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GUI and a confused person


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I have been learning and writing python applications for awhile now and over time have tried to learn a GUI toolkit. Having tried several I have always ended up confused, bewildered, and frustrated. Is it just me, is it that python isn't meant for GUIs? I would like to here your thoughts. Am I just someone doomed to command line applications? Should I try a new language for creating GUIs? Has anyone else had this type of problem (trying to create GUI programs)? Thanks for you input.

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Well there's always Visual Studio with Windows forms applications and toolbox with drag and drop form controls.

Though with your experience with python I doubt you'd want to learn how to program for Windows only. Anyone else got a better idea? I'm actually interested myself in this. Something like VS that could be used to develop cross-platform applications.

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Thanks for the reply I have actually been thinking about maybe C++ but I doubt that would be any easier for GUI's. Then again I could still use python and just you VB as a shell hmm. The reply is much appreciated.

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Writing a GUI in Java is more than easy:

import javax.swing.jframe;
import javax.swing.jbutton;

public void magicFrame() {
  jframe tehFrame = new jframe("Window in Java");
  tehFrame.add(new jbutton("This is a button"));

Some thing like that? Makes a window that has a button inside it.

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Check out tkinter, from what I remember when I was using it it was quite easy to learn. I haven't used it in so long though - don't do very much GUI programming.

from Tkinter import *
myString.set("Well, eh, how about a little red Leicester.")
def changeLabel():
    myString.set("I'm, a-fraid we're fresh out of red Leicester, sir. ")
Button(root,text='Click Me',command=changeLabel).pack()


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Have you tried gtk? It always seemed like the easiest to me.

Here's a simple window with a kill function so the program exits properly when the window is closed.

import gtk, sys

def gtkwindow():
    def kill(window):
    window = gtk.Window()
    width, height = 250,200
    window.resize(width, height)


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I agree with [ratmandall], gtk is definitely the way to go. You should also check into Glade, it can build an XML file that describes your GUI and that gets loaded at runtime.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
    import pygtk

    import gtk
    import gtk.glade

class pyGUI:
    """ Main class for pyGUI application """
    def __init__(self):
        self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML("dialog.glade")

        # Build our dictionary and connect it
        dic = { "on_ButtonClose_clicked": self.ActionClose,
                "on_DialogMain_destroy": gtk.main_quit }

    def ActionClose(self, widget):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = pyGUI()

I have been learning and writing python applications for awhile now and over time have tried to learn a GUI toolkit. Having tried several I have always ended up confused, bewildered, and frustrated. Is it just me, is it that python isn't meant for GUIs? I would like to here your thoughts. Am I just someone doomed to command line applications? Should I try a new language for creating GUIs? Has anyone else had this type of problem (trying to create GUI programs)? Thanks for you input.
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I have not been coding in python for long, but my friend has and I asked him about your question. He said that python is more of a command line language. The most gui you will get out of it is if compile it and stuff like that in programs like xcode. Well, good luck with your gui.



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Writing a GUI in Java is more than easy:

import javax.swing.jframe;
import javax.swing.jbutton;

public void magicFrame() {
  jframe tehFrame = new jframe("Window in Java");
  tehFrame.add(new jbutton("This is a button"));

Some thing like that? Makes a window that has a button inside it.

And for a free IDE, try Netbeans. WHich can be set up to work with PHP/Python/C/C++ etc etc, but specialises in java.

As for pyton being no use for GUI, i'd have to say use WxWindows. For an example of what can be achived, just take a look at a program featured on the show. Inkscape.

Inkscape was written in Python using the WxWindows toolkit.



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@Destro Thanks for that, I believe I heard that from somewhere but hearing it from a second source helps.

Shawty ya I'll probably look into java or VB, VB C++, or VB C#. It seems that I can easily integrate the command line python apps by compiling the exe with a .pyw extensions so their are no black boxes to free users out. Also for python I can just return the data using sys.exit(i) and have the gui use it. Also thanks everyone for giving you insights, help, and experience it is much appreciated. Thanks again.

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