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Bit Bucket the class room game


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I was attending a lecture the other day and one of my teachers was discussing how access list’s work in Cisco device’s. In his talk he referred to packets that had a deny setting in the access list ended up in the Bit Bucket. When I queried what the hell is a bit bucket he explained that its memory that is set aside to dump useless rubbish and that memory clears its self in a set amount of time, in essence’s its much like the recycling bin on your windows desktop without you having to empty it.

A couple of days after this lecture I copped a bad case of the flu and was quite possibly high on prescription medications and was thinking about the humble bit bucket. I thought real life really needs a bit bucket due to the fact people being people say and do some really stupid shit (myself included). After a couple more pills to cure my headache and a swig of cough medicine it dawned on me, Bit Bucket the class room game.

Step 1:

Get yourself a Itty Bitty Bin or something that is the equivalent and label it Bit Bucket.

Step 2:

Make up 3 badges or clip on I.D type tags with text that reads My ass got Null0’ed

The Rules and how it works:

When class mate /you stuff’s up by saying or doing something completely stupid you are nominated by someone saying Bit bucket. The class then shows a raise of hands and if more than half have their hand raised you are Null0’d. In which case you wear your Trusty badge for the entire remainder of the class day and write your name, the date and what you said/did on a piece of paper a place it in the bit bucket.

At the end of the year you count the total number of bits in the bit bucket that belong to an individual and issue them with a prize.

The Prize:

I will be using a second itty bitty bin that I shall spray paint gold (if I can’t find a gold one) and mount it on a block of wood which will contain all the fuck ups they did over the year and have an engraving with something along the lines of. I bestow you with the golden bit bucket for being the single most useless piece of flesh that needs a bit bucket placed firmly under their mouth to catch the endless amounts of shit that comes out.


I am open to suggestions to rules, wording on the prize etc… I am planning on introducing this as a class room game sometime in the next couple of weeks for shits and giggles.

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This is brilliant.

When is it coming out on Wii and will it have waggle?!


I laughed so hard when I read this. Think about the commercial for the game. Haha. Ever have a idiot in your class. I can help... Just buy bit bucket for the wii!

Shoenen good to hear your feeling better and good job being productive. For the winner bucket you should maybe make a list of the worst to not as worst and put that on the back. But, still leave the first message it's really funny.



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lmfao well knowing nintendo I am sure they would sting you a $100 bucks for the plastic bit bucket accessory much like they do with every other add on they dream up.

But hey I am sure people would pay it, after all wii fit fucking sells like hot cakes! I never got wii fit, seriously as if fat people want scales, Nintendo would be better off making the nun-chuck controller look like KFC drum stick or some shit.

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lmfao well knowing nintendo I am sure they would sting you a $100 bucks for the plastic bit bucket accessory much like they do with every other add on they dream up.

But hey I am sure people would pay it, after all wii fit fucking sells like hot cakes! I never got wii fit, seriously as if fat people want scales, Nintendo would be better off making the nun-chuck controller look like KFC drum stick or some shit.

Rofl. Could you imagine that. The wii 520 (nock off of xbox 360) now comes with the new and improved wii special addition kfc drumstick nunchuck which is now edible with no side effects.



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Rofl. Could you imagine that. The wii 520 (nock off of xbox 360) now comes with the new and improved wii special addition kfc drumstick nunchuck which is now edible with no side effects.



HAH! I ROFL'ed at all these comments.

hey destro does it come in both spicy and origional recipe or does only japan get the spicey golden colored one?

oh and for $15 dollars more you get the wii kfc Bucket accessory to manage all those drumstick nunchucks with

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HAH! I ROFL'ed at all these comments.

hey destro does it come in both spicy and origional recipe or does only japan get the spicey golden colored one?

oh and for $15 dollars more you get the wii kfc Bucket accessory to manage all those drumstick nunchucks with

LOL that's all included with the special edition. LOL.



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lmfao at drum stick bucket,

I brought the Wii bit bucket back which included KFC drum stick and Bucket holder on launch day, oddly enough I got followed home by some dark skinned people.

Yeap I just went there....... sorry I couldn't help myself it was wide open.

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