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(Pandora) Saver2


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Just an FYI; my slacker sessions have been going well, I think.

Are there are no log files which require deletion these days? I couldn't find them quickly.


8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM #8394 GET http://www.slacker.com/wsv1/session/next2?...amp;elapsed=223

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM Slacker: #8394 matched http://*slacker.com/wsv1/*

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM Slacker: Sniffed songs belonging to station Wayne Horvitz

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM Slacker: Got song ID 872529

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM Slacker: Got song ID 2715884

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM #8395 GET http://signal-4.slacker.com/c2/transcoding...5b7e440d4144c24

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM #8396 GET http://images-02.slacker.com/e1/covers/272/54942

8/14/2009 10:05:30 PM #8397 GET http://images-01.slacker.com/e1/covers/200/240981

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM Slacker: #8397 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8398 GET http://images-02.slacker.com/e1/covers/75/54942

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM Slacker: #8396 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM Slacker: #8395 matched http://signal-*.slacker.com/*

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM Slacker: #8398 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8399 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8399: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8400 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ta_ringtone.gif

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8402 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/nextTrackSta...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&reasonCode=3&userRevoked=false&newuser=0&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Wed%20Oct%2001%202008%2010:21:18%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=425&ipzip=98075&isIdle=false&navLock=false&client=webplayer&engine=flash&tid=872529&fid=4788933&sid=stations%2F8534942%2F1250137833&rnd=1250312731657

8/14/2009 10:05:31 PM #8401 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/timeToTrackP...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&reasonCode=3&userRevoked=false&newuser=0&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Wed%20Oct%2001%202008%2010:21:18%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=425&ipzip=98075&isIdle=false&navLock=false&client=webplayer&engine=flash&t=1017&tid=872529&fid=4788933&sid=stations%2F8534942%2F1250137833&rnd=1250312731654

8/14/2009 10:05:33 PM 872529: Matched song URL: http://signal-4.slacker.com/c2/transcoding...5b7e440d4144c24

8/14/2009 10:05:33 PM 872529: Song ready, submitting

8/14/2009 10:05:33 PM Slacker: sniffed The Lounge Lizards - "Demented" on 'Lounge Lizards' (ID 872529)

8/14/2009 10:05:34 PM Saver2: Processing song The Lounge Lizards - "Demented" on 'Lounge Lizards' (ID 872529)

8/14/2009 10:05:34 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Slacker; MP3 format, 2015778 bytes

8/14/2009 10:05:35 PM Saver2: Using existing album art

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM Saver2: Saved AART to 'C:\Users\Brooke\Music\The Lounge Lizards\Lounge Lizards.png'

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM Saver2: Processing completed.

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM #8403 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:36 PM #8403: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:05:41 PM #8404 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:41 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:41 PM #8404: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:05:45 PM #8405 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15.../album_over.png

8/14/2009 10:05:45 PM #8406 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...aying/album.png

8/14/2009 10:05:45 PM #8407 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ng/bio_over.png

8/14/2009 10:05:46 PM #8408 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...lyrics_over.png

8/14/2009 10:05:46 PM #8409 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...lyrics_over.png

8/14/2009 10:05:46 PM #8410 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ng/bio_over.png

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8411 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8412 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=292517057

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8411: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8413 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=708828007

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8414 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ng/bio_down.png

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8415 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...Playing/bio.png

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8416 GET http://www.slacker.com/search/showArtistIn...o?artistId=5365

8/14/2009 10:05:47 PM #8417 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...Playing/bio.png

8/14/2009 10:05:48 PM #8418 GET http://images-05.slacker.com/e1/portraits/200xy/5365

8/14/2009 10:05:48 PM #8419 GET http://www.slacker.com/mapper/s=1.0.2/webp...lit_template.vm

8/14/2009 10:05:48 PM #8420 GET http://www.slacker.com/mapper/s=1.0.1/webp...x90_template.vm

8/14/2009 10:05:49 PM #8421 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=227849123

8/14/2009 10:05:52 PM #8422 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:52 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:52 PM #8422: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:05:57 PM #8423 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:05:57 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:05:57 PM #8423: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:02 PM #8424 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:02 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:02 PM #8424: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:07 PM #8425 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:07 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:07 PM #8425: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:13 PM #8426 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:13 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:13 PM #8426: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:18 PM #8427 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:18 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:18 PM #8427: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:23 PM #8428 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:23 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:23 PM #8428: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:28 PM #8429 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:28 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:28 PM #8429: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:33 PM #8430 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:33 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:33 PM #8430: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:39 PM #8431 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:39 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:39 PM #8431: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:44 PM #8432 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:44 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:44 PM #8432: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: address

at System.Net.IPEndPoint..ctor(IPAddress address, Int32 port)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 269

8/14/2009 10:06:47 PM Status: 03:35:57.3885000 running

8/14/2009 10:06:47 PM 8437 requests serviced, 4 active connections.

8/14/2009 10:06:47 PM 3.9MB sent, 249.7MB received

8/14/2009 10:06:48 PM #8433 CONNECT t1.tiles.virtualearth.net:443

8/14/2009 10:06:48 PM #8435 CONNECT t1.tiles.virtualearth.net:443

8/14/2009 10:06:48 PM #8434 CONNECT t0.tiles.virtualearth.net:443

8/14/2009 10:06:48 PM #8436 CONNECT t0.tiles.virtualearth.net:443

8/14/2009 10:06:48 PM #8437 CONNECT t0.tiles.virtualearth.net:443

8/14/2009 10:06:49 PM #8438 GET http://gadgets.weather.com/weather/local/U...cc=*&unit=s

8/14/2009 10:06:49 PM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/14/2009 10:06:49 PM #8438: Failure to connect: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

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Another Slacker - S2, Vista:

8/15/2009 10:32:28 AM Slacker: #10221 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/15/2009 10:32:28 AM #10223 GET http://www.slacker.com/mapper/s=1.0.2/webp...600_template.vm

8/15/2009 10:32:28 AM Plugin error while post-tampering: System.ArgumentException

System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.

at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream)

at SimpleSaverPlugin.HandleAART(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SimpleSaverPlugin.cs:line 147

at SimpleSaverPlugin.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SimpleSaverPlugin.cs:line 119

at SaverPlugin.TamperResponseAfter(Session s) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SaverPlugin.cs:line 153

at Proxy.PluginMgr.TamperAfter(Session sess) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 85

8/15/2009 10:32:28 AM Slacker: #10216 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/15/2009 10:32:28 AM 611160: Got album art

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM Slacker: sniffed Wayne Horvitz - "Sterno" on 'Live in Poland' (ID 611160)

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM 611163: Got album art

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM Slacker: sniffed Wayne Horvitz - "The Front" on 'Live in Poland' (ID 611163)

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM 611160: Got album art

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM Slacker: sniffed Wayne Horvitz - "Sterno" on 'Live in Poland' (ID 611160)

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM #10224 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/timeToTrackP...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&reasonCode=3&userRevoked=false&newuser=0&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Wed%20Oct%2001%202008%2010:21:18%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=425&ipzip=98075&isIdle=false&navLock=false&client=webplayer&engine=flash&t=2791&tid=611160&fid=4051838&sid=stations%2F8534942%2F1250137833&rnd=1250357549201

8/15/2009 10:32:29 AM #10225 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/nextTrackSta...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&reasonCode=3&userRevoked=false&newuser=0&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Wed%20Oct%2001%202008%2010:21:18%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=425&ipzip=98075&isIdle=false&navLock=false&client=webplayer&engine=flash&tid=611160&fid=4051838&sid=stations%2F8534942%2F1250137833&rnd=1250357549204

8/15/2009 10:32:31 AM #10226 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ta_ringtone.gif

8/15/2009 10:32:36 AM 611160: Matched song URL: http://signal-5.slacker.com/c2/transcoding...16275a84d824145

8/15/2009 10:32:37 AM #10227 GET http://www.slacker.com/eyewonder/interim.h...ad-6ae4c2a432b3

8/15/2009 10:32:38 AM 611160: Song ready, submitting

8/15/2009 10:32:38 AM Slacker: sniffed Wayne Horvitz - "Sterno" on 'Live in Poland' (ID 611160)

8/15/2009 10:32:38 AM Saver2: Processing song Wayne Horvitz - "Sterno" on 'Live in Poland' (ID 611160)

8/15/2009 10:32:38 AM Saver2: File already exists! (C:\Users\Brooke\Music\Wayne Horvitz\Wayne Horvitz - Live in Poland - Sterno.mp3)

8/15/2009 10:32:39 AM #10228 GET http://www.slacker.com/lib/css/common.css

8/15/2009 10:32:40 AM #10229 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/WWW/NO-BEACON-SET

8/15/2009 10:32:49 AM Generating error page: 500 Server Error 'Internal Server Error: SocketException'

8/15/2009 10:32:49 AM #10180 died with fatal error!

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 461

8/15/2009 10:33:07 AM #10230 GET /log

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you left out the important bit on the second log - i don't know what the session url for #10221 was, so i don't know what's going on, if something was different, etc. it's probably a one-off failure

as for the first one, i haven't the faintest what is going on. the error is literally not possible. it's not for anything slacker/saver related though (some weather url?)

and no, only deezer had those log files due to the really weird way i had to parse the data. deezer now requires a re-write with the service update

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you left out the important bit on the second log - i don't know what the session url for #10221 was, so i don't know what's going on, if something was different, etc. it's probably a one-off failure

I thought I included everything from the beginning of the day and session, though it was not a new start.

as for the first one, i haven't the faintest what is going on. the error is literally not possible. it's not for anything slacker/saver related though (some weather url?)

OK, I see that now that you noted it - a Vista gadget, I guess.

and no, only deezer had those log files due to the really weird way i had to parse the data. deezer now requires a re-write with the service update



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I've tested Pandora, Grooveshark, and Slacker, and

* Pandora works

* Slacker works

* Grooveshark does NOT work

Here's a log of trying slacker (works), pandora (works), grooveshark (did not work). Let me know if I can help with any more details.

