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HELP debrickign a wrt54g


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I bricked my wrt54g by overclockign it. THen I gogoled how to debrick, and it said to short pin15 to 116 on the flash memeory chip, it didnt do much s o I shorted 14 to 15 and 16 to 17. so it didn work, now its actign as a hub, and the DHCP is athe cable modem not the oruter, help me

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Sounds like you fubar'd the chip by shorting the wrong pins. Have a look in the openWRT, DD-WRT and Hyper-WRT forums for dedrinking guides, but I'd hit ebay and get another one. Probally won't do jack, but try just leaving it off for a day or so, sometimes the voodoo gods smile on dead hardware...

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yeh, I was runngin alchmey on it, all those debrickers, involve a seral iinterface to router, and I dont feel like solderign and dont have any cabbles to do ti tiwth. I May have fried teh nvram, and I guess the kernel defaults to just runn alll packets as a bridge. Donno, I might just get a new one, ill probly have to ntohing esle I cn do.

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yeh, I was runngin alchmey on it, all those debrickers, involve a seral iinterface to router, and I dont feel like solderign and dont have any cabbles to do ti tiwth. I May have fried teh nvram, and I guess the kernel defaults to just runn alll packets as a bridge. Donno, I might just get a new one, ill probly have to ntohing esle I cn do.

If it's bricked and not covered by any store guarantee or anything then you don't have much to lose so you might aswell try soldering on a serial cable, can't brick it too much more... :P Or find a bored techie and insist he debricks it for you.

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I would like my router to have a faster CPU. I have a AG241 (as far as I can see not paticulaly hackable), however, if there is alot of traffic (say I have bittorrent open) it can take quite along time to proccess each setup page. This is presumably becasue the router has to run each packet though it's CPU and relable them with the correct IP address, port and MAC address.

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Yeah... just QOS all ports below 1024 to highest priority and lower the bt ports, also keep your connections limited to around 300 globally in the BT client, 150per torrent and only torrent one file at once. Otherwise the bt traffic just swamps your router.

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why perform any hack

...because you can

Performing a hack for the sack of it is just plain stupid. If you going to get something out of it, even knowledge or experiance is very good.

But if your not getting anything out of it then you are wasting your time.

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