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Anyone have any awards that they are really proud of?


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***PLEASE VaKo or one of the moderators, please delete one thread***

I have no idea why, but there have been multiple instances where posts I have made lately are duplicates. I swear this is not intentional, and something must be going on somewhere that creates this issue. Please delete either this, or the other Duplicate thread.

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Well.. I was hoping the other thread would be kept and this one would be deleted :P Oh well, I'll repost when I get home... Should have uploaded the pic to my photobucket.

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Best Actress of the WHS 2004 graduating class.

That's about it though. They gave me a spiffy little plaque.

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lawl! This is awesome. I mean when I first started this thread I figured it would be dead, but it's awesome to see everyone's achievements. There have been too many that said 'eh.. I got this, but it's nothing special' But it's something to be proud of. This is the only award I have ever received and do feel really proud of it. (was supposed to be in the first post, but oh well, here it goes)

Also here goes my anonymity on here.


But regardless it's like I said (in the post on the duplicate thread that got deleted :P) That just being here and being part of a movement in security, information, and all things tech, you all deserve mad props, because you don't have to be here, but you enjoy it and take time out to watch the show, post on the boards, and most of all learn. We all learn here, even if we don't think about it.

Most of my posts are junk now-a-days. Nothing really informational unless it's corrections or something. But everytime I have an opinion, someone learns me somthin' :P But that's always a good thing. If you can't learn then there is no point of taking time to do anything. So in short, good job everyone for being who you are and for what you do.

btw.. @RAB - What's Pool Frog 3? Is it a swimming award?

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@-silent night: that's freaking awesome man! Ya know I havent messed with flash in years *since the first version of flash creator, and that was so primitive, you might as well be writing back code for flash..*

I ought to check the scene out these days. I know there are lots of things you can do with it now.

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I won the biggest Caulk award from the University of Colonel Lingus Alabama Class of 1969post-12883-1246931388_thumb.jpg :-)

Check out my picture.

PS Snubs Rocks. Do ride on the back of Daren's bike?

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I won my schools Computing Studies prize the other week at the end of the school year. Was in a class with my year, aswell as the year above me :). I was expecting an awesome trophy, but as my luck goes, its a clock, that doesnt work, with a little plaque thing :P.

I also got 100% in my Higher Computing Studies coursework. I didnt get a prize, but I so should have..

Oooh, showing scottish-ness here, but I won a chanter competition. Got a nice wee quach too (like a little silver bowl) :).

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cool beans man.

I'll tell ya one :D I was in TSA (Technical Students Association) in high school, and we went to competition that year. Me and this one guy was going for the 'computer build and repair' competition. It ended up just being me and him taking the A+ exam *that sucked...*. We did not do that hot on it, but the thing was we came in 'honorable mention' (3rd place). A local newspaper decided to come take a pic of all of us that went and did a little paragraph on it.... It said me and that guy won first place :P Would have been great if we did, but oh well.. I still have the cut out of the paper though.

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