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Paint of front of laptop...


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Hey, I just painted my laptop 2 tone black and green. and I was wondering If any hak5 members have any suggestions on what I should paint on the front? I was thinking something fairly simple I could print out, E-acto it out tape it on and spray it (use it like a stencil).

Oh, and BTW I plan on clearing over the whole thing after I paint it on anyways, I could rub it out and get a really really good finish.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, and if you can upload a picture I can print out and use!

Thanks in advance,


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Hey, I just painted my laptop 2 tone black and green. and I was wondering If any hak5 members have any suggestions on what I should paint on the front? I was thinking something fairly simple I could print out, E-acto it out tape it on and spray it (use it like a stencil).

Oh, and BTW I plan on clearing over the whole thing after I paint it on anyways, I could rub it out and get a really really good finish.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, and if you can upload a picture I can print out and use!

Thanks in advance,


Hak.5 logo? that would be pretty kool... if you run linux a penguin would be cool... id go for the hak.5 logo with a lil penguin in the corner... or do you have a fav sports team...? or a band

just think of something you like and find a logo for it...

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Look at an episode of systm where Dave Randolph paints a water droplet pattern on a laptop cover. I've done basic painting on auto's for years and finally took the opportunity a couple of years ago to paint my basic beige case a semi-gloss black then taped out a tribal flame pattern and painted that in a type of candy purple. Didn't turn out to bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i made mine look like this:


but then i figured wtf might as well go for broke right..

seeing as the 0.3 acer aspire webcam is junk i removed it and butchered the case.

so now it looks like this:


it lights up.

this pic is before wetsanding

i got more pics here

i make signs for a living so i can make you a stencil if you want. i made a stencil of mine and cut it out with a dremel so the lcd backlight shows through. fun project that i dont recommend trying

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