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New toy idear like the Rocket missle launcher


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Hi guys!

I seen the show with the rocket missel launcher and i found a new toy for you, checkout this Wireless webcam roboter -> http://red5.co.uk/Rovio-Wi-Fi-Robot-pr-514.html <-- it has an integrated webserver .. so you can control it over the webbrowser + no cables needer becouse it has an wireless lan adapter build in .. so people can see the hakhouse and drive around in it :D

Alex B)

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I could see this toy being one of this things that is fun for about an hour or so but winds up being stored away in a cupboard for the remainder of its life.

If only we could do the same thing with children XD

You can. I believe they are called boarding schools. I got threatened with that more times than I care to remember.

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