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is my computer Secure?


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It began with 12 and ended with 94. He probably lives somewhere around Auburn, Indiana.

i have a tripple protection firewall anyway from ZoneLabs

Firewall protection from ZoneLabs is not protection, even if they say that you have tripple protectio, its more like putting tissue paper up for the packets to go through rather than a reinforced concrete wall.

Get at least a small little cheap NAT router.

P.S. I have the IP still as you might imagine.

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An analogy...

Any network protection is like being in prison with a male roomate, at some point you won't be paying attention and get F'ed in the A.

This place was a wakeup for me lol well if I ever use Wifi now lol

There's always a damed 'bug' flaw to a program just takes time for someone to find it... maybe there deliberate! lol let the conspiricy theories begin!

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It doesn't need to be 100% sercure, unless you have something in particular that the hacker might want. It just has to be sercure enough to be more trouble than its worth breaking in. In a world where a lot of people have an ADSL modem hooked into the back of there box, and windows firewall there is always an easyer target.

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It doesn't need to be 100% sercure, unless you have something in particular that the hacker might want. It just has to be sercure enough to be more trouble than its worth breaking in. In a world where a lot of people have an ADSL modem hooked into the back of there box, and windows firewall there is always an easyer target.

what about cable, the high bandwidth version, and ZoneLabs and Windows Firewall.

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Calbe is the same as ADSL, you can have both a direct connection and a NATed connection. When you install zonealarm it automaticly disables the windows firewall, I don't know if you can enable it while ZA is installed, but it's not a good idea to try.

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Zone Alarm is ok, but recently it anoyed me, so now I'm using kerio, and had no problems. I have two problems with ZoneAlarm, my fist problem is that for the functionality I want I need the pro version, but the same functionality is in the free version of kerio. The other problem I have with ZA is that it would some time cause packet loss...

The irony of course been that you said "whats the best firewall money can buy" and the best firewalls are free.

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whats the best firewall money can buy

You don't have to buy the software, you would only have to pay for support if you couldn't use the software. Otherwise you might pay for a hardware firewall which is just normal computer components and software, but you pay for the pretty little box.

For the absalutly paranoid Packet Filter (The OpenBSD Firewall/NAT router) is probably the best.

Is what I would say, but I wouldn't say you would have to be paranoid to use it, if you want to learn a good operating system and pf then you should go for this option.

If you simply haven't got the time or the willingness to do that then I would recommend Monowall, mainly because its very light and runs brillantly on old hardware and embedded platforms. I find smoothwall is ok, but find Monowall more stable.

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On my windows box i am using Outpost firewall. It seems to be pretty good but i have yet to pentest it. It logs alot of things that go on with it. If you have a NAT router and a good software firewall you should be good.

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