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Dell Inspiron 6400 and wireless with Backtrack4 pre final


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Hi everyone I just installed Backtrack4 pre final on my Dell Inspiron laptop and enjoying it so far. I'm still kinda of new with Linux so after looking on google for help and not finding the answer I assume this would be the next best place.

I noticed that there wasn't any GUI application to connect to wireless networks so I decided that the terminal was fine. This is what I run to connect

ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid "ESSIDHERE"
iwconfig wlan0 key <KEY HERE>
iwconfig wlan0 key open
dhcpcd wlan0

Now what happens is that it will connect to my wireless router with out a problem and I can surf the web, go to google and ping without a problem. But for some reason after a few minutes the connection just seems to drop. I'm not sure why it's doing that, at first I thought it was one of the commands that I was running but after looking at them again it didn't look like they were wrong (I could be wrong though seeing as how I'm still a linux noob).

I don't know if this is of any importance but i'm also able to put the wireless card into monitor mode with Airmon-ng and I can pretty much use all those tools but I can't seem to just stay connected to a wireless network.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking on the internet for a few days now and haven't found much help. Thanks again in advance for any help anyone can offer. If anyone needs more info just ask and I'll provide with anything I can.

*I posted this on the Backtrack forums but I guess it won't show until a moderator approves it. But since I know there are so many smart people on this forums I hope someone can offer up some advice :)

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Hi everyone I just installed Backtrack4 pre final on my Dell Inspiron laptop and enjoying it so far. I'm still kinda of new with Linux so after looking on google for help and not finding the answer I assume this would be the next best place.

I noticed that there wasn't any GUI application to connect to wireless networks so I decided that the terminal was fine. This is what I run to connect

ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid "ESSIDHERE"
iwconfig wlan0 key <KEY HERE>
iwconfig wlan0 key open
dhcpcd wlan0

Now what happens is that it will connect to my wireless router with out a problem and I can surf the web, go to google and ping without a problem. But for some reason after a few minutes the connection just seems to drop. I'm not sure why it's doing that, at first I thought it was one of the commands that I was running but after looking at them again it didn't look like they were wrong (I could be wrong though seeing as how I'm still a linux noob).

I don't know if this is of any importance but i'm also able to put the wireless card into monitor mode with Airmon-ng and I can pretty much use all those tools but I can't seem to just stay connected to a wireless network.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking on the internet for a few days now and haven't found much help. Thanks again in advance for any help anyone can offer. If anyone needs more info just ask and I'll provide with anything I can.

*I posted this on the Backtrack forums but I guess it won't show until a moderator approves it. But since I know there are so many smart people on this forums I hope someone can offer up some advice :)

From the terminal.


wicd-client &

Now you'll have a new icon on your task bar. This may, or may not help, I don't have access to that model Dell.

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