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(Pandora) Saver2


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Years later after i've insisted that there should be a LiveCD solution

i finally gave 'Saver2' a try. My advice to the non-USA citizens is to

install it in a virtual system such as VirtualBox, whatever, because

the double proxy TCP/IP setup eventually breaks down and then it

will be difficult to restore normal functionality. I tried uninstalling it

and then reinstalling, of course. I also attempted to find a clue in

the TCP/IP stack properties... Truth is it's fun to install 'Saver2' on

a virgin Windows system but much less fun to fix it if gone wrong.

'Saver2' is still a nice piece of work, i just wish it wasn't so fragile.

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Years later after i've insisted that there should be a LiveCD solution

i finally gave 'Saver2' a try. My advice to the non-USA citizens is to

install it in a virtual system such as VirtualBox, whatever, because

the double proxy TCP/IP setup eventually breaks down and then it

will be difficult to restore normal functionality. I tried uninstalling it

and then reinstalling, of course. I also attempted to find a clue in

the TCP/IP stack properties... Truth is it's fun to install 'Saver2' on

a virgin Windows system but much less fun to fix it if gone wrong.

'Saver2' is still a nice piece of work, i just wish it wasn't so fragile.

That's odd? It does nothing with the tcp/ip stack....

The worst it can do is (somehow) not restore your IE proxy settings, and it's very simple to fix that; i really don't recommend using that setting because of that. No idea how it happens.

Also, if you really wanted to, you can use mono with saver2 now.

Edited by ZigZagJoe
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Well, maybe "TCP/IP" isn't an accurate expression but that's what i

associate the connectivity "adapter" with (you know, the double PC

icon)... I do remember seeing 'Saver2' related, euh... "bindings",

if i'm not mistaking, which accumulated in the properties window

after a couple re-install/de-install cycles. I managed to get it fixed

once but i forgot what/where/how. Sorry for being so vague! My

favourite option would be to proceed with a fresh install from a W32

LiveCD instead of using some 'Mono' contraption on top of Linux...

I'll comment further when the time allows.

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Yes; it does nothing with the tcp/ip stack/net adapters/etc.... it functions as a "man in the middle", not network monitor.

Also, mono is quite mature by now... plus windows livecds are very temperamental and not legal to distribute. also, you need to strap on the .net clr anyways, so you have to use a framework either way.

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Also, patch coming out tomorrow due to a critical bug (and some additions).

Tentative changelog:

09/xx/10: 1.3.2 build 8xx

Critical fix that prevented youtube and slacker from working. Added turbo mode for grooveshark.

Client: Will now retry automatically if a mplayer error occurs

Client: Added ability to filter live songs and mixed songs; and optionally rate them negatively or tired.

Pandora: Removed nonsensical text about removed delete songs option

Pandora: Added option to log songs on station

Grooveshark: Added turbo mode (!) + config page for it

Grooveshark: All requests to guts.php are blocked

Saver2: Added apply button on settings page

SProxy: Added sanity check for listenport

SProxy: Fixed anchor of checkbox on logform

Installer: Added a running check for irchelp

[CRITICAL] Installer: FLVAudioExtract will be updated properly now

Stage2: When firefox portable is ticked, it will be used to launch URLs from sproxy

Various: Rewrote various strings

Various: Version bumps

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Well, it seems that "man in the middle" converses in TCP/IP language

but i could be wrong... Anyway, lets forget about semantics: the point

was that evaluation of 'Saver2' might have adverse effects and hence i

suggest it's done in a virtual environment or even using a LiveCD. I was

not lucky trying the later solution so that leaves emulation tools such

as 'VirtualBox', IMO. According to this capture, 'SProxy' encountered

some problem while trying to communicate with 'TORTunnel', i believe:


I found traces of 'TORTunnel' in the FireWall Exceptions, which i happened

to reach through the twin PC icon located at the lower-right corner... There

were two, actually: one for 'Saver2', the other for 'Pandora'. I guess 'SProxy'

should be able to connect via 'TORTunnel', don't ask me why it won't. What

i know it that i stripped the Windows box down to the bones by removing

everything i could, like MicroSoft's .NET FrameWork to begin with, then the

plugins like 'Flash Player', 'JAVA'... Even the Anti-Virus went through the

trap. While executing your 'Saver2' setup application a script re-downloaded

and re-installed .NET FrameWork support, it was a very slow process but it

appeared to have succeeded, nonetheless. The fact remains, i can no longer

browse the web on that machine and being a TCP/IP issue or not i'm still not

able to pin-point the cause because this situation is permanent even after i

reboot, without even having 'Saver2' and its suite loaded!...

In short, my recommendation is that the prefered way to try 'Saver2' should

exclude the user's main Windows environment - at least until this is solved.

