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urgent,, How interconnect Two Lans?


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Dear hak5 fourm fellows

pardon me for my bad english because i'm orginally swiss.

however, i would really appreciate it if u helped me doing the following for my course project:-

how to implement Two interconnected LANs and they should share at least one Web server for Intranet, one printer, one shared drive for file storage, and VoIP.

for example to interconnect a pc in bern and my pc in geneve . i was thinking to use VPN to do that ,if that's possible what are the steps to implement it . and if it's not possible how it possible to interconnect these two PCs togather.knowing that those two PCs are using Windows Xp.

thank you in advanced for ur great help

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Dear hak5 fourm fellows

pardon me for my bad english because i'm orginally swiss.

however, i would really appreciate it if u helped me doing the following for my course project:-

how to implement Two interconnected LANs and they should share at least one Web server for Intranet, one printer, one shared drive for file storage, and VoIP.

for example to interconnect a pc in bern and my pc in geneve . i was thinking to use VPN to do that ,if that's possible what are the steps to implement it . and if it's not possible how it possible to interconnect these two PCs togather.knowing that those two PCs are using Windows Xp.

thank you in advanced for ur great help

With a router, to route the traffic between the two subnets and/or physical networks.

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Sparda, I believe the problem here is to connect two PCs in different cities ("a pc in bern and my pc in geneve ").

The easiest way to make a VPN is using Hamachi, it's a free program with zero configuration needed, unfortunately it's kind of slow and potentially insecure (if you are paranoid) because the connection is managed by their servers.

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since this is a class project, im sure your just wanting to connect both lans together. You cannot do this with xp and good ole network bridging, because it only works if both lans are in the same subnet (loooonnngg story).

Basicly you either need a router, or a computer using ubuntu as sparta said, or a computer running windows server. You don't want to go buy server just for a class project because it costs so much. I would suggest dipping your nose into some linux routing.

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To Sprada :

Well i'm talking about Are you talking about the two networks been remote to each other and do the prevoius tasks that i mentioned previously from sharing at least one Web server for Intranet which means i make my pc as web server using apache and my partner who lives in "Bern" can surf this site , also we i need to be able to send a print command from my pc which is in "Geneve" to his printer , one shared drive for file storage so we can both acces this drive. hope that my Question is clearer now .

thanx for ur effort to help me :).

To Emreryth

Exacatly, this kind of what i want to do ..But would u plz tell me if i use Hamachi will i be able to do the tasks that i mentioned above. thanx.

To h3%5kr3w

thanx ??????? (sorry it's difficult to pronounce ur nick name :D)

thanx again. no the class project my partner and I should figure out how to connect my pc to his pc using any possible method for that so i thought of using a VPN but since i'm very new at networking i didn't know how to implement it and set it up.but if i set it up will i be able to do the previous tasks fom sharing a webserver on my pc in the intranet ,sharing a printer and shared drive storage.

i hope that i made my point clear .

thank u all for ur time replying on my Questions and trying to help me

even if didn't get my answer it's enough that u tried to help me :)

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Install PFSense on a box with 2 Nics, one is your WAN, the other is your LAN. Hook a switch into the LAN port, and hang PC 1 and the intranet webserver off of the switch. Connect the WAN port to your main network (make sure to use a different class of private network space for your main network). Give the WAN port a static IP. On a second PFsense box, do the same, but use a different subnet from the first pfsense network for your LAN addresses (PFsense 1 =, PFsense 2 =, main network = The setup an IPSEC VPN between the 2 PFsense boxes.

If you pretend that is "the internet", then you now have a perfect simulation of 2 offices on different sites connected via a VPN tunnel which will allow you to access the intranet server behind pfsense 1 from any client machine located behind pfsense 2 in a secure fashion.

If you have the kit to hand, you can have it up and running by Sunday afternoon. Once you have this working, you can do it for real over the internet, the only issue being that your going to have issues with WAN DHCP if your hosts lease times are shorter than a week or so.

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This is for a class project? Read your text books and the sources your instructor gave you!