8/17/2009 7:43:16 PM #971 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...lyrics_over.png

8/17/2009 7:43:16 PM #972 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...lyrics_down.png

8/17/2009 7:43:17 PM Slacker: #969 matched http://images-*.slacker.com/*/covers/*

8/17/2009 7:43:17 PM 12068128: Got larger album art

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #973 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ng/bio_over.png

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM Slacker: sniffed Pitbull - "I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)" on 'I Know You Want Me' (ID 12068128)

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #974 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...ng/bio_down.png

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #975 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/firstTrackSt...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&newuser=0&userRevoked=false&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Fri%20Aug%2014%202009%2021:05:50%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=206&isIdle=false&client=webplayer&engine=flash&tid=12068128&fid=10604224&sid=stations%2F17218655%2F42&rnd=1250563394600

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #976 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...tation_over.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #977 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15.../album_over.png

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #978 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15.../album_down.png

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #979 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...tation_over.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM 12068128: Matched song URL: http://signal-1.slacker.com/c2/transcoding...f6c609329e9823f

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM 12068128: Song ready, submitting

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #980 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15..._up_disable.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #981 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...rtable_over.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM #982 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...rtable_over.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:18 PM Saver2: Processing song Pitbull - "I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)" on 'I Know You Want Me' (ID 12068128)

8/17/2009 7:43:19 PM #983 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=2.0.15...aylist_over.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:19 PM #984 GET http://llcache.slacker.com/mapper/s=1595/w...tation_Icon.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:19 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Slacker; MP3 format, 2931564 bytes

8/17/2009 7:43:21 PM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

8/17/2009 7:43:21 PM Saver2: Saved AART to 'D:\saved music\Pitbull\I Know You Want Me.png'

8/17/2009 7:43:22 PM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/17/2009 7:43:22 PM Saver2: Processing completed.

8/17/2009 7:43:28 PM Status: 22:31:12.8171460 running

8/17/2009 7:43:28 PM 987 requests serviced, 4 active connections.

8/17/2009 7:43:28 PM 626.9KB sent, 41.9MB received

8/17/2009 7:43:28 PM #985 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=596077445

8/17/2009 7:43:28 PM #986 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=552095125

8/17/2009 7:43:30 PM #987 GET http://www.slacker.com/mapper/s=1.0.1/webp...x90_template.vm

8/17/2009 7:43:30 PM #988 GET http://www.slacker.com/mapper/s=1.0.2/webp...lit_template.vm

8/17/2009 7:43:33 PM #989 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=048480534

8/17/2009 7:43:33 PM #990 GET http://pandora.com/

8/17/2009 7:43:33 PM #991 GET http://www.slacker.com/clicktrack/hserver/...andom=048480534

8/17/2009 7:43:35 PM Pandora: Mangling pandora tuner page: http://pandora.com/

8/17/2009 7:43:35 PM #992 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/WWW/unload?t=66235

8/17/2009 7:43:35 PM #993 GET http://www.slacker.com/beacon/playerShutdo...&portables=[object%20Object]&deviceCapacity=0&deviceStationCapacity=0&engine=Flash%20Player:%201.1.8&explicitLyrics=true&newuser=0&userRevoked=false&hu=-1&cid=-1&tgid=-1&accountCreationDate=Fri%20Aug%2014%202009%2021:05:50%20GMT-0700%20(Pacific%20Daylight%20Time)&v2trackratings=1&v2stations=1&ipdma=819&ipareacode=206&isIdle=false&client=webplayer&rnd=1250563415461

8/17/2009 7:43:36 PM #994 GET http://www.slacker.com/wsv1/session/stop?a...&elapsed=14

8/17/2009 7:43:36 PM #995 GET http://pandora.com/static/contentDirector.js

8/17/2009 7:43:36 PM Slacker: #994 matched http://*slacker.com/wsv1/*

8/17/2009 7:43:40 PM #996 GET http://pandora.com/static/valances/pandora/base_styles.css

8/17/2009 7:43:40 PM #997 GET http://pandora.com/static/valances/pandora/default/style.css

8/17/2009 7:43:41 PM #998 GET http://pandora.com/favicon.ico

8/17/2009 7:43:42 PM #999 GET http://pandora.com/images/background.jpg

8/17/2009 7:43:42 PM #1000 GET http://pandora.com/images/background_content.jpg

8/17/2009 7:43:42 PM #1001 GET http://pandora.com/include/common.js

8/17/2009 7:43:43 PM #1002 GET http://pandora.com/tuner.js

8/17/2009 7:43:44 PM #1003 GET http://pandora.com/include/write_tuner_embed.js

8/17/2009 7:43:45 PM #1004 GET http://pandora.com/images/clearspacer.gif

8/17/2009 7:43:45 PM #1005 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443

8/17/2009 7:43:45 PM #1006 GET http://pandora.com/Secretary.swf

8/17/2009 7:43:52 PM #1007 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...amp;method=sync

8/17/2009 7:43:52 PM #1008 GET http://autocomplete.pandora.com/crossdomain.xml

8/17/2009 7:43:52 PM #1007 POST 208 bytes to www.pandora.com

8/17/2009 7:43:52 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...amp;method=sync

8/17/2009 7:43:53 PM #1009 GET http://autocomplete.pandora.com/s2?q=

8/17/2009 7:43:53 PM #1010 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...isten&arg1=

8/17/2009 7:43:53 PM #1010 POST 512 bytes to www.pandora.com

8/17/2009 7:43:53 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'canListen': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...isten&arg1=

8/17/2009 7:43:53 PM Pandora: CanListen = True

8/17/2009 7:43:54 PM #1011 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443

8/17/2009 7:43:55 PM #1012 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...playing.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:43:55 PM #1013 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...g_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:43:55 PM #1014 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...bcLc6r5R%2Bw%3D

8/17/2009 7:43:56 PM #1015 GET http://pandora.com/include/promotionalGall...al_gallery_left

8/17/2009 7:43:56 PM #1016 GET http://pandora.com/include/promotionalGall...ery_middle_left

8/17/2009 7:43:56 PM #1014 POST 656 bytes to www.pandora.com

8/17/2009 7:43:56 PM #1017 GET http://pandora.com/include/promotionalGall...ry_middle_right

8/17/2009 7:43:56 PM #1018 GET http://pandora.com/include/promotionalGall...l_gallery_right

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'canListen': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...bcLc6r5R%2Bw%3D

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM Pandora: CanListen = True

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM #1019 GET http://pandora.com/include/Patron.js

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM #1020 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...hod=getStations

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM #1021 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...friends.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM #1022 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...s_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:43:57 PM #1020 POST 480 bytes to www.pandora.com

8/17/2009 7:43:59 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getStations': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...hod=getStations

8/17/2009 7:44:00 PM #1023 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora..._genres.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:00 PM #1024 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...s_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:03 PM #1025 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...on_news.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:04 PM #1026 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...s_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:04 PM #1027 GET http://pandora.com/images/advertising/promo_slot_bg.jpg

8/17/2009 7:44:05 PM #1028 GET http://pandora.com/include/radioAdEmbedGen...n=1250563424175

8/17/2009 7:44:06 PM #1029 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

8/17/2009 7:44:06 PM #1029 POST 1232 bytes to www.pandora.com

8/17/2009 7:44:06 PM #1030 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...podcast.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Data format: aacplus

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Got song S158184, URL = http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...BT2HuBQdr1HJSYR

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Got song S608533, URL = http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...UWiRVsPju%2Bsdu

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Got song S1038282, URL = http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...3xoe5Xx4%2FXi7d

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM Pandora: Got song S965664, URL = http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...%2BCl0H1vCrnHQz

8/17/2009 7:44:07 PM #1031 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...t_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:08 PM #1033 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora..._active.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:08 PM #1032 GET http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...cBfL6AYRFyLhmKD

8/17/2009 7:44:09 PM S158184: Started downloading

8/17/2009 7:44:10 PM #1034 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443

8/17/2009 7:44:10 PM #1035 GET http://images-sjl-4.pandora.com/images/pub...pg?lid=30130468

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM S158184: Got album art

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM Pandora: sniffed Usher - "Yeah! (feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris)" on 'Confessions' (ID S158184)

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM S158184: Finished downloading

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM S158184: Song AART ready, submitting

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM #1036 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...ab_left.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM #1037 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...b_right.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:12 PM Saver2: Processing song Usher - "Yeah! (feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris)" on 'Confessions' (ID S158184)

8/17/2009 7:44:13 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; M4A format, 2028731 bytes

8/17/2009 7:44:14 PM Saver2: Tagging mpeg-4 file.

8/17/2009 7:44:14 PM Saver2: Running mp4tags.exe "D:\saved music\Usher\Usher - Yeah! (feat Lil' Jon & Ludacris).m4a" -A "Confessions" -a "Usher" -s "Yeah! (feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris)" -g "R&B / Soul " -w "ExNfo: 'Umbrella Radio'" -c "Ripped by Saver2 (Pandora)" -P "C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\Saver2Beta2\Temp\AART_rRPVPItJG56Dq453.png"

8/17/2009 7:44:14 PM #1038 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...earbuds.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:15 PM #1039 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...me_sofa.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:16 PM #1040 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...ckberry.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:17 PM #1041 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...y_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM #1042 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora..._iphone.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM Saver2: Saved AART to 'D:\saved music\Usher\Confessions.png'

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM Saver2: Processing completed.

