # Boot automatically after 30 secs. timeout 30 #splashimage=/bootbt4/grub/bt4boot.xpm.gz title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (1024x768) kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x317 initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (800x600) kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x314 initrd /bootbt4/initrd800.gz title Start BackTrack Forensics (no swap) kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw vga=0x317 initrd /bootbt4/initrdfr.gz title Start BackTrack in Safe Graphical Mode kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz title Start Persistent Live CD kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent rw quiet initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack in Text Mode kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent textonly rw quiet initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack Graphical Mode from RAM kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper toram nopersistent rw quiet initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz title Memory Test kernel /bootbt4/memtest86+.bin title Boot the First Hard Disk root (hd1) chainloader +1 title kernel initrd title Return to Main Menu configfile /menu.lst gparted.lst: timeout 300 prompt 0 noescape 1 title GParted Live (Default settings) kernel /gparted/vmlinuz1 live-media-path=/gparted bootfrom=/dev/sd boot=live union=aufs noswap vga=788 ip=frommedia initrd=/gparted/initrd1.img title GParted Live without framebuffer kernel /gparted/vmlinuz1 live-media-path=/gparted bootfrom=/dev/sd boot=live union=aufs noswap ip=frommedia vga=normal initrd=/gparted/initrd1.img title GParted Live failsafe mode root (hd0,0) kernel /gparted/vmlinuz1 live-media-path=/gparted bootfrom=/dev/sd boot=live union=aufs noswap acpi=off irqpoll noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nosmp ip=frommedia vga=normal initrd=/gparted/initrd1.img title kernel initrd title Return to Main Menu configfile /menu.lst knoppix.lst: title Adriane kernel /KNOPPIX/linux ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=0x311 nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer adriane initrd=/KNOPPIX/minirt.gz title Knoppix (Default) kernel /KNOPPIX/linux APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=791 nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer initrd=/KNOPPIX/minirt.gz title Knoppix (800x600) kernel /KNOPPIX/linux APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=788 xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer initrd=/KNOPPIX/minirt.gz title Knoppix (1024x768) kernel /KNOPPIX/linux APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=791 xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer initrd=/KNOPPIX/minirt.gz title Knoppix (1280x1024) kernel /KNOPPIX/linux APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=794 xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer initrd=/KNOPPIX/minirt.gz title kernel initrd title Return to Main Menu configfile /menu.lst trk.lst #splashimage /trk3/trk.xpm.gz title Run Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 (default) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 as bootserver to boot other TRK clients kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkbootnet vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 from RAM (best >= 512mb, 256mb min) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkinmem vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 with bigger screenfont kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 normalfont vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 in simple VGA mode (debugging of kernel output) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=1 pci=conf1 splash=off vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Virusscan all drives (non interactive) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 virusscan vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Try more pcmcia and usb nics (when not detected) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 pcmcia vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Try more SCSI drivers (when disks not detected) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 scsidrv vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 with a secure shell server enabled kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Execute local scripts on harddrive of PC kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 locscr vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Fileshare all drives, secured with user kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbsec vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Fileshare all drives as guest, no security kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbguest vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Single user mode kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 runlevel 1 vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=bios (Alternate boot 1) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic pci=bios vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=any (Alternate boot 2) kernel /boot/boot.trk/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - PCI=conf2 (Alternate boot 3) kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf2 vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - Verbose startup for debugging after initial bootphase kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 debugging vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - SSH server and run from RAM kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 - SSH server, run from RAM, act as a secure fileserver kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem smbsec vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run TRK 3.3 with proxyserver support enabled kernel /trk3/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 proxy vollabel=MULTIPASS initrd /trk3/initrd.trk title Run Memory tester: Memtest86+ v1.65 kernel /trk3/memtest.x86 title Return to Main Menu configfile /menu.lst Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VMwareDude Posted January 9, 2010 Share Posted January 9, 2010 hey guys, great episode btw. Now i just started on all this and have my 8gb cruzer formatted FAT32, when i go to run Grub installer (choose hd6 as that is what my usb comes up as and click install) i get the following message. grubinst: write: Bad file descriptor Now i now its stupid to get stuck on this step, im pretty sure i can do everything else but i have no clue where to go from this problem, thanks I hit the same issue with a SanDisk 32 GB Flash Drive and solved the issue by reformatting and selecting a smaller block size (smallest available from Windows 7). Reran grubinst_gui.exe and everything worked. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 This is my menu.lst I/ Backtrack -Unzip ur iso file using 7zip and copy the 2 boot folder - This part is VERY IMPORTANT: make sure you go to boot/grub/menu.lst and change the original menu.lst ** as you will see below, i changed the name of my boot from boot to bootBT4 II/ Ubuntu9-10 - You need the iso file in your MultiPass root - make another copy of the iso file (on your desktop and unzip it), then copy the casper file III/Overall - MAKE SURE THAT THE NAME & EXTENSIONS OF THE FILES (ISO, IMG and so on) IN YOUR MULTIPASS IS THE SAME AS THE ONES IN YOUR MENU - If you have any question just let me know and i'll try the best that i can to help. The code is as follow: splashimage /MultiPass001.xpm.gz color white/black green/black timeout 120 title Boot The First Hard Disk rootnoverify (hd1) chainloader +1 title BackTrack 4: Penetration testing toolkit configfile /bootBT4/grub/BT4menu.lst savedefault title Ubuntu 9-10 LiveCD find --set-root /Ubuntu-910.iso map /Ubuntu-910.iso (0xff) map --hook root (0xff) kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdroom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/Ubuntu-910.iso quiet splash locale=en.UTF-8 persistent -- initrd /casper/initrd.lz title Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup- First and Second parts root (hd0,0) configfile /winsetup.lst savedefault //Directory is excluded in tree still testing this, please refer to notes at the bottom of the tree output// title Kon-Boot-test: Bypass Logon for Windows and Linux - Login name is root. map --mem /konboot-v1.1.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook rootnoverify (fd0) title Memtest86: Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool. map (hd0,0)/memtest86+-4.00.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot //Mem-test is called directly from an ISO on the root here.// title NTpasswd: Password Recovery on Vista/XP. kernel /NTpasswd/vmlinuz rw vga=1 initrd=/NTpasswd/initrd.cgz /ntpasswd/scsi.cgz initrd /NTpasswd/initrd.cgz title System Rescue CD: repair unbootable or otherwise. damaged computer systems root (hd0,0) kernel /rescuecd initrd=initram.igz video=ofonly vga=0 scandelay=5 initrd /initram.igz title Trinity Rescue Kit - ISO map --mem (hd0,0)/trinity-rescue-kit.3.3-build-334.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot title DBAN: Hard Drive Disk Wipe and Data Clearing. kernel /memdisk initrd /DBAN.img title FreeDOS: free DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible systems. map (hd0,0)/FreeDOS.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot //FreeDOS is called directly from an ISO on the root here. Not all software’s can be used like this.// title kernal initrd # --- Notes --- title Notes configfile /menu2.lst savedefault title Serials select and press E to view map Windows 7 64b XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX map Windows 7 32b XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX map Windows XP 32b XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX kernel boot //By pressing E you may see predefined keys then return to your menu with this entry// # --- Shutdown --- title Shut Down the System halt # --- Reboot --- title Reboot the System reboot Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 I didn't need to copy the casper directory to the root for Ubuntu. I did however, need to copy it for BT4 Final. *shrugs* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 @ Charles ... is your Ubuntu menu different and does it boot well? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 title Ubuntu 9-10 LiveCD find --set-root /Ubuntu-910.iso map /Ubuntu-910.iso (0xff) map --hook root (0xff) kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdroom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/Ubuntu-910.iso quiet splash locale=en.UTF-8 persistent -- initrd /casper/initrd.lz Mine is a little different. I'm guessing yours in a persistent liveusb? ### Ubuntu 9.10 x86 LiveCD ### title Ubuntu 9.10 find --set-root /ubuntu910.iso map /ubuntu910.iso (0xff) map --hook root (0xff) kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu910.iso quiet splash locale=en.UTF-8 -- initrd /casper/initrd.lz boot Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 23, 2010 Share Posted January 23, 2010 Is anyone here who's Backtrck4 is working "really" well. Somehow mine now refuses to go past this: Start BackTrack FrameBuffer, Start BackTrack Forensics and so on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Is it actually booting or getting stuck at the menu? Mine is working fine. Tree: . |-- bt4final |Â Â |-- bootsplash |Â Â |-- grub |Â Â |Â Â |-- bt4.xpm.gz |Â Â |Â Â |-- bt4final.lst |Â Â |Â Â `-- stage2_eltorito |Â Â |-- initrd.gz |Â Â |-- initrd800.gz |Â Â |-- initrdfr.gz |Â Â |-- memtest86+.bin |Â Â `-- vmlinuz |-- casper |Â Â |-- filesystem.manifest |Â Â |-- filesystem.manifest-desktop |Â Â `-- filesystem.squashfs |-- fingerprint.xpm.gz |-- grldr `-- menu.lst menu.lst entry: ### Back|Track 4 Final ### title BackTrack 4 Final configfile /bt4final/grub/bt4final.lst bt4final.lst: # By default, boot the first entry. default 0 # Boot automatically after 30 secs. timeout 30 #splashimage=/bt4final/grub/bt4.xpm.gz foreground e3e3e3 background 303030 title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (1024x768) kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x317 initrd /bt4final/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (800x600) kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x314 