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Pandor's jar - New Features


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I am starting this thread to seperate it from the discussion. This is basically for ideas and implementations only.

Let's keep the discussion in the other thread.

To Do:

* Fix the iTunes Implementation

* Figure out how to use PJ in Linux

* Better version control

Some things I'd like to see:

I'd like a command called http://localhost/process?version that returns a build/version id

I'd like to keep this format if possible

MajorVersion.Revision (making the current blarney!! version something like 7.00)

Revision differences would be for bug fixes (like the itunes thing)

Major Version differences would be for changes in logic (like a new skin file or changing the way that items are tagged)

The versiion command may also return a 'codename' like 'blarney!! version' for us humans who have too many numbers to keep track of.

So if I sent a command http://localhost/process?version I'd get back:

7.00 (blarney!! version)

This would allow me to display the verion in the browser which might alleviate some of the 'blah blah doesn't work but once I D/Led the latest version it worked fine'

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How to have BOTH the MrDave skin AND the Milky Skin at the same time:

(or a lesson in alternative Style Sheets)


* pandora.alpha.7

* the Milky skin files

Step by Step

1) Unpack Alpha 7 into your pandora folder. This will give you the latest files so you are working on the same things *I* am.

2) Inside your images folder create a 'milky' folder and upack the milky.zip file into it. You should have two folders: css and images inside your milky folder. OPTIONAL: You can delete the pandoraGrabber.html file here. It isn't needed.

4) Open the pandoraGrabber.html file in the root of your Pandora folder and look for this line:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/pandorajar.css">

Change it to this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/pandorajar.css" title='default'>

<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="images/milky/css/pandorajar.css" title='milky'>

find this line in pandoraGrabber.html

<div class="header" align="left"><img src="images/pjlogo.gif" align="left" border=0>

and change it to this:

<div class="header" align="left"><div id='logo'></div>

and lastly in js/pandorajar.js AND in images/milky/css/pandorasjar.css add this same code anywhere:

#logo {






Now you can change back and forth by choosing your stylesheet from the view->page style menu. Try it yourself!

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