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Well, it seems that "man in the middle" converses in TCP/IP language

but i could be wrong... Anyway, lets forget about semantics: the point

was that evaluation of 'Saver2' might have adverse effects and hence i

suggest it's done in a virtual environment or even using a LiveCD. I was

not lucky trying the later solution so that leaves emulation tools such

as 'VirtualBox', IMO. According to this capture, 'SProxy' encountered

some problem while trying to communicate with 'TORTunnel', i believe:


I found traces of 'TORTunnel' in the FireWall Exceptions, which i happened

to reach through the twin PC icon located at the lower-right corner... There

were two, actually: one for 'Saver2', the other for 'Pandora'. I guess 'SProxy'

should be able to connect via 'TORTunnel', don't ask me why it won't. What

i know it that i stripped the Windows box down to the bones by removing

everything i could, like MicroSoft's .NET FrameWork to begin with, then the

plugins like 'Flash Player', 'JAVA'... Even the Anti-Virus went through the

trap. While executing your 'Saver2' setup application a script re-downloaded

and re-installed .NET FrameWork support, it was a very slow process but it

appeared to have succeeded, nonetheless. The fact remains, i can no longer

browse the web on that machine and being a TCP/IP issue or not i'm still not

able to pin-point the cause because this situation is permanent even after i

reboot, without even having 'Saver2' and its suite loaded!...

In short, my recommendation is that the prefered way to try 'Saver2' should

exclude the user's main Windows environment - at least until this is solved.

That error is given with the configured proxy is unavailable. I'm guessing you ticked tortunnel in the installer; which is basically a super minimalist version of tor, nevertheless, it gets the job done. Then, i guess, you cleared the config after the fact so the tortunnel helper which should be launching is not launching and thus, no proxy to be found. To fix that either turn of proxy chaining in settings or go to your installation folder and launch TorEndPoints.exe (not tortunnel!)

You might check the IE proxy settings, and see if it is set. That could conceivably cause the appearance that internet is not working. However, firefox, unless you set its proxy, would work fine, and ping etc resolves will also work. In addition, a better method of IE proxy setting is coming up with the next patch, eta about 10 minutes from now.

.Net (3.5) will only be installed if .net 2.0 or greater is not installed. You didn't have it; so it ran the official(!) installer for it.

Any firewall exceptions were added by you or automatically by windows - not my app.

It seems odd to me that you are the only one reporting such problems, especially as I have sproxy running always and have not had such problems (and i undoubtedly load it the heaviest).

Yes, the "man in the middle" uses a bog standard windows socket to converse in tcp/ip, as you put it. There is nothing odd going on here. Now, if you tried (and failed) to install a packet sniffer, these sort of errors would be possible if it was extremely ill designed. SProxy, is nothing but a proxy server... lol

Edited by ZigZagJoe
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Evaluation of 'Saver2' was easy the 1st time, i could act like a typical "brain-

dead" Windows mouse-clicker and still get a positive result. Once broken, it

was no longer true though: removing/re-installing the application trying various

options didn't suffice and now the damage seems to be permanent. I'm unable

to point my finger at 'Saver2' specifically, all i'm saying is that "shit happens"

and that it might happen again... It sure did in my case. I may be the only one

or perhaps the others just don't care to give any feed-back. Speaking of which,

do you require more input? A capture, some log-file? I'll try to provide it if i'm

told what it is that you wish to see.

By the way, my Win XP PC is set to support a language other than English

but i'd be surprized if that has anything to do with the problem(s) observed.

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And I'm telling you, your symtomps have NOTHING to do with saver2. At all. I also posted above with things to check (IE proxies) and for Saver2 (is tortunnel running). But your PC's network connection has nothing to do with it.

A log would not be much use; that screenshot told me all i need to know - the proxy server it is trying to communicate with (tortunnel) is not available. It needs to be available for traffic to be able to go through SProxy.

Actually, a long time ago, language was causing problems with number format, but that is long since fixed.

Tortunnel is also only needed for using pandora remotely; you could just clear the proxy setting and use non-pandora services... or just launch tortunnel...

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I'm sorry i have to disagree, this has everything to do with 'Saver2' since the

loss of connectivity occured right when i attempted to use it again. I can see

my input isn't wanted but that's how things are: no 'Saver2', browsing works;

'Saver2' installed, bye bye browsing and 'Saver2' with it! Make your remarks

as savvy as you like, i just got no other version of reality to share... Call me a

liar if you wish, it's most regrettable you're unwilling to investigate the incident

any further so that you'd learn from your error(s) but the loss isn't mine and i

understand entirely how threatened and irritated you must feel. My sincere

appologies for the inconvenience but, please, you still need to advise future/

potential users that's NOT 100 % risk-free: in case of trouble one may have

to re-install their Windows system since i notice you have no remedy to offer.

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I. Wrote. This. Program. There is LITERALLY NOTHING changed that has anything to do with the TCP/IP stacks, network adapters, network drivers, ETC! I'm sorry you've fucked up your system to kingdom come. But it has nothing to do with my software.

