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Hey I need help programming a Linux based computer to run tcpdump automatically. This has been frustrating me for some time and I would be willing to pay someone 100 bucks to program a thumb drive with both Linux and all the scripts for me.

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I think you just add the path to the program with the switches, or whatever command it is to /etc/init.d/boot.local file then reboot the system. It should then start on boot. You woudl probably be better to create a shell script and point to it instead. If the systems requires soemthing like sudo then I'm not sure if it works the same way, but google it to find out more about "/etc/init.d/boot.local". Might be an easier way depending on the distro, you could make it a service or cron job.

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just tag a line in the end of the etc/init.d/networking script - tcpdump -i eth2 etc etc

or you can add your own script in to that folder if you want conditions meet before you start that app, ie does network exist if so is there a link.

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I don't have the time or patience to sit and work on this but thank you for the PM'ed offer rsdbaby.

If its on a flash drive, its going to 1, fill it up fairly quickly depending on the size of the drive assuming its capturing all day, and 2, kill the drive quicker with all the writing and overwriting of the dump files.

What are you doing with the dump files that you need it to start logging on boot? You will want to split the files at some point or they will get too large to work with in an easy manner. You can probably have it capture files up to a certain size and then create a new one when its size reaches a certain megabyte, like 20 megs or so.

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