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM #1043 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...e_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:18 PM #1044 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...e_winmo.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:19 PM #1045 GET http://www.pandora.com/tuner_skins/pandora...o_hover.png.swf

8/17/2009 7:44:24 PM #1046 GET http://grooveshark.com/

8/17/2009 7:44:25 PM #1047 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/17/2009 7:44:26 PM #1048 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/17/2009 7:44:27 PM #1049 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/17/2009 7:44:27 PM #1050 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/17/2009 7:44:28 PM #1051 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/17/2009 7:44:29 PM #1052 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/17/2009 7:44:29 PM #1053 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/17/2009 7:44:30 PM #1054 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/17/2009 7:44:31 PM #1055 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/17/2009 7:44:31 PM #1056 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/17/2009 7:44:31 PM #1057 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081202

8/17/2009 7:44:35 PM #1058 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/17/2009 7:44:35 PM #1059 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:44:35 PM #1060 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/17/2009 7:44:36 PM #1061 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/17/2009 7:44:37 PM #1062 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/17/2009 7:44:37 PM #1063 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/17/2009 7:44:38 PM #1064 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:44:38 PM #1064 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:44:45 PM #1065 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:44:45 PM #1065 POST 474 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:02 PM #1066 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:02 PM #1066 POST 287 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:05 PM #1067 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:45:05 PM #1067 POST 299 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:15 PM #1068 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:15 PM #1068 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:16 PM #1069 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:16 PM #1070 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:16 PM #1071 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s3169685.jpg

8/17/2009 7:45:16 PM #1069 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:16 PM #1070 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:25 PM #1072 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:45:25 PM #1072 POST 328 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:32 PM #1073 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:32 PM #1073 POST 372 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:33 PM #1074 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:33 PM #1074 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:33 PM #1075 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/17/2009 7:45:33 PM #1075 POST 30 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:34 PM Grooveshark: #1075 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/17/2009 7:45:35 PM #1076 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:45:35 PM #1076 POST 1167 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:35 PM #1077 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:45:39 PM #1078 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:45:39 PM #1078 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:46 PM #1079 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:45:46 PM #1079 POST 460 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:45:55 PM #1080 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:45:55 PM #1080 POST 769 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:46:35 PM #1081 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:46:42 PM Grooveshark: Song request for d86c604cdcf0102ca1af

8/17/2009 7:47:35 PM #1082 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:48:35 PM #1083 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:49:33 PM Grooveshark: Song request for 59b00762dcf1102ca1af

8/17/2009 7:49:35 PM #1084 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/17/2009 7:49:42 PM #1085 GET /pluginrpc/Saver2%20Core%201.1%20BETA%20B/

8/17/2009 7:49:42 PM RPC: calling Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B with no args

8/17/2009 7:49:42 PM #1086 GET /favicon.ico

8/17/2009 7:49:45 PM #1087 GET /favicon.ico

8/17/2009 7:54:04 PM #1088 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:04 PM #1088 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:05 PM #1089 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:05 PM #1090 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:05 PM #1091 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s3266004.jpg

8/17/2009 7:54:06 PM #1089 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:06 PM #1090 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:10 PM #1093 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:54:10 PM #1092 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:10 PM #1093 POST 1144 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:10 PM #1092 POST 372 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:11 PM #1094 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:11 PM #1094 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:13 PM #1095 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/17/2009 7:54:13 PM #1095 POST 30 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:13 PM Grooveshark: #1095 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/17/2009 7:54:20 PM #1096 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/17/2009 7:54:20 PM #1096 POST 1222 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/17/2009 7:54:31 PM #1097 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/17/2009 7:54:31 PM #1097 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

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I've tested Pandora, Grooveshark, and Slacker, and

* Pandora works

* Slacker works

* Grooveshark does NOT work

Here's a log of trying slacker (works), pandora (works), grooveshark (did not work). Let me know if I can help with any more details.


Make sure you are using the latest version. You should see something like "Grooveshark: #* matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json"

I've just checked here, and it still works, so not a service change...What browser are you using? You might also try enabling debug under advanced settings ("Debug" key name, set to "True") and trying again.

Misc dev note:

I've made a bit of code to scrape a genre for a song from google, so slacker won't have to use the station name as genre anymore. It's quite accurate, i find.

Basically, it runs a google search for 10-100 results and then counts the number of occurrences of genre words in it. it returns the highest ones found, up to numFound/2. It may return less if the highest ones have already been added.

It does tend to break when the song title/artist name is both very short and uses common words, but it works well otherwise. Current genres: {

"alternative", "other", "classical", "rock",

"hiphop", "hip hop", "r&b", "techno", "trance",

"dance", "punk", "pop", "metal", "rap", "jazz",

"ska", "electronic", "progressive", "country" ,



Can't add anything that's already there (say, variations of metal) due to metal would almost certainly always be higher + having two types of metal in a result would be silly ("Metal / Symphonic Metal / Rock" etc)

say techno got 3, rap 1, dance 20, electronic 14, pop 4, and hiphop 1. it would return dance/electronic, and not put pop as it's way lower than the lowest-highest (wow that makes no sense). So, it only returns the genres which are highest but the lowest is atleast 1/2 of the highest.

I must say, while looking through my collection of music, the tracks that were ripped by pandorarip (while it still worked proper) genres are completely off. most of the time it contains the right genre, but there's so much other garbage it's quite useless (say this because it used a google scrape as well). One had "cgiebaycom/purification-anubis-gate-ryko-distribution--new-cdwqqitemzqqcmdzviewitemqq/progressivt", lol

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Make sure you are using the latest version. You should see something like "Grooveshark: #* matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json"

I've just checked here, and it still works, so not a service change...What browser are you using? You might also try enabling debug under advanced settings ("Debug" key name, set to "True") and trying again.

I've got the same problem. Grooveshark doesn't work. I have Beta2 - is this the latest?

Log follows with grooveshark debugging on:

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM SProxy application started.

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Searching for plugins in C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM SProxy starting

8/18/2009 7:25:58 PM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/18/2009 7:26:09 PM #0 GET /

8/18/2009 7:26:09 PM #1 GET /proxyicon.gif

8/18/2009 7:26:09 PM #2 GET /favicon.ico

8/18/2009 7:26:18 PM #3 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/18/2009 7:26:18 PM #4 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/images/favicon.ico

8/18/2009 7:26:18 PM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/18/2009 7:26:18 PM #6 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/18/2009 7:26:18 PM #7 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/18/2009 7:26:19 PM #8 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/18/2009 7:26:19 PM #9 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/18/2009 7:26:19 PM #10 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/18/2009 7:26:19 PM #11 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #12 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #13 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #14 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #15 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #16 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #17 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=665654...p-ddi5MNsstELmE

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #18 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/18/2009 7:26:20 PM #19 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #20 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystClientAPI.swf?1

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #21 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #22 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../vipBadgeUp.png

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #23 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...ipBadgeOver.png

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #24 POST http://ocsp.godaddy.com/

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #24 POST 104 bytes to ocsp.godaddy.com

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #25 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f0cc5c29c69d620

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #26 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #27 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #28 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #29 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 7:26:23 PM #30 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #31 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/test_gam_domain.js

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #32 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_ads.js

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #33 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #33 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #34 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...p;flash=9.0.115

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM Grooveshark: #33 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"initiateQueueEx","header":{"token":"bcaba70006632a3c497862c540be01c223ad0fefde6648","client":"gslite","session":"412e4f044efafa78bf0cc5c29c69d620","uuid":"562E59DF-25F7-D177-CF85-300C1BA97754","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":null}



8/18/2009 7:26:24 PM #35 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 7:26:29 PM #36 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:29 PM #36 POST 329 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #37 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #37 POST 284 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #38 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #38 POST 368 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #39 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazona...5dbdbde1a01.png

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #40 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:32 PM #40 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM #41 POST http://stream27b.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM #42 GET http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM #41 POST 30 bytes to stream27b.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM #43 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM #43 POST 1527 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:33 PM Grooveshark: #41 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 7:26:34 PM #44 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:34 PM #44 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:35 PM #45 GET

8/18/2009 7:26:36 PM #46 POST

8/18/2009 7:26:36 PM #46 POST 94 bytes to

8/18/2009 7:26:40 PM #47 GET}

8/18/2009 7:26:43 PM #48 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:26:43 PM #48 POST 823 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:26:51 PM Grooveshark: Song request for 237dbc8cdda7102cb4c3

8/18/2009 7:26:51 PM #49 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:26:51 PM #49 POST 359 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

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Make sure you are using the latest version. You should see something like "Grooveshark: #* matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json"

I've just checked here, and it still works, so not a service change...What browser are you using? You might also try enabling debug under advanced settings ("Debug" key name, set to "True") and trying again.

Forgot to mention the browser is Firefox 3.06 (the pre-setup portable version from post #1)

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Forgot to mention the browser is Firefox 3.06 (the pre-setup portable version from post #1)

You have the bugged version. The current one is still beta 2, but there's been a few bugfix updates (earlier). This one was where it would only match a single url (seen in that log) of the meta and streams, then do no more. Thus, it never got the song info or the key translation.

Just re-download from the link and replace the contents of your sproxy dir with it.

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You have the bugged version. The current one is still beta 2, but there's been a few bugfix updates (earlier). This one was where it would only match a single url (seen in that log) of the meta and streams, then do no more. Thus, it never got the song info or the key translation.

Just re-download from the link and replace the contents of your sproxy dir with it.

Don't want to be a pain... I must be doing something wrong. I have re-downloaded Saver2 from here:


and unzipped to a new directory -> then re-downloaded and unzipped the firefox standalone from here:


into the same directory.

Then I run SProxy, then I run LaunchFirefoxPortable.exe and open grooveshark, search for a song, and start it. SProxy shows it downloading 5.6MB for the song, but nothing appears in the save directory.

Same exact setup works flawlessly with Pandora and slacker. OS is XP, SP3.

Here is the log:

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM SProxy application started.

