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Can you hold your drink?


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(02:04:20) Melodic: do you l;ike sxty

(02:04:32) Shaun: what?

(02:28:03) Melodic logged in.

(02:33:59) Melodic logged out.

(02:39:14) Melodic logged in.

(02:47:05) Shaun: hello?

(02:47:14) Melodic: good morning

(02:47:25) Shaun: what does "do you l;ike sxty" mean?

(02:57:03) Melodic: do you like sex

(02:57:05) Melodic: gaga#]

(02:57:09) Melodic: i duno

(02:57:11) Melodic: ive been drinkinm

(02:57:23) Shaun: I thought you said you hadn't been drinking...

(02:57:34) Melodic: no i jhaveny

(02:57:46) Shaun: wow, you can't type while drunk

(02:57:53) Shaun: my typing is great when I'm drunk

(02:57:56) Melodic: yesi can

(02:58:01) Shaun: perhaps better than normal

(02:58:10) Melodic: :FD:D:DD:

(02:58:10) Melodic: :D

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You guys are TERRIBLE!

Mirror :lol:

And Melodic should really keep the mic farther away from his mouth.

And Wine Is Not an Emulator. It's even what WINE stands for! It's an implementation of the Windows API that's provided to the programs so that even though there's no Windows around they wouldn't know any better and run anyways.

Edit: mirror removed by request.

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You guys are TERRIBLE!

Mirror :lol:

And Melodic should really keep the mic farther away from his mouth.

And Wine Is Not an Emulator. It's even what WINE stands for! It's an implementation of the Windows API that's provided to the programs so that even though there's no Windows around they wouldn't know any better and run anyways.


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And Wine Is Not an Emulator. It's even what WINE stands for! It's an implementation of the Windows API that's provided to the programs so that even though there's no Windows around they wouldn't know any better and run anyways.

We said that it stood for WINE is not an emulator twice. Although I thought it originally stood for something else I think I was getting confused with PHP.

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i just cant beleive you sparda and people posting the mirrors.


Just laugh at yourself, it's healthy to. If you can't look back at it, listen to yourself slur words while saying, "I havn't drunk anything, fucck off", and laugh, then you something may be wrong with your character. I know I would be increadibly embarassed if it was me in your shoes but in the end all one can do is laugh.

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man i wasnt drunk than..... :) 8) I was as jolly as a dodger! and you tricked me also

heh... I got Employee to google "dogging" :D

Melodic... comon, you didn't do any thing masivly embarasing, and I censored out your email address :P

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i dont think there is much to worry about all i heard was distortion, distoriton, then somthing about wine ( a drink or program) then more distortion.

on the other hand a very important lession is making its self apprent to be learned here, that is do not get on any form of communication when drunk unless you dont care what you say, and dont care how many people hear you say that.

i have made a few drunk dials in my life and they can really screw up things..

edited for retardedness of poster.... lol

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yeah sorry for going on one. im not having a good time at the moment. i am truely sorry.

i drank some wine...so i was also drunk talking about unix walking to ASDA n when i got back i went on my pc...bad mistake haha

andy was really trying to set me on fire :(

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and you guys wonder why we have the "you're not allowed to record hak5 crew memebrs on voip" rule?

yea, i think that's a really good point. Everybody gets drunk or does something silly at some time, so to make fun of one person for it when you probably did exactly the same thing like a week ago is total bullshit.

i think not recording people on voip is a good rule. i personally basically assume that at some point i will be drunk on skype/vent, when that happens don't give me shit cos you're just as retarded as i am

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