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Novell Client

7eleven mafia

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currently im in school, and the school uses the novell client, this is a real pain. It blocks certain programs, commands, and operations.

the thing that im wondering about is if there is a way around the novell client?

it is the Novell Client 7

i have access to the command prompt, certain things on the control panel, and internet access but it blocks quite a few things.

any help would be greatly appriciated

thanks, 7eleven Mafia

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Your at school, don't hack the network unless your willing to take whatever you get if you get caught yada-yada-yada..

With that out the way you will need to look for certain vulernabilitys in the config of the setup or in the specific version of the client and/or server you have depolyed. So your first step is to audit the setup and see what your dealing with.

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Dont do anything stupid at school, back in hi-school most of my "friends" who did really dumb stuff (defaced some of the schools websites) ended up getting expelled, 2 weeks ISS, or community service.

I often hit a road block with our school locking down things that they didn't mean to. Educational programs, and even the e-mail client would time out if the administration tighten down some settings too much. One way to combat this if the administrators forget to block the group polity editor you can remove most/all the restrictions that novel places on a computer.


If you school doesn't have a drive imager installed (Drive shield or deep Freeze) that reverts the computer after every restart MAKE SURE TO REVERT ANY AND ALL CHANGES YOU MAKE. If you dont you will piss off the IT people, and it will destroy the computer slowly. (they place those restriction on the computer for more reasons than to block you from getting to myspace.)


  • Don't be an idiot.
  • Change things back if your computer dosen't refresh after every restart.
  • Although this can be used in a good way, using this in a such a way that violates your school rules is still against the rules even tho you just changed a setting that was freely available to the users.
  • Having dumb IT people doesn't protect you. In fact it makes it worse because they think that changing a setting from a users account is magic and can only be accomplished with hacking. (hacking > changing as setting in the eyes the the computer illiterate principle.)

Before reading the following spoiler please heed my warnings.

What your looking for is the group policy editor

press win+R and type gpedis.msc



If that is disabled your SOL.

The only other way around this is doing things that I wont share because you will be removed from your school if found doing.

If it's still active you will be able to set the permissions for different applications and windows settings.

Examples of being an idiot include but are not limited to...

Setting your account to all available free space on the server.

Changing passwords

Changing immages on a public school website.

Installing Halo on the server

Installing 1.6 on the server

Installing Unreal Tournament on the server

Going to myspace,live journal.

Releasing the IP of a computer (then setting to the default connection)

Removing the schools monitoring software

Disabling the antivirus permeatly

Installing a mail bomber

Installing a key logger

Installing a port scanner ON THE FUCKING SERVER

Installing over $5000 of cracked software.

Installing KaZaA, Limewire, WinMX, Napster,Grokster, or frostwire

Installing a windows messenger spammer.

Installing an IP stealer on the network.

(after reviewing this list i feel sorry for the It guy at my old HS)

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currently im in school, and the school uses the novell client, this is a real pain. It blocks certain programs, commands, and operations.

the thing that im wondering about is if there is a way around the novell client?

it is the Novell Client 7

i have access to the command prompt, certain things on the control panel, and internet access but it blocks quite a few things.

any help would be greatly appriciated

thanks, 7eleven Mafia

Just to let you know some forums do record your IP . If this one does someone could Subpoena the forum to get your IP address. So be really careful on how you ask your questions.

One thing to think about is, is the punishment for getting caught in some states it's a misdemeanor take Oklahoma for example:

[ computer crimes - Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act - expanding jurisdictions – emergency ]


SECTION 1. AMENDATORY 21 O.S. 2001, Section 1957, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 97, O.S.L. 2002 (21 O.S. Supp. 2005, Section 1957), is amended to read as follows:

Section 1957. For purposes of bringing a civil or a criminal action or for purposes of investigating any crime pursuant to the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act or for any violation of law by use of a computer, a person who causes, by any means, the access of a computer, computer system or computer network in one jurisdiction from another jurisdiction is deemed to have personally accessed the computer, computer system or computer network in each jurisdiction. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, the State Office of the Attorney General or any district attorney in this state is authorized to investigate and prosecute any computer crime originating from, networking with, or otherwise operating within any jurisdiction within the United States or any province, parish, district or country outside the United States in which a person unlawfully accessed any computer in this state or otherwise committed any crime in this state by use of a computer.

SECTION 2. AMENDATORY Section 1, Chapter 98, O.S.L. 2003 (21 O.S. Supp. 2005, Section 1959), is amended to read as follows:

Section 1959. A. When any person has engaged in, is engaged in, or is attempting or conspiring to engage in any conduct constituting a violation of any of the provisions of Section 1953 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act, or any other provision of law by use of a computer, the Oklahoma Attorney General or any district attorney in Oklahoma may conduct an investigation of the activity. On approval of the district judge, the Attorney General or district attorney, in accordance with the provisions of Section 258 of Title 22 of the Oklahoma Statutes and or pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act or other provisions of law, is authorized before the commencement of any civil or criminal proceeding to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, examine them under oath, or require the production of any business papers or records by subpoena duces tecum. Evidence collected pursuant to this section shall not be admissible in any civil proceeding.

B. Any business papers and records subpoenaed by the Attorney General or district attorney shall be available for examination by the person who produced the material or by any duly authorized representative of the person. Transcripts of oral testimony shall be available for examination by the person who produced such testimony and their counsel.

Except as otherwise provided for in this section, no business papers, records, or transcripts or oral testimony, or copies of it, subpoenaed by the Attorney General or district attorney shall be available for examination by an individual other than another law enforcement official without the consent of the person who produced the business papers, records or transcript.

C. All persons served with a subpoena by the Attorney General or district attorney pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act shall be paid the same fees and mileage as paid witnesses in the courts of this state.

D. No person shall, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance in whole or in part by any person with any duly served subpoena of the Attorney General or district attorney pursuant to the provisions of this section, knowingly remove from any place, conceal, withhold, destroy, mutilate, alter, or by any other means falsify any business papers or records that are the subject of the subpoena duces tecum.

E. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a misdemeanor.

SECTION 3. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval.

Passed the Senate the 14th day of February, 2006.

Sorry about the long post, but you get the idea, also thats just the state think of federal laws you would be breaking. You could at least expect 5 years in prison and fines that can exceed $5,000

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