I hope you mention in your presentation that everyone in this thread just did all the work for you. Great way to learn, hope the rest of school is going well for you. Who's doing your math homework for you?


wow that was hilarious decepticon_eazy_e

if we had a good instructor that i could understand or anyone of our class understand him i wouldn't be here asking for ur help.

i'm sure that u understand what am i talking about.

ah by the way if u needed any help to do ur math homework i'll be glad to help ppl like u </sarcasm>

however thanx for ur reply

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lol well played frozen, I love it how you reversed deceptions comment *round of applause*. Check mate.

for the record Frozen has my sympathy, last year I had a Indian teacher with a shocking accent, this wouldn't have been half as bad if the twit actually new his shit. Our class was pretty much the following,

So how do you *insert random question here*? Just google it. Um I didn't pay money to get an education of google!

Thankfully a lot of the guys in my class where skilled in different area's so we just borrowed a room in the library and taught our selves.

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thanx shonen for ur reply

i know exactly what u r talking about ? instructors suppose to instruct but they just get paid and don't care about explaining even what they really want us to do ..especially for 1st year or even 2nd year students and the problem is i really like networking and i would really love to be able to do my things my self but the idea is that how could i if nobody taught me the concepts or the main idea about the course it self and that makes me feel as if networking is really a difficult thing to learn which i'm sure it's not :).

however, i guess my problem is already solved thanx to you all . u were all very helpfull and i hope i could do what i can do correctly :)

thanx again guys for ur help i appreciate it ::D

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Yeap first year was a sod, 2nd is getting a little better due to a higher quality of teaching seeing as we don't have the same pin heads as last year.

Personally I hope we cover cisco IOS, IDS/IPS and linux/Windows 2003 a fair amount this year *fingers crossed* So far it appears that my course isn't exactly well planned and we just cover the basics for everything (which is not what was advertised).

If the teaching is really bad unfortunately you will have do do a fair amount of reading while balancing work handed to you in class. It also helps if you can pool together with fellow class mates for an info exchange. The only problem with this method is somethings are best explained by a knowledgeable teacher because a book wont answer all your questions. By doing this you do also tend to get confused about shit a little more than one would like.

Networking isn't hard their is just a lot to remember and it's confusing in parts. Oh and sub netting sucks balls! lol you can do my 2^n math homework. XD

All and all it was a wise move in posting in here, I do it myself and the fellas sure know their shit.

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thanx shonen for ur reply

i know exactly what u r talking about ? instructors suppose to instruct but they just get paid and don't care about explaining even what they really want us to do ..especially for 1st year or even 2nd year students and the problem is i really like networking and i would really love to be able to do my things my self but the idea is that how could i if nobody taught me the concepts or the main idea about the course it self and that makes me feel as if networking is really a difficult thing to learn which i'm sure it's not :).

however, i guess my problem is already solved thanx to you all . u were all very helpfull and i hope i could do what i can do correctly :)

thanx again guys for ur help i appreciate it ::D

I just like to jab at people, no harm meant! :) It's good to see people willing to learn no matter the circumstances. I've worked with and went to school with too many people who just want to pass the test and get the paycheck. They're never in it to learn anything.

My job gives me access to network resources that most people probably can't get. I'll be more than happy to share what I can with everybody here. We had a really good bunch of teachers at my school, if you run into any road blocks, let us know! Peace.

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Networking isn't hard their is just a lot to remember and it's confusing in parts. Oh and sub netting sucks balls! lol you can do my 2^n math homework. XD

HAHAHA! Took me 3 weeks to get subnetting down.

It's easier (WAY EASIER!) when someone can explain it in terms you can understand.

Everyone has their method, and this is mine:

Network address x.x.x.x (an example

let's say you need a subnet for 40 computers

2^n - 2 = x will give you as close to 40 usable addresses as needed.

<btw 4 anybody who does not know ^ = the power of so 2^4 for ex. would be 2 to the power of 4>

remember it's in 2's!

so it can only be (starting with ^1) 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096.

If you need over 4096, then get a calc, or just keep multiplying by 2.

2^1=2-2=0 XXX

2^2=4-2=2 (best for router to router)




2^6=64-2=62 This is the formula that gives us at least 40 usable ip addresses.