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Searching for plugins in C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM SProxy starting

8/18/2009 8:41:06 PM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/18/2009 8:41:10 PM #0 GET /

8/18/2009 8:41:10 PM #1 GET /proxyicon.gif

8/18/2009 8:41:10 PM #2 GET /favicon.ico

8/18/2009 8:41:14 PM #3 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/18/2009 8:41:14 PM #4 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/images/favicon.ico

8/18/2009 8:41:14 PM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/18/2009 8:41:14 PM #6 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/18/2009 8:41:14 PM #7 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #8 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #9 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #10 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #11 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #12 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #13 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js

8/18/2009 8:41:15 PM #14 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/18/2009 8:41:16 PM #15 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:41:16 PM #16 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js

8/18/2009 8:41:16 PM #17 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=684197...p-ddi5MNsstELmE

8/18/2009 8:41:16 PM #18 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/18/2009 8:41:16 PM #19 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #20 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystClientAPI.swf?1

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #21 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #22 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../vipBadgeUp.png

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #23 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...ipBadgeOver.png

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #24 POST http://ocsp.godaddy.com/

8/18/2009 8:41:18 PM #24 POST 104 bytes to ocsp.godaddy.com

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #25 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...9ba55ae0afd29c6

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #26 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #27 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #28 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #29 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/test_gam_domain.js

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #30 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_ads.js

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #31 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #32 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #33 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...p;flash=9.0.115

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #34 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #34 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM #35 GET http://www2.glam.com/app/site/affiliate/vi...;adSize=160x600

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM Grooveshark: #34 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:19 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"initiateQueueEx","header":{"token":"f6aaad38b92d24ce5224b6b72ba4beaeb6d42791c6ed32","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"FA0A522F-C878-B144-5CF0-3050B3B8F36E","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":null}



8/18/2009 8:41:20 PM #36 GET http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/GNET_3586809...82382229024207;?

8/18/2009 8:41:20 PM #37 GET http://www35.glam.com/gad/glamadapt_jsrv.a...&gtrack=yes

8/18/2009 8:41:20 PM #38 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=156420...s=Entertainment

8/18/2009 8:41:28 PM #39 GET http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 8:41:28 PM #40 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:41:28 PM #40 POST 476 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:31 PM #41 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:31 PM #41 POST 336 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:34 PM #42 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #42 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #43 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #44 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #45 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #46 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s1045287.jpg

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #45 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:35 PM #44 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #47 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #47 POST 369 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #48 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #48 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #49 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM #49 POST 30 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:37 PM Grooveshark: #49 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:41:38 PM #50 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:41:38 PM #50 POST 1747 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:38 PM #51 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:41:38 PM #51 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:40 PM #52 GET

8/18/2009 8:41:40 PM #53 POST

8/18/2009 8:41:40 PM #53 POST 95 bytes to

8/18/2009 8:41:45 PM #54 GET}

8/18/2009 8:41:48 PM #55 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:41:48 PM #55 POST 461 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:41:57 PM Grooveshark: Song request for a03b5e28ddb1102c9023

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Should I have the Saver build from Aug 16 @ 20:47?

Sorry mate, but with the Aug 16 build, I still get no joy with gooveshark. One new thing, though, is that the artist directory gets made, where before it didn't. Slacker works as usual.

Just for completeness, here is what I have:

SProxy 1.100a built on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 23:42

Saver 1.1 BETA B beta built on Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:47

Here is the log:

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM SProxy application started.

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Searching for plugins in C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2c\

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Verification completed successfully.

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2c\Saved Music\

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM SProxy starting

8/18/2009 9:53:46 PM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/18/2009 9:53:53 PM #0 GET /

8/18/2009 9:53:53 PM #1 GET /proxyicon.gif

8/18/2009 9:53:53 PM #2 GET /favicon.ico

8/18/2009 9:53:54 PM #3 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #4 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/images/favicon.ico

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #6 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #7 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #8 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #9 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #10 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/18/2009 9:53:55 PM #11 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #12 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #13 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #14 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #15 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #16 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #17 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=209491...p-ddi5MNsstELmE

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #18 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/18/2009 9:53:56 PM #19 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #20 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystClientAPI.swf?1

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #21 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #22 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../vipBadgeUp.png

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #23 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...ipBadgeOver.png

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #24 POST http://ocsp.godaddy.com/

8/18/2009 9:53:58 PM #24 POST 104 bytes to ocsp.godaddy.com

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #25 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...9ba55ae0afd29c6

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #26 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #27 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #28 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/test_gam_domain.js

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #29 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #30 GET http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_ads.js

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #31 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #32 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 9:53:59 PM #33 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...p;flash=9.0.115

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #34 GET http://www2.glam.com/app/site/affiliate/vi...;adSize=160x600

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #35 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #35 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM Grooveshark: #35 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"initiateQueueEx","header":{"token":"a5b22e67a50016e50e5a9538f492ebe63ce8f758970ef5","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"60B9231F-1898-23EA-6B23-30933B748A5D","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":null}



8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #36 GET http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/GNET_3586809...49135189306166;?

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #37 GET http://www35.glam.com/gad/glamadapt_jsrv.a...&gtrack=yes

8/18/2009 9:54:00 PM #38 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=936258...s=Entertainment

8/18/2009 9:54:03 PM #39 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:03 PM #39 POST 328 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:03 PM Grooveshark: #39 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:03 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"getNameIDRatingsArtistNameFromSearch","header":{"token":"aa8fdd33f0b7cd05bd570d8ef631b2eaee14ecd9a9c24c","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"60B9231F-1898-23EA-6B23-30933B748A5D","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":{"query":"kamelot","type":"Songs","offset":0,"limit":100}}


{"header":{"session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","alerts":[{"AlertID":"2","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null},{"AlertID":"3","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null}]},"result":{"total":100,"resultSet":[{"name":"The Haunting (Somewhere in Time)","ID":7905658,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"March of Mephisto","ID":7905657,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Ghost Opera","ID":187645,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Black Halo","ID":486854,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Human Stain","ID":187644,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Karma","ID":486838,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Memento Mori","ID":486856,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"When the Lights Are Down","ID":8453457,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Mourning Star","ID":187653,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Soul Society","ID":486848,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Nothing Ever Dies","ID":486855,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Serenade","ID":486858,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Forever","ID":79972,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Anthem","ID":187651,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Moonlight","ID":486852,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Rule The World","ID":187643,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Mourning After (Carry On)","ID":2148878,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"This Pain","ID":486851,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Love You To Death","ID":187646,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Farewell","ID":2148866,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Descent of the Archangel","ID":7570272,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Edge of Paradise","ID":7570271,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Bl\u00fccher","ID":187649,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Abandoned","ID":486850,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Center of the Universe","ID":7264350,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Center Of The Universe","ID":2148865,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Solitaire","ID":187652,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Don't You Cry","ID":7878526,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Lost & Damned","ID":2192848,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Elizabeth: I. Mirror Mirror","ID":8299501,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"March Of Mephisto","ID":486845,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Helena's Theme","ID":2148876,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Wander","ID":2148869,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"III Ways to Epica","ID":7361193,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Snow","ID":2192853,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Elizabeth: III. Fall From Grace","ID":8299502,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"A Feast for the Vain","ID":7878492,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Fourth Legacy","ID":486822,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"A Sailorman's Hymn","ID":969691,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Edenecho","ID":187650,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"A Feast For The Vain","ID":1062321,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"On the Coldest Winter Night","ID":7878493,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Temples of Gold","ID":7878525,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Prologue","ID":2148864,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Pendulous Fall","ID":19325644,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Light I Shine on You","ID":7878527,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Across the Highlands","ID":7878530,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude I (Opiate Soul)","ID":2148867,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Haunting (Somewhere In Time) (Radio Edit)","ID":2706101,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Silent Goddess","ID":486823,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Rule the World","ID":7570268,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"On The Coldest Winter Night","ID":1062322,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Spell","ID":486836,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Descent Of The Archangel","ID":2148871,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Dont You Cry","ID":486837,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude I: Dei Gratia","ID":486849,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Lost And Damned","ID":2148875,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Silence Of The Darkness","ID":187647,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Edge Of Paradise","ID":2148868,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"III Ways To Epica","ID":2148879,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Eden Echo","ID":8299349,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Glory","ID":486830,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"When The Lights Are Down","ID":486846,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Elizabeth: II. Requiem For The Innocent","ID":486843,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Inquisitor","ID":486829,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Mourning After","ID":7878490,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Like the Shadows","ID":11336478,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Love You to Death","ID":7570269,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Helena`s Theme","ID":2192849,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude III (At The Banquet","ID":2148872,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Wings Of Despair","ID":486835,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Pista 17","ID":8125731,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude II (Omen)","ID":2148870,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Snow (Bonus Track)","ID":2706052,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Lost and Damned","ID":7878491,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Silence of the Darkness","ID":7570267,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Snow (Ltd. Ed. Bonus Track)","ID":2683686,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Noghting Ever Dies","ID":3277894,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Siege","ID":486809,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"nterlude II (Omen)","ID":2192843,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Rise Again","ID":486793,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Season's End (Japanese Bonus Track)","ID":11489788,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Up Through The Ashes","ID":187648,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Desert Reign","ID":486824,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Alexandria","ID":486828,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude IV (Dawn)","ID":2148877,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"The Shadow Of Uther","ID":486826,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude III (At the Banquet)","ID":8126467,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"New Allegiance","ID":486821,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Lunar Sanctum","ID":486832,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Elizabeth: III Fall from Grace","ID":7878529,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Across The Highlands","ID":486841,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Sin","ID":2683738,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"March Of Mephisto","ID":12738498,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Interlude III Midnight: Twelve Tolls For A New Day","ID":2706099,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"One Day I'll Win","ID":486794,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Millennium","ID":486801,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Elizabeth: I Mirror Mirror","ID":486842,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Nights Of Arabia","ID":486825,"artistName":"Kamelot"},{"name":"Crossing Two Rivers","ID":486798,"artistName":"Kamelot"}]}}