I've given you stuff to check for your various problems. You've evidently elected not to pursue these solutions/diagnostics. I don't NEED logs, because you already posted the screen with an error. And i told you how to resolve it.

So. If you have no interest in resolving your problem, please kindly stop trolling my thread.

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Patch deployed.

Big news:

Grooveshark turbo

Opera portable replacing firefox

Two critical fixes

Much improved IE proxies setting

Added song filter for client.

Changelog follows.

09/02/10: 1.3.2 build 914

Contains a critical fix that prevented youtube and slacker from working. Added turbo mode for grooveshark.

The IE proxies setting now uses the autoconfig url rather than setting all proxies - major fix! This prevent the setting from getting glitched and not resetting when closing. In addition, only traffic relevant to Saver2 will go through SProxy.

Opera portable has replaced firefox portable. In addition to being updated/more secure/etc, it has the most recent flash plugin, a full completement of bookmarks, and URLs clicked in SProxy will be opened inside opera. It also has a smaller footprint on disk.

Client: Will now retry automatically if a mplayer error occurs

Client: Added ability to filter live songs and mixed songs; and optionally rate them negatively or tired.

Pandora: Removed nonsensical text about removed delete songs option

Pandora: Added option to log songs on station

Grooveshark: Added turbo mode (!) + config page for it

Grooveshark: All requests to guts.php are blocked

IRC: Small fix for name

Saver2: Added rtmpdump output when an error occurs

Saver2: Added some backup code for rtmpdump

Saver2: Added apply button on settings page

[CRITICAL] SProxy: "Set IE proxies" now uses the autoconfig URL rather than settings all proxies; ie, 'loosing' web access in apps using IE proxies/IE will not be an issue.

SProxy: IE proxies setting takes effect immediately when changed

SProxy: Added the /pac method to return the BrowserPAC.js file with port changed for SProxy

SProxy: Added sanity check for listenport

SProxy: Fixed anchor of checkbox on logform

SProxy: Max connections restriction removed until limit is hit

SProxy: Added restart when port changed

Installer: Replaced firefox with opera

Installer: Added a running check for irchelp

[CRITICAL] Installer: FLVAudioExtract will be updated properly now

Stage2: Added opera support

Various: Rewrote various strings

Various: Version bumps for plugins and sproxy

Documentation: Some updates to reflect changes.

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Too bad but i must insist when i witness such degree of DENIAL!!! The clever thing

to do when dealing with a 1st-time user as myself would be to seek more feedback,

instead of that i can't but notice you're still stuck in the very same hostile attitude

which dates back to a confrontation taking place years ago... Please rest assured

my evaluation of 'Saver2Setup.exe' (the exact file-name) wasn't done on any critical

system and hence i suffered no real damage since i was *prepared* to wipe out the

hard-disk in case of such a failure, to begin with!... I believe it's wrong to state that

this software has nothing to do with the incident, nonetheless! I was doing nothing

else than to evaluate it, actually, and it did work initially but then the next day your

whole contraption simply died. That's how i put it and i'm quite convinced that other

victims wouldn't try to be as accomodating as i've been so far.


But... You've evidently elected to deny the reality of my observations so there's little

to add under such circumstances. Call me a "troll" if that makes you feel good at all,

i, personally, am of the opinion that this is irresponsible of you and that it only shows

a lack of respect for others. Please, don't thank me for caring to use some of my own

spare time to help you with your project. Don't even mention it!... My advice comes at

no cost at all.

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I was willing to go into this and do my best to ignore our disagreement as you said of years ago. You've done nothing but undermine this.

You, through being unwilling to listen to what i have been saying and on top of that ignoring my advice to try to resolve this (if it is even the same problem - unlikely), have done nothing but derail and slander my software. Thus, i believe my labeling of you in the previous post as "Troll" fits quite well. Completely nonconstructive. I do not know how you managed to bugger up your computer to achieve total network failure, but I assure you it had nothing to do with my software.

Like i said. It's functionally equivalent to installing apache on your computer. IT DOES NOTHING WITH YOUR NETWORK ADAPTER, except listen on a port. Which you probably have around 20 programs doing right now, microsoft-built or otherwise. Run netstat -a if you must know.

Also, "victims"? Trolling, i think. We have 43 pages now mostly composed of me giving status updates and helping people resolve their problems. Try harder.

PS: wtf is with the hard-linebreaks

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Well i guess you just have some twisted way to deal with people who try to contribute!

Lies, this is all getting distorted in your inflating head: you will keep building fantasies

on unverified assumptions while you flatter yourself about the longevity of this thread.

Why did i waste time posting a capture?!!! Everyone knows that nobody is more blind

than one who doesn't wish to see. Anyway, you overlooked the potential for significant

incidents and it's not my problem. Have it your way but don't ask me to fill the gaps!...

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