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Woohoo! I did it! I landed another tech job


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I landed a job at Dell. I worked for them before, but had to leave to go to College. I have had a bitch of a time finding a job with the way the economy has been lately. It took me nearly a month to find a job after I left college for a semester. I am going to love those big pay checks again.

Any of you trying to find a tech job too. I am still looking even though having this one is enough, but I like the hands on experience of internal tech support.

I can't wait to upgrade my rig and buy a new car.

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wow.... wish I could get a tech job.

GG man, congrats on your venture.

Wish I could go ahead and work in my field, but unfortunately, the only networking jobs around here are high profile, so no go on that...

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What the fugg nondisclosure agreement for work placed perks? what ever the fuck for? Don't tell me Dell are paranoid that a rival company would luar their staff away with a more attractive deal.

lol Hex you should check the network shit here, cisco CCNA MCSE and even a degree = help desk. FTS on that one.

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I am studying CCNA for my Bachelors. Yah, nondisclosure kinda sucks, I can't talk about new systems before their release. I can't go around telling people that I can work on there systems because I am a Dell tech. Anything that I invent as result of working with their technology will be owned by them.

I can't complain, it's a career in a field that is difficult to find/land.

Answer is Application, if you are going from the top down.

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Well talking about there tech related stuff prior to release does suck but is understandable, not mention you can work on other peoples equipment is a blessing seeing as NO ONE wants to be the neighbour hood tech guy who constantly gets asked to fix their gear for free but work perks, come on what can you gain from that other than bragging rights.

*BUZZ* Correct but its also wrong, Application Layer is indeed Layer 7 but I mentioned layer 8 on purpose. I did this to test logical thinking and how hackers think outside the box.

Here is a clue layer 8 is the cause of MOST technical/non technical issues and should be added to the OSI model XD

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Ok, how many layers are there in the TCP model?

4 Layers. Link, internet, transport and application at the top.

To be honest I cheated and had to google it, its been a year since I have had to use that shit.

If you were thinking the TCP layers would help in solving my initial question you are mistaken. Think in logical order and you will twig at how simple it is.

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loftrat well I was looking for dumb shit user but hey close enough.

Vako I honestly have no idea, but I am guessing this is a setup for more of your outstanding witty-ness, in which case I will sit back and wait for your classic one liner.

*not to self do not drink coffee when reading next Vako posting*

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The bits of copper and glass, plugs, connectors and so forth. So a layer 0 problem could be someone rolling a chair over the cat6 repeatedly or the council putting a digger shovel through your cable connection during road repairs.

As for the job, well done. I too am under an NDA for Dells new servers but they're going to be really nice. They get a bit of a bum rep but Dell are a nice company to work for and with. The recent demo of the Equallogics SAN-in-a-box unit I was given was really impressive and they're going to loan us one for a few weeks to do some IOPS tests.

However, for the love of god do not be the guy who tells me that I need to swap the hard disk to change the OS on a laptop, and that simply doing a re-format and re-install will not clear previously installed drivers. I very nearly went to Ireland in person with a shotgun.

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Whats layer 0 then?


I like to remember the original layers like this








Now with out looking it up What are the component's of the TCP header? J/K but you can answer if you want to.

To answer your question Vako the only thing that is covered under warranty when you call in for support is the hardware. Tech are only allowed to troubleshoot the hardware and if it's a problem with software we generally don't help with those issues. Some of the 3 tier support that used to work with did, but it was very limited like if someones CD ROM was not working. I would Remove the upper and lower filters in the registry. If and only if I could do it in a timely manner. Anything else is an OSRI (Operating System Reinstall).

Also to get more help for software issues I recommend the Dell forums they are a lot more flexible .

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Congrats! That's great news. I had an interview with IBM. Essentially told be I had the job, but said that they had set a hiring freeze between my last interview and them sending an offer. I get an email every three weeks or so saying that they are still interested in hiring me, but are still under a hiring freeze. Bummer for me, but still excited for you!

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It wasn't a software issue, I was calling for a new wireless antenna. My spiel was "I've tried this with Vista, XP and Ubuntu, all of them exhibit the same exact problem (not connecting to our corp AP's). I've tried the same OS's on 3 other box-fresh machines of the same spec we got in this batch and none of them have the same issue. I've replaced the wifi card with a known good and the problem stays. Can I get the on-site guy out as I don't have time to strip the machine down myself". It was a difficult call anyway, guy kept putting me on hold and refused to believe the shipping address was a real place, being told that the hard disk needed to be replaced in order for them to support me was the last straw. I hung up on him after a few choice words about his career prospects and the next day a senior guy called up, apologized and told me the on-site guy would be there later that day. One new wifi-card & antenna later and it was working fine.

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It wasn't a software issue, I was calling for a new wireless antenna. My spiel was "I've tried this with Vista, XP and Ubuntu, all of them exhibit the same exact problem (not connecting to our corp AP's). I've tried the same OS's on 3 other box-fresh machines of the same spec we got in this batch and none of them have the same issue. I've replaced the wifi card with a known good and the problem stays. Can I get the on-site guy out as I don't have time to strip the machine down myself". It was a difficult call anyway, guy kept putting me on hold and refused to believe the shipping address was a real place, being told that the hard disk needed to be replaced in order for them to support me was the last straw. I hung up on him after a few choice words about his career prospects and the next day a senior guy called up, apologized and told me the on-site guy would be there later that day. One new wifi-card & antenna later and it was working fine.

I used to be the Senior guy and have made plenty of those calls before. It's like calling Microsoft it depends on the tech you get. I have had to fight them tooth and nail because they told the customer I was working with that the company I worked for made and had the product key.

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