8/18/2009 9:54:07 PM #40 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:07 PM #40 POST 282 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: #40 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: songID = 486856

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: songName = Memento Mori

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: albumID = 250289

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: albumName = The Black Halo

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #41 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: artistID = 11158

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: artistName = Kamelot

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: artURL = http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazona...795faee5ee8.png

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: avgRating = 0

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: estimateDuration = 534

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: Got song Kamelot - "Memento Mori" on 'The Black Halo' (ID 486856)

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #41 POST 369 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: #41 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"addSongsToQueueExt","header":{"token":"784ce10c4da982b4f5c3c28ef4522e0df12636e3c029e8","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"60B9231F-1898-23EA-6B23-30933B748A5D","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":{"songQueueID":30624295,"songIDsArtistIDs":[{"songQueueSongID":1,"songID":486856,"artistID":11158,"source":"user"}]}}



8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #42 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazona...795faee5ee8.png

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #43 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #43 POST 276 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: #43 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: Missing song ID

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: #42 matched http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazona...795faee5ee8.png

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #44 POST http://stream27b.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #45 GET http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM 486856: Got album art

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #44 POST 30 bytes to stream27b.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: sniffed Kamelot - "Memento Mori" on 'The Black Halo' (ID 486856)

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #46 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM #46 POST 1522 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:08 PM Grooveshark: #44 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 9:54:09 PM #47 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:09 PM #47 POST 376 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:09 PM Grooveshark: #47 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:09 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"markSongQueueSongPlayedExte","header":{"token":"ca2e91e758137e6b73e4f8a07ccb73fdee8e0fe0d3a9f2","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"60B9231F-1898-23EA-6B23-30933B748A5D","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":{"songQueueSongID":1,"songID":486856,"streamServerID":8,"songQueueID":30624295,"streamKey":"c171aafcddbb102cbf53"}}



8/18/2009 9:54:11 PM #48 GET

8/18/2009 9:54:11 PM #49 POST

8/18/2009 9:54:11 PM #49 POST 95 bytes to

8/18/2009 9:54:16 PM #50 GET}

8/18/2009 9:54:18 PM #51 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 9:54:18 PM #51 POST 819 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:30 PM #52 POST http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/saf...SG80-d-6WVsww==

8/18/2009 9:54:30 PM #52 POST 114 bytes to safebrowsing.clients.google.com

8/18/2009 9:54:31 PM #53 GET http://safebrowsing-cache.google.com/safeb...0.13081-13120.:

8/18/2009 9:54:31 PM #54 GET http://safebrowsing-cache.google.com/safeb...7,12239-12240.:

8/18/2009 9:54:34 PM #55 GET http://safebrowsing-cache.google.com/safeb...7,12319-12320.:

8/18/2009 9:54:35 PM #56 GET http://safebrowsing-cache.google.com/safeb...7,12399-12400.:

8/18/2009 9:54:40 PM Grooveshark: Song request for c171aafcddbb102cbf53

8/18/2009 9:54:42 PM #57 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:42 PM #57 POST 375 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 9:54:42 PM Grooveshark: #57 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 9:54:42 PM Grooveshark: Unknown RPC {"method":"markStreamKeyOver30Seconds","header":{"token":"8d133c7377a8a1e172e464a74e5281877a9be9b9721ee8","client":"gslite","session":"3b33c7c449f6a38219ba55ae0afd29c6","uuid":"60B9231F-1898-23EA-6B23-30933B748A5D","clientRevision":"20090812.02"},"parameters":{"songQueueSongID":1,"songID":486856,"streamServerID":8,"songQueueID":30624295,"streamKey":"c171aafcddbb102cbf53"}}



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Don't want to be a pain... I must be doing something wrong. I have re-downloaded Saver2 from here:


Okay, I tried again. I redownloaded Saver2 from the same url as you posted above. I also set debug to true in advanced settings. At first, I thought it didn't work, because the song didn't immediately appear in the folder, so I was about to make this post saying it didn't work. But then when I quit saver2 to try again in IE, I found that the song was there. So it is working after all with the new download. Now I've tried several times in IE and firefox, and it is working for me.

OS: Windows 7

Browser: Firefox 3.0.13

here is the log (in case it helps for comparison for totallyfake1's issue)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM SProxy application started.

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Searching for plugins in C:\Users\Julien\Desktop\Saver2Beta2\

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/18/2009 7:53:51 PM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Verification completed successfully.

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM SProxy starting

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: SaveDir = D:\Saved Music\

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/18/2009 7:53:52 PM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #0 GET http://grooveshark.com/

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #1 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM DNS: grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM DNS: guts.grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #1 POST 769 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #0 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #0 Content-Length reached: (237/237)

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #1: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #1 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:53:56 PM #2 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/18/2009 7:53:57 PM DNS: listen.grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 7:53:57 PM #2 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #3 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #4 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM DNS: cowbell.grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #4 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #5 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #4 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #5 Content-Length reached: (53/53)

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #6 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #7 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:53:59 PM #7 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:00 PM Grooveshark: #7 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:00 PM #7 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:00 PM #7 Content-Length reached: (228/228)

8/18/2009 7:54:08 PM #8 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:54:09 PM #8 POST 474 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:09 PM #8: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 7:54:09 PM #8 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:11 PM #9 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:11 PM #9 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:11 PM Grooveshark: #9 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:11 PM #9 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:11 PM #9 Content-Length reached: (2816/2816)

8/18/2009 7:54:13 PM #10 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:13 PM #10 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:13 PM Grooveshark: #10 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:13 PM #10 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:13 PM #10 Content-Length reached: (2816/2816)

8/18/2009 7:54:21 PM #11 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:21 PM #12 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #11 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #12 POST 368 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #12: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #12 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM Grooveshark: #11 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #11 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:22 PM #11 Content-Length reached: (2816/2816)

8/18/2009 7:54:31 PM #13 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:31 PM #13 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:31 PM Grooveshark: #13 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:31 PM #13 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #13 Content-Length reached: (933/933)

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM Grooveshark: Got song Gina G - "Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit (Motiv8 radio edit)" on 'Ultimate Dance Party 1998' (ID 15231066)

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #14 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #15 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #14 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #15 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM Grooveshark: #14 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:32 PM #14 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:33 PM Grooveshark: #15 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:33 PM #15 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:33 PM #14 Content-Length reached: (933/933)

8/18/2009 7:54:33 PM #15 Content-Length reached: (937/937)

8/18/2009 7:54:34 PM #16 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:34 PM #16 POST 370 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:34 PM Grooveshark: #16 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:34 PM #16 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:35 PM #16 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 7:54:36 PM #17 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:36 PM #17 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:37 PM Grooveshark: #17 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:37 PM #17 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:37 PM #17 Content-Length reached: (318/318)

8/18/2009 7:54:37 PM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: 15231066 -> c97606bcddbb102cbf53

8/18/2009 7:54:38 PM #18 POST http://stream27b.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 7:54:38 PM DNS: stream27b.grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 7:54:38 PM #18 POST 30 bytes to stream27b.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:39 PM #19 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 7:54:39 PM Grooveshark: #18 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 7:54:39 PM #18 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:39 PM #19 POST 1392 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:40 PM #19: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 7:54:40 PM #19 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:40 PM #20 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:40 PM #20 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 7:54:41 PM Grooveshark: #20 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 7:54:41 PM #20 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 7:54:41 PM #20 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

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okay, after more testing, it's not working consistently with firefox (above). I just tried two songs on grooveshark. On the first song, it created the folder but didn't save any songs, and for the second song, it didn't even create the folder. I also looked at the "new music" file, and the two songs weren't even there.

Then, I tried in IE and it worked fine. So it seems to work okay in IE 8.0.7100 but not firefox 3.0.13. I've pasted two sets of debug logs, one for firefox (didnt work), and one for IE(did work).

log when it didn't work in firefox

8/18/2009 8:00:36 PM Grooveshark: #91 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:00:36 PM #91 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:00:37 PM #91 Content-Length reached: (246/246)

8/18/2009 8:00:41 PM #92 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:00:41 PM #92 POST 370 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:00:41 PM #92: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:00:41 PM #92 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:00:44 PM #93 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:00:44 PM #93 POST 330 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:00:44 PM Grooveshark: #93 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:00:44 PM #93 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:00:44 PM #93 Content-Length reached: (246/246)

8/18/2009 8:00:50 PM #94 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:00:50 PM #94 POST 331 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:00:50 PM Grooveshark: #94 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:00:50 PM #94 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:00:50 PM #94 Content-Length reached: (6876/6876)

8/18/2009 8:00:51 PM #95 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:00:51 PM #96 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:00:53 PM #96 POST 630 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:00:53 PM #95 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:00:53 PM #95 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:00:53 PM #96: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:00:53 PM #96 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:02 PM #97 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:02 PM #97 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:02 PM Grooveshark: #97 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:02 PM #97 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:03 PM #97 Content-Length reached: (826/826)

8/18/2009 8:01:03 PM Grooveshark: Got song Lily Allen - "The Fear (Explicit)" on 'It's Not Me, It's You' (ID 22013620)

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #98 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #99 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #100 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s2948925.jpg

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #98 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #99 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM Grooveshark: #99 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #99 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM Grooveshark: #98 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #98 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM Grooveshark: #100 matched http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s2948925.jpg

8/18/2009 8:01:04 PM #100 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM #98 Content-Length reached: (826/826)

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM #99 Content-Length reached: (914/914)

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM #100 Content-Length reached: (2905/2905)

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM 22013620: Got album art

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM Grooveshark: sniffed Lily Allen - "The Fear (Explicit)" on 'It's Not Me, It's You' (ID 22013620)