Take the 6 (since it is 2^6) and subtract from 32

32-6 = 26 <-this number tells us how many bits we have for the subnet.

think if it from here as a table.


|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| . |1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0 < starting from the left you put how ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many bits (1's) we get from the


Ea. group of 8 bits forms the # (or octet) 255 starting from left to right,

so from this we know we have:

255.255.255.x <- with x being what we have left to calculate for the subnet address.

now we need to convert those two bits into the end of the subnet. So let's but it up against what ea. # means.


| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |


|128 | 64 | 32 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


x x

now lets add what we have


Our full subnet mask =

To find the Broadcast address, since we got 64 total addresses (with 62 usable),simply use this formula


x = x + 64 - 1 (because we count from 0, NOT 1!!!)

x = 0 + 64 - 1 = 63

so our broadcast address is

Since the broadcast address is the LAST address that is in the network (ALWAYS THE LAST ADDRESS) we can conclude that the last usable address in the network is: (the first address is ALWAYS the Network Address and is not usable. Just forget about it)

To finalize our subnet here is what we have:

Network address -

First Usable address -

Last Usable address -

Broadcast address -

And remember kids! the number of ea. octet only goes to 255, so if say you need over 255 ip addresses you simply increment ea. 255 addresses as +1 to the next octet (2nd from right in this ex.)

i.e. + 64 total addresses = = broadcast address.

Damn when will I get paid for these lessons? j/k

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I took some college network courses and I can vouch for the fact that alot of the theory is really ..REALLY mundane and repetitive .. I remember thinking "If this guy talks about the OSI model and the diff categories of cables one more time I'm gonna LOOSE IT" !! .. 99% of what i've leaned has been self taught ..

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so far it has been just me learning as well. The people I have class with are *not all of them and it's only 1/2 the time* aggrivating and random with their thoughts, and they always talk about b.s. and the teacher get's caught up in the chatter and basicly we end up with a full class period talking about some girl or something someone did. So, when this happens, I just put on my headphones, listen to some random rock/industrial off last.fm and start tinkering and learning by myself.. pretty sad really. If I knew this was going to happen I would have just got a personal tutor and taught myself, but the degree sure is good to have at the same time.

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Thats a pretty good little tut for subnetting, if only I came across it about 8 months ago when I needed it for a bloody exam. It took me a lil while to get seeing as I am a little mathematically challenged but thankfully one of the dudes doing my course is almost through his CCNP, so he was a big help. Your method is pretty much the same as mine. Truth be told I need to a refresher seeing as I have never had to deal with subnetting since the exam.

I did this tut on subnetting a while ago for some online mates and as a resources for myself.


I only got as far as subnetting class C addresses I believe that the formula changes slightly when doing A and B and that shit about classless addresses is like putting a blonde chick in a round room and asking her to find a corner.

Ah YES those easily side tracked teachers.... I had those last year. I also had a bunch of n00bz in the class that should not be doing the course (seriously they got as far as the TURN ON button). Thankfully they either left or failed.

Hey are any of my fellow networking students doing bullshit subjects as part of their course? By bullshit I mean ethics, project management or anything else that aint directly related to networking. I have a couple of said modules to complete and by Christ they are a complete waste of time that could be better utilized. Worst part is these subjects are really text book driven and require a shit load of writing after school hours.

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nope. all networking or NOT listening to others about this chick is hot, some dude in class that has his dick peirced in 5 places, another dude talking about jacking off, and another talking about shaving his asscrack (and you think I am joking, I can record audio next class and post!)

Mighty F*(ked up people these days....

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LMFAO now that is the funniest thing I have heard/read all day.

You sure its a networking course and not how to be an a pornstar? With all that talk of cock piercings and ass shaving no wonder you hide with the head phones on, I would too! This is what happens when you take a IT course that is a complete sausage fest, networking needs more GIRLZ!!

We have one curry in our course who is a dead set pissa, he puts on this gay voice and shit stirs one of the bigger boys by feeling up his man b00bs. lol it must be a networking thing *wonders if its the same for the people doing programing*.

lol I would say sure supply your audio file for laughs but hey you still aint delivered on those pics you mentioned in a previous thread. Fuck i sound like a nagging WOMEN *gasp*

Protip: Study multi-media they have some glams doing that course XD I got busted sneaking into that class room a few weeks back. One of the boys was getting stuck into me saying I was trying to pick up. My reply was well at least I have the balls to walk in their and aint a virgin. I could imagine your ice breaker if you did the same thing, ZOMG a GIRL I have read so much about you on wikkipedia. =P

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