initrd /bt4final/initrd800.gz title Start BackTrack Forensics (no swap) kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw vga=0x317 initrd /bt4final/initrdfr.gz title Start BackTrack in Safe Graphical Mode kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet initrd /bt4final/initrd.gz title Start Persistent Live CD kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent rw quiet initrd /bt4final/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack in Text Mode kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent textonly rw quiet initrd /bt4final/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack Graphical Mode from RAM kernel /bt4final/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper toram nopersistent rw quiet initrd /bt4final/initrd.gz title Memory Test kernel /bt4final/memtest86+.bin title Boot the First Hard Disk root (hd0) chainloader +1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Thanks i have the same thing but i think it's because my casper folder is missing this file: filesystem.squashfs, and i cant put it back on Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 You can't pull it from the iso and put it into the casper folder? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 nope. For some reason, it's the only file in the casper folder that i cannot copy. I don't know if maybe it's because of the size (1.4GB); although i doubt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Hrm. How much space is left on yer thumb drive? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 i have a 16GB thumb drive, i have more than 11GB left but somehow that file doesn't want to go. I tried xcopy and so on. I just used unetbootin to burn the iso image to my usb but then the volume changes from 1.4Gb to 0 byte. Bracktrack does boot but it stucks at the loading page (i think it's the one before this: And i wanted to pend the day to work on hacksaw.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Hrm. I would suggest verifying the MD5sum of the iso and then try extracting to to a folder on the desktop using something like 7-zip. See if it will extract, then move it over to the usb drive. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phen1x13 Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Thanks, it works. I put everything (except menu.lst and grldr) into a hidden folder on the usb as to make sure that they are secure (sort of the way real usb programs are done). Now all i have to do is change the path of all the files in the menu list and backtrack menu list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judgefeyd Posted February 9, 2010 Share Posted February 9, 2010 I am still quite a newbie here so please bear with me. I started off by following the Grub 2 instructions from and set up my multipass drive like this: boot --grub ---(all the grub files) BT4 --bootbt4 ---(all those files) --casper ---(all those files) --(all the files associated with BT4) TRK --pxelinux.cfg ---(empty) --trk3 ---(associated files) --(rest of the TRK files) grldr menu.lst Here is my menu.lst: title BackTrack 4 kernel /BT4/bootbt4/vmlinuz vga=0x317 ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet initrd=/BT4/bootbt4/initrd.gz boot title Trinity Rescue Kit 3 kernel /TRK/kernel.trk initrd=/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose initrd /TRK/initrd.trk What I get when I boot from the drive is the VT100 command prompt and not the menu of what to choose to boot. What next step would I take? Thanks for all your help Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Netshroud Posted February 9, 2010 Share Posted February 9, 2010 Grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, it uses grub.cfg which has a different syntax. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judgefeyd Posted February 22, 2010 Share Posted February 22, 2010 Grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, it uses grub.cfg which has a different syntax. thanks Psychosis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lufthansa747 Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 (edited) i have a 16gb sandisk cruiser. i tried using usbprep and got a formatting error. so i then formatted the usb with the disk manager tab. then i ran the grub gui and i got the message mdr was istalled succsefuly. then i added the grldr file and added a menu.lst file. but when i tried booting it i got a message saying. please remove all devices and retry? what do i do. one more quik note, i am running xp and it gives me the above problems but i tried it on a laptop with vista and it loaded up to grubs main screen. y is that Edited March 30, 2010 by lufthansa747 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
H@L0_F00 Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 Sounds like it's your machine that's throwing the error and not GRUB4DOS/GRUB2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lufthansa747 Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 oh so i guess there is nothing i can do. and second when you run back track which setting do you choose because there is a list of like 10 different ones to run. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
H@L0_F00 Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 Well if it works on other PCs and/or VMs, then you can try fiddling around with the BIOS or maybe try PLoP. For Back|Track, use which ever boot argument suit your needs, which will most likely be the first or second choice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lufthansa747 Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 ok but like what option do the hak5 guys use. cause they have like a mouse. when i run it i only have a comand line Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
H@L0_F00 Posted April 1, 2010 Share Posted April 1, 2010 Sounds like you need to run "startx" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lufthansa747 Posted April 1, 2010 Share Posted April 1, 2010 what is startx and how do i instal it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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