8/18/2009 8:01:05 PM #101 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:06 PM #101 POST 370 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:06 PM Grooveshark: #101 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:06 PM #101 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:06 PM #101 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:01:06 PM #102 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:07 PM #102 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:07 PM Grooveshark: #102 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:07 PM #102 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:07 PM #102 Content-Length reached: (317/317)

8/18/2009 8:01:07 PM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: Missing song ID

8/18/2009 8:01:08 PM #103 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:01:08 PM #103 POST 30 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:08 PM Grooveshark: #103 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:01:08 PM #103 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #104 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #104 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM Grooveshark: #104 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #104 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #105 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #104 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #105 POST 1749 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #105: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:01:11 PM #105 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:32 PM #103 Content-Length reached: (3317012/3317012)

8/18/2009 8:01:32 PM Grooveshark: Song request for b24ff6aeddbc102cb462

8/18/2009 8:01:42 PM #106 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:42 PM #106 POST 377 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:01:42 PM Grooveshark: #106 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:01:42 PM #106 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:42 PM #106 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:01:51 PM #107 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:01:52 PM #107 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:01:52 PM #107 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:02:51 PM #108 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:02:51 PM #108 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:02:52 PM #108 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #109 GET http://mscrl.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/crl/mswww(4).crl

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #109: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #109 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #110 GET http://mscrl.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/crl/...uthority(5).crl

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #110: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #110 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #111 GET http://mscrl.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/crl/...20CA%202(5).crl

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #111: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #111 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:43 PM #112 GET http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/crl/mscrca.crl

8/18/2009 8:03:44 PM #112: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:03:44 PM #112 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:45 PM #113 GET http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdo...authrootstl.cab

8/18/2009 8:03:45 PM #113: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:03:45 PM #113 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:51 PM #114 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:03:52 PM #114 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:03:52 PM #114 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:04:41 PM #115 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:04:42 PM #115 POST 385 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:04:42 PM #115: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:04:42 PM #115 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:04:51 PM #116 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:04:52 PM #116 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:04:52 PM #116 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:05:51 PM #117 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:05:52 PM #117 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:05:52 PM #117 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:06:17 PM #118 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:06:17 PM #118 POST 330 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:06:18 PM Grooveshark: #118 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:06:18 PM #118 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:06:18 PM #118 Content-Length reached: (7721/7721)

8/18/2009 8:06:22 PM #119 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:06:22 PM #119 POST 412 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:06:22 PM #119: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:06:22 PM #119 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:06:51 PM #120 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:06:52 PM #120 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:06:53 PM #120 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:06:59 PM #121 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:06:59 PM #121 POST 329 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:06:59 PM Grooveshark: #121 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:06:59 PM #121 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:06:59 PM #121 Content-Length reached: (2666/2666)

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #122 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #122 POST 411 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #123 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #122: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #122 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #123 POST 270 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM Grooveshark: #123 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #123 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM #123 Content-Length reached: (791/791)

8/18/2009 8:07:02 PM Grooveshark: Got song Smile.dk - "Butterfly" on 'Smile' (ID 8521899)

8/18/2009 8:07:03 PM #124 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:03 PM #125 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #124 POST 270 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #125 POST 309 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM Grooveshark: #124 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #124 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM Grooveshark: #125 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #125 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #124 Content-Length reached: (791/791)

8/18/2009 8:07:04 PM #125 Content-Length reached: (498/498)

8/18/2009 8:07:12 PM #126 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:07:12 PM #126 POST 643 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:12 PM #126: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:07:12 PM #126 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:40 PM #127 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:40 PM #127 POST 371 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:40 PM Grooveshark: #127 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:40 PM #127 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:40 PM #127 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM #128 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM #128 POST 277 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM Grooveshark: #128 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM #128 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM #128 Content-Length reached: (318/318)

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: Missing song ID

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM #129 POST http://stream27b.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:07:41 PM DNS: stream27b.grooveshark.com ->

8/18/2009 8:07:42 PM #130 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:07:42 PM #129 POST 30 bytes to stream27b.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:42 PM #130 POST 929 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:42 PM #130: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:07:42 PM #130 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:43 PM Grooveshark: #129 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:07:43 PM #129 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:44 PM #131 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:44 PM #131 POST 377 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:44 PM Grooveshark: #131 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:07:44 PM #131 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:44 PM #131 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:07:51 PM #132 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #133 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #132 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #132 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #133 POST 741 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #133: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:07:52 PM #133 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:08:06 PM #129 Content-Length reached: (4294493/4294493)

8/18/2009 8:08:06 PM Grooveshark: Song request for 9d2e0c10ddbd102cbee6

8/18/2009 8:08:15 PM #134 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:08:15 PM #134 POST 376 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:08:15 PM Grooveshark: #134 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:08:15 PM #134 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:08:15 PM #134 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:08:51 PM #135 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:08:52 PM #135 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:08:52 PM #135 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:09:51 PM #136 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:09:57 PM #136 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:09:57 PM #136 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:10:51 PM #137 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...f94538521790f06

8/18/2009 8:10:52 PM #137 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:10:52 PM #137 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:10:52 PM #138 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

log when it worked in IE

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #180: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #180 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #181 Content-Length reached: (35/35)

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #183 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #184 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #184 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:08 PM #184 Content-Length reached: (35/35)

8/18/2009 8:12:09 PM #183 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:11 PM #183 Content-Length reached: (949958/949958)

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #190 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...ipBadgeOver.png

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #182 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #185 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #186 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #187 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/litesearch.xml

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #188 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystClientAPI.swf?1

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #189 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../vipBadgeUp.png

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #182 Content-Length reached: (35/35)

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #190 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #186 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #186 Content-Length reached: (565/565)

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #189: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #189 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #190 Content-Length reached: (25625/25625)

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #191 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #185: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:12:13 PM #185 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #187 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #188 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #187 Content-Length reached: (37134/37134)

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #188 Content-Length reached: (95653/95653)

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #192 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...67c5c1596de6250

8/18/2009 8:12:14 PM #193 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #194 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #193 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #193 Content-Length reached: (53/53)

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #192 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #192 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #195 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...lash=

8/18/2009 8:12:15 PM #195 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #196 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #197 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #198 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #199 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...t_object_div.js

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM DNS: pagead2.googlesyndication.com ->

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #198 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #199 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #198 Content-Length reached: (51371/51371)

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #197 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:16 PM #197 Content-Length reached: (1421/1421)

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #200 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #201 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #202 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #201 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #200 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #202 POST 254 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM Grooveshark: #202 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:17 PM #202 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:18 PM #201 Content-Length reached: (51371/51371)

8/18/2009 8:12:18 PM #202 Content-Length reached: (228/228)

8/18/2009 8:12:19 PM #203 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:19 PM #203 POST 329 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:20 PM Grooveshark: #203 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:20 PM #203 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:20 PM #203 Content-Length reached: (246/246)

8/18/2009 8:12:23 PM #205 GET http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/crossdomain.xml

8/18/2009 8:12:23 PM #204 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #204 POST 331 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #205: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #205 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM Grooveshark: #204 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #204 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #206 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:12:24 PM #204 Content-Length reached: (6876/6876)

8/18/2009 8:12:25 PM #206 POST 1005 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:25 PM #206: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:12:25 PM #206 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:29 PM #207 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:31 PM #207 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:31 PM Grooveshark: #207 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:31 PM #207 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:31 PM #207 Content-Length reached: (826/826)

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #208 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #209 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #210 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s2948925.jpg

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #211 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #212 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #208 POST 271 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #209 POST 310 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #211 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #211 Content-Length reached: (35/35)

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #212 POST 370 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM Grooveshark: #208 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #208 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM Grooveshark: #210 matched http://beta.grooveshark.com/static/amazonart/s2948925.jpg

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #210 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM Grooveshark: #209 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #209 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #208 Content-Length reached: (826/826)

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #210 Content-Length reached: (2905/2905)

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #209 Content-Length reached: (948/948)

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM Grooveshark: #212 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #212 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:34 PM #212 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:12:35 PM #213 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #213 POST 328 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #214 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #214 POST 278 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #213: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #213 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM Grooveshark: #214 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:36 PM #214 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:37 PM #214 Content-Length reached: (317/317)

8/18/2009 8:12:37 PM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: 22013620 -> 4d09dbdcddbe102c9e9d

8/18/2009 8:12:38 PM #215 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:12:38 PM #215 POST 30 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:38 PM #216 GET

8/18/2009 8:12:39 PM #216: Has no body.

8/18/2009 8:12:39 PM #216 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:39 PM Grooveshark: #215 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:12:39 PM #215 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:40 PM #217 POST

8/18/2009 8:12:40 PM #217 POST 96 bytes to

8/18/2009 8:12:41 PM #217 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:42 PM #218 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:42 PM #218 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:42 PM Grooveshark: #218 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:12:42 PM #218 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:42 PM #218 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:12:43 PM #219 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:12:43 PM #220 GET;:'1'}

8/18/2009 8:12:43 PM #219 POST 1524 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:12:44 PM #219: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:12:44 PM #219 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:12:44 PM #220 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:14 PM #221 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:13:14 PM #221 POST 377 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:13:14 PM Grooveshark: #221 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:13:14 PM #221 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:14 PM #221 Content-Length reached: (224/224)

8/18/2009 8:13:15 PM #222 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...67c5c1596de6250

8/18/2009 8:13:15 PM #222 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:15 PM #222 Content-Length reached: (985/985)

8/18/2009 8:13:16 PM #223 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...lash=

8/18/2009 8:13:16 PM #223 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #224 GET http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pagead/im...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #225 GET http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pagead/inject_object_div.js

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM DNS: tpc.googlesyndication.com ->

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #225 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #224 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #224 Content-Length reached: (51371/51371)

8/18/2009 8:13:17 PM #226 GET http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pagead/im...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:13:18 PM #226 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:18 PM #227 GET http://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pagead/im...BDIIvgr_hHh38hA

8/18/2009 8:13:18 PM #227 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:13:18 PM #226 Content-Length reached: (51371/51371)

8/18/2009 8:13:18 PM #227 Content-Length reached: (51371/51371)

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM #215 Content-Length reached: (3317012/3317012)

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM Grooveshark: Song request for 4d09dbdcddbe102c9e9d

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM 22013620: Matched song URL: http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM 22013620: Song ready, submitting

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM Saver2: Processing song Lily Allen - "The Fear (Explicit)" on 'It's Not Me, It's You' (ID 22013620)

8/18/2009 8:13:19 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Grooveshark; MP3 format, 3317012 bytes

8/18/2009 8:13:21 PM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

8/18/2009 8:13:21 PM Saver2: Saved AART to 'D:\Saved Music\Lily Allen\It's Not Me, It's You\It's Not Me, It's You.png'

8/18/2009 8:13:21 PM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/18/2009 8:13:21 PM Saver2: Processing completed.

