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I would like to go in and meet President Bush


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One sunny day in late January 2009 an old man approached the White House from Across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet President Bush."The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here."The old man said, "Okay", and walked away.The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet President Bush."The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here."The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet President Bush."The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand? "The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it."

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow,Sir."

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Adorable story.

Sounds like something that could be adapted to many situations..., but in this one....., it's pretty hilarious.

Let's hope this doesn't start a political flamewar....

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yah, i found it hilarious too!~

Dont worry about that starting a pol-flame war, as nobody at all likes bush anymore, replublican, democrat, or the dog

I think you're very mistaken..., plenty of people think Bush was a fantastic president and hail Obama as the biggest fall of American society, next to FDR and his new deal..., that's another matter entirely, however.

Someone posted this...


...on my facebook wall today. Which should be all the proof needed; Bush is not universally hated.

More on the picture..., it's interesting that Liberty suggests America's right to choose our president, but when we choose a candidate Republicans don't like, it's not American or correct. Hypocritical.

I should shut up though, because I'm providing too many arguments for a flamer to come and spoil this lovely thread.

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I think you will find #1, a lot of Republicans like Obama, and #2, there are quite a few Democrats who don't like Obama. Thing is, he was overwelmingly chosen by the majority in both the Popular vote and the Electoral vote. Most who don't like him are either severe Christian Conservative Republicans who still beleive he is a muslim and not an American, racists like the KKK, or just the uninformed. And I'm not pinning this on all Christians either, so lets not go there, becuase my wife got a lot of flack from her family for voting for Obama(They are very strict followers of the Christian faith) and she herself is a Christian. One thing I think is evident though, is that the majority have spoken, and they have sent a clear message that race, color, sex, religion, and polotical party does not determine the president, and that people are ready to do away with the stereotypes of racism and hate based on the uninformed and uneducated people in America.

It's actually a time in my life when I am truly happy to be an American and what we stand for when such a historic event like Obama becoming president has taken place. It means change is happening, and people want that change.

Wether Obama becomes a great president or a lame duck who can't get anything done because of how much debt and war he has inherited remains to be seen, but its only the first week in office, and I think we need to give the man a little more time to see what he can do. If Clinton could right the economy in his 8 years and Bush destroyed it in less than 4, Obama might just about makea dent in it during his first 4, and if need be, hopefully break even or put us far out of the red within 8 years. No one can say for certain, but I for one can't wait to see what he will do.

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I think you will find #1, a lot of Republicans like Obama, and #2, there are quite a few Democrats who don't like Obama. Thing is, he was overwelmingly chosen by the majority in both the Popular vote and the Electoral vote. Most who don't like him are either severe Christian Conservative Republicans who still beleive he is a muslim and not an American, racists like the KKK, or just the uninformed. And I'm not pinning this on all Christians either, so lets not go there, becuase my wife got a lot of flack from her family for voting for Obama(They are very strict followers of the Christian faith) and she herself is a Christian. One thing I think is evident though, is that the majority have spoken, and they have sent a clear message that race, color, sex, religion, and polotical party does not determine the president, and that people are ready to do away with the stereotypes of racism and hate based on the uninformed and uneducated people in America.

It's actually a time in my life when I am truly happy to be an American and what we stand for when such a historic event like Obama becoming president has taken place. It means change is happening, and people want that change.

Wether Obama becomes a great president or a lame duck who can't get anything done because of how much debt and war he has inherited remains to be seen, but its only the first week in office, and I think we need to give the man a little more time to see what he can do. If Clinton could right the economy in his 8 years and Bush destroyed it in less than 4, Obama might just about makea dent in it during his first 4, and if need be, hopefully break even or put us far out of the red within 8 years. No one can say for certain, but I for one can't wait to see what he will do.

Well put.

There are already some really great things that are happing with change.gov and recovery.gov...., Obama's intention to make government transparent lovely compared to all the secrecy behind the prior administration. The weekly (HD!) YouTube web addresses are also a welcome addition. At the very least, America should be excited that we're getting government into the current century.

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I think you will find #1, a lot of Republicans like Obama, and #2, there are quite a few Democrats who don't like Obama. Thing is, he was overwelmingly chosen by the majority in both the Popular vote and the Electoral vote. Most who don't like him are either severe Christian Conservative Republicans who still beleive he is a muslim and not an American, racists like the KKK, or just the uninformed.

Or some of us just might not like his policies? Imagine that. Not that I liked Bush's much, either.

I like the freshness Obama brought. A lot of the "transparency" stuff, while it sounds honorable, is just a big PR stunt, though. And he is still saying "I will" (issue a stimulus, shut down Gitmo as examples) instead of "effective now, this shit is gettin' DONE." - This isn't the campaign trail anymore, but he's still writing checks that may not be able to be cashed. I've got plenty a good reason to be cautiously optimistic about our new Prez without being some wack-job that thinks B.O. is a terrorist, but it's another discussion for another thread (or best yet, another FORUM in general!)

For what it's worth, I laughed my ass off at the joke.

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yah, ill be honest i didnt even vote for obama, and truthfully did not want him to become presedent, but after his speech when he won the presidency, and seeing how strong he is holding himself to be to get things done, and the positive effect it is having on america, I think this is a wonderful thing for him to become president. BUT I will say this, I am not republican/democrat/or neutral. I believe it's a big ole' ball of bs to say your one thing or another because of how diverse people are these days. We dont hide behind a cloak that says one thing when we feel another way (or at least I dont anyway) and I dont have to be labeled to be sold for stock on one person's ideals. And to the people who say 'you just cant make up your mind one way or another' that is false. It's not the fact I cannot make up my mind, or I am too scared to be one thing or another, but I choose not to be any of it because it's a childish game of throwing rocks and everyone gets hurt in the process.

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yah, ill be honest i didnt even vote for obama, and truthfully did not want him to become presedent, but after his speech when he won the presidency, and seeing how strong he is holding himself to be to get things done, and the positive effect it is having on america, I think this is a wonderful thing for him to become president. BUT I will say this, I am not republican/democrat/or neutral. I believe it's a big ole' ball of bs to say your one thing or another because of how diverse people are these days. We dont hide behind a cloak that says one thing when we feel another way (or at least I dont anyway) and I dont have to be labeled to be sold for stock on one person's ideals. And to the people who say 'you just cant make up your mind one way or another' that is false. It's not the fact I cannot make up my mind, or I am too scared to be one thing or another, but I choose not to be any of it because it's a childish game of throwing rocks and everyone gets hurt in the process.

Its the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.
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