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Fon 2201 as standard access point


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So I bought a fon to hack with out of curiosity and while it's a nice piece of hardware I have no practical use for a Jasager or interceptor so now I want to turn the little beasty into a standard wifi access point.

What version of the various flavours of DD-WRT should I use for this?

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So I bought a fon to hack with out of curiosity and while it's a nice piece of hardware I have no practical use for a Jasager or interceptor so now I want to turn the little beasty into a standard wifi access point.

What version of the various flavours of DD-WRT should I use for this?

I personally use http://www.gargoyle-router.com/

It's OpenWRT kamikaze based. Using the author's FonFlash program (a re-write of Area51 flasher) it installs easy and it's very easy to configure. I find it works better then DD-WRT. I found DD-WRT to be a little to "heavy" for the FON.

I've installed Gargoyle on Fon's that have virgin firmware and the latest version without any issues.

Just start FonFlash, pick the files (ahteros bleeding edge), Plug ethernet into Fon (Black/Lan), Plug into computer. Press the Flash button then plug in the FON. FonFlash will find the Fon via Arp packets and it will start flashing it. 30min later you're all set.

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Thanks for that, I installed kamikaze on it yesterday and found the process ok but the interface horrible. Looks very nice and friendly but I was unable to actually make it work.

Gargoyle is currently installing on it now, it just sucks that it takes so long to complete the flashes!

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I've installed and tried gargoyle. It is a lot simpler than kamikaze and I have it running as a wireless access point right now. So that's a result.

However, now it offers pretty much the same functionality as my standard wifi AP, which is a basic import unit made by TP Link. Because the fon can do all sorts of advanced stuff, I want to be able to :)

So I want a more powerful AP. I guess I'll need to flash it back and try again.

I am confusing myself with the two network ports on the back though. I'm connecting the AP to the LAN, and the LAN is connected to the net via a smoothwall. I think the normal way would be to connect the AP to the internet directly, and then connect a switch to it's LAN port and add the computers there. My configuration does not seem to go well with the gargoyle software, as with that, the only way I can get at the admin interface is by connecting a computer to the Fon's LAN port, wereas I can access the web admin for my standard router from any computer on the lan.

More testing!

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I guess I'm just finding the learning curve of the kamikaze branch of OpenWRT to be a little steep. I've never had occasion to deal with it before so I have no prior experience with it.

Is it correct to assume that by flashing the fon just with the boot and kernel, that I should be able to configure it as a valid wifi access point, without installing any further packages? I did try this and while it looked like I had things set correctly, I couldnt get it to work.

I'll keep looking into it, at least I have a starting block of use OpenWRT rather than DD-WRT.

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