8/18/2009 8:14:15 PM #228 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...67c5c1596de6250

8/18/2009 8:14:15 PM #228 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:14:15 PM #228 Content-Length reached: (330/330)

8/18/2009 8:14:50 PM #229 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM #229 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM Grooveshark: #229 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM #229 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM #229 Content-Length reached: (328/328)

8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM Grooveshark: 404 http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:14:53 PM #230 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:14:53 PM #230 POST 486 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:14:53 PM #230: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:14:53 PM #230 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:16 PM #231 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...67c5c1596de6250

8/18/2009 8:15:17 PM #231 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:17 PM #231 Content-Length reached: (330/330)

8/18/2009 8:15:23 PM #232 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #232 POST 486 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #233 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #232: Content length of zero.

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #232 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #233 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM Grooveshark: #233 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #233 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM #233 Content-Length reached: (7147/7147)

8/18/2009 8:15:24 PM Grooveshark: 503 http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:15:26 PM #234 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?...cmd%3D(none)%3B

8/18/2009 8:15:26 PM #234 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = False, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:26 PM #234 Content-Length reached: (35/35)

8/18/2009 8:15:27 PM #235 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:15:27 PM #235 POST 327 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/18/2009 8:15:27 PM Grooveshark: #235 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/18/2009 8:15:27 PM #235 handling mode = ProxyMode { TMP = True, STR = True, RESP'd = False, RR = True}

8/18/2009 8:15:28 PM #235 Content-Length reached: (328/328)

8/18/2009 8:15:28 PM Grooveshark: 404 http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

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aha, looks like i found it. grooveshark added session IDs, and it used an offset to find song ID, not by searching for a key.

Uploaded fixed version and verified functionality in IE and FF. In addition, debug now gives a full vomit of all relevant data when enabled (on gs); the song id request failing didn't give me any data so i had to check it out myself.

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That's working great now, fixing all the errors I had. However, I get a million error windows popping up saying "plugin error while post-tamering: system.missingMethodException".

the stack trace shows:

methodnot found: boolean simple saverpluginHandleAART(proxy.session)

simplesaverpluging.cs: line 128

saverpluging.cs: line 153

pluginMgr.cs: line 85

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having a problem with the software. It seems to happen every time I load a page through Firefox. I am using the proxy parameters given in the Readme...using the off-site proxy config.

I get Dialog boxes popping up with the following message:

Plugin error while post-tampering: System.MissingMethodException

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean SimpleSaverPlugin.HandleAART(Proxy.Session)'.

at Grooveshark.Grooveshark.CheckSession(Session oSession)

at SimpleSaverPlugin.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SimpleSaverPlugin.cs:line 128

at SaverPlugin.TamperResponseAfter(Session s) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SaverPlugin.cs:line 153

at Proxy.PluginMgr.TamperAfter(Session sess) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 85

System config:

Windows XP SP3

Firefox 3.5.2

using Pandora One

Other than that, the software seems to be functioning fine. Files are downloading, tagging, etc. Just get this nagging dialog a lot. Thanks in advance for the help!

a big chunk of the logfile follows:

8/19/2009 11:34:37 PM SProxy starting

8/19/2009 11:34:37 PM Using SOCKS4 proxy

8/19/2009 11:34:37 PM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/19/2009 11:34:41 PM #0 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...pqTgTw%2F8UQ%3D

8/19/2009 11:34:41 PM #0: Exemption key Pandora-Vital forcing exempt

8/19/2009 11:34:41 PM #1 GET http://www.pandora.com/radio/TUNER_INFO/v1...&arg6=false

8/19/2009 11:34:41 PM S1067048: Started downloading

8/19/2009 11:34:42 PM #2 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...pqTgTw%2F8UQ%3D

8/19/2009 11:34:42 PM #2: Exemption key Pandora-Vital forcing exempt

8/19/2009 11:34:43 PM S1067048: Started downloading

8/19/2009 11:35:48 PM Plugin error while post-tampering: System.MissingMethodException

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean SimpleSaverPlugin.HandleAART(Proxy.Session)'.

at Grooveshark.Grooveshark.CheckSession(Session oSession)

at SimpleSaverPlugin.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SimpleSaverPlugin.cs:line 128

at SaverPlugin.TamperResponseAfter(Session s) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SaverPlugin.cs:line 153

at Proxy.PluginMgr.TamperAfter(Session sess) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 85

8/19/2009 11:35:52 PM Plugin error while post-tampering: System.MissingMethodException

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean SimpleSaverPlugin.HandleAART(Proxy.Session)'.

at Grooveshark.Grooveshark.CheckSession(Session oSession)

at SimpleSaverPlugin.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SimpleSaverPlugin.cs:line 128

at SaverPlugin.TamperResponseAfter(Session s) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\CoreSaver\SaverPlugin.cs:line 153

at Proxy.PluginMgr.TamperAfter(Session sess) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 85

8/19/2009 11:37:09 PM S1067048: Finished downloading

8/19/2009 11:37:09 PM S1067048: Song has no AART, submitting

8/19/2009 11:37:09 PM Pandora: sniffed Converter, Asche & Morgenstern - "Erosion" on 'Erode' (ID S1067048)

8/19/2009 11:37:09 PM Saver2: Processing song Converter, Asche & Morgenstern - "Erosion" on 'Erode' (ID S1067048)

8/19/2009 11:37:10 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 11494294 bytes

8/19/2009 11:37:11 PM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

8/19/2009 11:37:11 PM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/19/2009 11:37:11 PM Saver2: Processing completed.

8/19/2009 11:37:55 PM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/19/2009 11:37:55 PM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/19/2009 11:37:55 PM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\download\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\

8/19/2009 11:37:55 PM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/19/2009 11:37:55 PM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/19/2009 11:38:13 PM #3 GET /log

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god i fail

re-download it one last time, being sure to replace saver2.dll

this was caused by an old saver2 build being used with a new plugin (there were internal changes). Worst bit is i noticed this, fixed the archive, and somehow failed to upload it. Again.

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First off - great work, I have only used PandoraSaver before, but I am going to start testing Saver2 shortly.

Secondly, the feature request. I would like to be able to automatically give feedback to Pandora (Thumbs up/Thumbs down) even when I am not at the computer. This will obviously be driven off of a song list (preferably one keyed by file name). That way the files already on the hard drive can be evaluated even when not running Pandora and it then Pandroa will be "told" of the rating changes the next time the same song plays.

Hope you can work this in a future release.

Thanks for all of the hard work.

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god i fail

re-download it one last time, being sure to replace saver2.dll

this was caused by an old saver2 build being used with a new plugin (there were internal changes). Worst bit is i noticed this, fixed the archive, and somehow failed to upload it. Again.

Thanks for all the great work. It might help to change version numbers so people aren't giving you error reports on old code or re-downloading cached versions.

Anyway, I have partial success with the new code. Some files come down and some do not. When a song fails to download, a message "Unknown song key" is in the log, like so:

8/22/2009 5:24:38 AM #8 POST http://stream29.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:24:38 AM #8 POST 32 bytes to stream29.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:24:38 AM Grooveshark: #8 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:24:44 AM #9 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/22/2009 5:24:44 AM #9 POST 1651 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:25:02 AM Grooveshark: Song request for 352c9afae056102c815e

8/22/2009 5:25:02 AM Grooveshark: Unknown song key 352c9afae056102c815e

Am I correct in thinking that this means simply that the song details couldn't be looked up? In such cases, could we have the file saved to disk anyway - possibly for identification later? This assumes the song keys are unique and persistent.

Anyway, things seem to work better if I search for a specific song and play it from the search results, rather than letting it play a bunch of queued songs. Attached are 2 logs for the same song. The failed log is from when the song is the second song of a queue - the successful one is from when I directly search for it and play it from the search page:


8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM SProxy application started.

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Searching for plugins in C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Verification completed successfully.

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Saver2 built on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 15:23:22 CST

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM SProxy starting

8/22/2009 5:48:21 AM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM #0 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM #0 POST 279 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: #0 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #0 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 277

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 279

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:48:51 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:48:51 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:48:51 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 316

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 316


8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: Unknown song ID 3792624

8/22/2009 5:48:38 AM #1 POST http://stream2.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:48:39 AM #1 POST 32 bytes to stream2.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:48:39 AM Grooveshark: #1 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:48:39 AM #2 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM #2 POST 379 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: #2 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #2 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 377

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 379

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:48:53 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:48:53 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:48:53 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 224

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 224


8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:48:40 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:48:41 AM #3 POST

8/22/2009 5:48:41 AM #3 POST 97 bytes to

8/22/2009 5:48:43 AM #4 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/22/2009 5:48:43 AM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...ec762cf76d9867e

8/22/2009 5:48:43 AM #4 POST 1888 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:48:43 AM #6 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...lash=

8/22/2009 5:48:43 AM #7 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/st?ad_type=ad&a...;section=451710

8/22/2009 5:48:44 AM #8 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/imp?Z=160x600&a...mp;B=10&r=0

8/22/2009 5:48:44 AM #9 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/iframe3?ZjZhAH7...ec762cf76d9867e

8/22/2009 5:48:44 AM #10 GET http://desk.opt.fimserve.com/adopt/?r=h&am...amp;rnd=6472554

8/22/2009 5:48:45 AM #11 GET http://cache.fimservecdn.com/contents/258/...lickTarget=_new

8/22/2009 5:48:47 AM Grooveshark: Song request for 5dd458b7e059102cbe9e

8/22/2009 5:48:47 AM Grooveshark: Unknown song key 5dd458b7e059102cbe9e

8/22/2009 5:49:09 AM #12 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM #12 POST 378 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM Grooveshark: #12 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #12 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 376

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 378

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:49:23 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:49:23 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:49:23 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 224

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 224


8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:49:10 AM Grooveshark: resp ---



8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM SProxy application started.

