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Iphone help


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hey everyone! so i unlocked and jail broke my iphone yesterday. got crackulous and installous (which i highly recommend)! so i was looking through the networking category in cydia and came across nmap. also metaplosit framework is in it also. but it says telesphoro. does anyone know how to work and use this? this could be a huge step in mobile hacking.



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The iPhone would probably be a good deplorer of exploits especially if you wanted to target some one specificly. They are common as mud and been a web browser in your pocket no one will think twice of some one staring at there iPhone tapping it.

I can't see the iPhone been a platform for maintaining access though. Reveres VNC/termianl isn't going to work so well. Instead you would want a computer on the internet that you can either configure on the fly from the iPhone or pre setup with a bunch of listeners.

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hey everyone! so i unlocked and jail broke my iphone yesterday. got crackulous and installous (which i highly recommend)! so i was looking through the networking category in cydia and came across nmap. also metaplosit framework is in it also. but it says telesphoro. does anyone know how to work and use this? this could be a huge step in mobile hacking.



Bad bad bad! The crackulous developer is evil.

Stealing is wrong!, but that's another discussion entirely.

As for the other stuff...,

http://www.hackinthebox.org/index.php?name...e&sid=24843 might be a good place to start.

I didn't actually read it, but that's what a google searched turned up. You might want to check the iphonedev IRC room too..., they can be helpful.

I personally think netbooks are going to be better for this than the iPhone, hell, even an Android device would be better.

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Another example of how hacking gets a bad name.

You can afford an iphone but you are too tight to spend the occasional few bucks on an optional application for it? The iphone has lots of good apps, crackulous is not one of them and I'd expect it will turn trojan before too long.

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Another example of how hacking gets a bad name.

You can afford an iphone but you are too tight to spend the occasional few bucks on an optional application for it? The iphone has lots of good apps, crackulous is not one of them and I'd expect it will turn trojan before too long.


i totally agree with that one. What's a few bucks to have the app you need?

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-_- I spend far too much on applications..., rough estimate..., $125? Most expensive being OmniFocus...,

It's interesting that everyone makes the argument that iPhone = $$richypants$$, it's not $600 anymore people!

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