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Searching for plugins in C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Checking vital files...

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Verifying lame.exe

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Verification completed successfully.

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Saver2 built on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 15:23:22 CST

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: NrCores = 1

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Saver2: Worker thread started!

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM SProxy starting

8/22/2009 5:51:56 AM Listening for connections on port 8888

8/22/2009 5:52:00 AM #0 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/22/2009 5:52:00 AM #1 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/22/2009 5:52:00 AM #2 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/docwrite.js

8/22/2009 5:52:01 AM #3 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/22/2009 5:52:01 AM #4 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/22/2009 5:52:01 AM #5 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/22/2009 5:52:01 AM #6 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/22/2009 5:52:01 AM #7 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #8 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #9 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #10 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #11 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #12 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/getAnalytics.php?it=0

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #13 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js?_=1250938322556

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #14 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js?_=1250938322556

8/22/2009 5:52:02 AM #15 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=166675...p-ddi5MNsstELmE

8/22/2009 5:52:11 AM #16 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/

8/22/2009 5:52:11 AM #17 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...slite.css?ver=1

8/22/2009 5:52:11 AM #18 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/docwrite.js

8/22/2009 5:52:11 AM #19 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...mages/adBar.png

8/22/2009 5:52:11 AM #20 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/jquery.js

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #21 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfobject.js

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #22 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/swfaddress.js

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #23 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...cmousewheel2.js

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #24 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/js/adScroll.js

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #25 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...es/adMoveUp.png

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #26 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../adMoveDown.png

8/22/2009 5:52:12 AM #27 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #28 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/getAnalytics.php?it=0

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #31 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #32 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM Generating error page: 408 Request Timeout 'Timeout'

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #33 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js?_=1250938333197

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #34 GET http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js?_=1250938333197

8/22/2009 5:52:13 AM #35 GET http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel;r=138221...p-ddi5MNsstELmE

8/22/2009 5:52:14 AM #36 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystClientAPI.swf?1

8/22/2009 5:52:14 AM #37 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/22/2009 5:52:14 AM #38 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/.../vipBadgeUp.png

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #39 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/webincludes/...ipBadgeOver.png

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #40 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #41 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/displayAd.ph...ec762cf76d9867e

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #42 GET http://listen.grooveshark.com/chanalystServers.php

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #43 GET http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads...lash=

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #44 CONNECT cowbell.grooveshark.com:443

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #45 GET http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/crossdomain.xml

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #46 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/st?ad_type=ad&a...;section=451710

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #47 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:15 AM #47 POST 256 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: #47 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #47 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 254

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 256

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:29 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:29 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:29 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 228

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 228


8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM #48 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/imp?Z=160x600&a...mp;B=10&r=0

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM #49 GET http://ad.yieldmanager.com/iframe3?ZjZhAH7...ec762cf76d9867e

8/22/2009 5:52:16 AM #50 GET http://desk.opt.fimserve.com/adopt/?r=h&am...amp;rnd=8058364

8/22/2009 5:52:17 AM #51 GET http://cache.fimservecdn.com/contents/350/...350/160iq-6.jpg

8/22/2009 5:52:23 AM Generating error page: 502 Bad Gateway 'Connection Failure'

8/22/2009 5:52:23 AM #11: Failure to connect: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)

at Proxy.Session.Connect() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Session.cs:line 488

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 276

8/22/2009 5:52:24 AM #52 GET http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/crossdomain.xml

8/22/2009 5:52:25 AM #53 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/22/2009 5:52:25 AM #53 POST 478 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM #54 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM #54 POST 350 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: #54 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #54 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 348

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 350

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:42 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:42 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:42 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 316

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 316


8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: req ---

{"header":{"client":"gslite","token":"f7eec34c68e4063ea10927bb0b748547f4caf93b0ddabf","uuid":"A1905200-A5A7-CB61-B983-41BC2E561215","clientRevision":"20090812.02","session":"c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e"},"parameters":{"limit":100,"type":"Songs","query":"been standin here bonamassa","offset":0},"method":"getNameIDRatingsArtistNameFromSearch"}

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: resp ---

{"header":{"session":"c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e","alerts":[{"AlertID":"2","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null},{"AlertID":"3","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null}]},"result":{"total":1,"resultSet":[{"name":"Been Standin Here","ID":3792624,"artistName":"Joe Bonamassa"}]}}

8/22/2009 5:52:28 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #55 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #55 POST 285 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: #55 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #55 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 283

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 285

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:44 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:44 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:44 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 496

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 496


8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: resp ---

{"header":{"session":"c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e","alerts":[{"AlertID":"2","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null},{"AlertID":"3","Text":"woot","Type":"1","Target":"1","TSExpires":null}]},"result":[{"songID":3792624,"songName":"Been Standin Here","albumID":726917,"albumName":"Live At The Cabooze","artistID":3540,"artistName":"Joe Bonamassa","artURL":"http:\/\/beta.grooveshark.com\/webincludes\/img\/defaultart\/album\/sdefault.png","avgRating":0,"estimateDuration":257}]}

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: songID = 3792624

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: songName = Been Standin Here

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: albumID = 726917

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: albumName = Live At The Cabooze

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: artistID = 3540

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: artistName = Joe Bonamassa

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: artURL = http://beta.grooveshark.com/webincludes/im...um/sdefault.png

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: avgRating = 0

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: estimateDuration = 257

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: Got song Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #56 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #56 POST 371 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: #56 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #56 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 369

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 371

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:44 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:44 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:44 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 224

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 224


8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM Grooveshark: 3792624 = Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #57 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/webincludes/im...um/sdefault.png

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #58 GET http://beta.grooveshark.com/webincludes/im...um/sdefault.png

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #59 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:31 AM #59 POST 279 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: #57 matched http://beta.grooveshark.com/webincludes/im...um/sdefault.png

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: #58 matched http://beta.grooveshark.com/webincludes/im...um/sdefault.png

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: #59 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #59 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 277

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 279

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:45 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:45 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:45 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 316

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 316


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: 3792624 = Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx: 3792624 -> e8cc6621e059102cbe9e

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM #60 POST http://stream2.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM #60 POST 32 bytes to stream2.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: #60 matched http://stream*.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM #61 POST http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM #61 POST 379 bytes to cowbell.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: #61 matched http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: RPC request:

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: Session object, ID #61 [

URL = http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/service.php?json

Method = post

Host = cowbell.grooveshark.com

Port = 80

Request headers = {

Accept: */*

Accept-Language: en-US

Referer: http://listen.grooveshark.com/main.swf?cowbell=09081203

x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 377

Pragma: no-cache

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Host: cowbell.grooveshark.com

Connection: close

Cookie: __utma=111479378.3290270911599294500.1250652259.1250652259.1250652259.1; __utmz=111479378.1250652259.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; __qca=P0-940854740-1250687845594; __gads=ID=43b7520d2962b61a:T=1250687858:S=ALNI_MbpDzsRrRBKRtjpkARpsYWpqicBQw


Request body length = 379

Response code = 200

Response headers = {

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:52:45 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.8 (EL)

X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29-Aug-2009 10:52:46 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=c55811cf26e067834ec762cf76d9867e; expires=Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:52:46 GMT; path=/; domain=.grooveshark.com

Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0

Pragma: no-cache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Length: 224

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Via: 1.0 sproxy


Response body length = 224


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: req ---


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: resp ---


8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: Known songs:

8/22/2009 5:52:32 AM Grooveshark: e8cc6621e059102cbe9e = Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:34 AM #62 POST http://guts.grooveshark.com:8080/logserver/guts/log

8/22/2009 5:52:34 AM #63 GET

8/22/2009 5:52:34 AM #62 POST 1173 bytes to guts.grooveshark.com

8/22/2009 5:52:35 AM #64 POST

8/22/2009 5:52:35 AM #64 POST 97 bytes to

8/22/2009 5:52:39 AM #65 GET;:'1'}

8/22/2009 5:52:41 AM Grooveshark: Song request for e8cc6621e059102cbe9e

8/22/2009 5:52:41 AM 3792624: Matched song URL: http://stream2.grooveshark.com/stream.php

8/22/2009 5:52:41 AM 3792624: Song ready, submitting

8/22/2009 5:52:41 AM Grooveshark: sniffed Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:42 AM Saver2: Processing song Joe Bonamassa - "Been Standin Here" on 'Live At The Cabooze' (ID 3792624)

8/22/2009 5:52:42 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Grooveshark; MP3 format, 5151956 bytes

8/22/2009 5:52:43 AM Saver2: Using existing album art

8/22/2009 5:52:43 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

8/22/2009 5:52:43 AM Saver2: Saved AART to 'C:\Temp\Saver2Beta2\Saved Music\Grooveshark\Joe Bonamassa\Live At The Cabooze.png'

8/22/2009 5:52:43 AM Saver2: Tagging completed

8/22/2009 5:52:43 AM Saver2: Processing completed.

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