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Pocket PC Network Audit Tool


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Hey All...

I figured if there was anywhere that I could post my question, and get some awesome suggestions, it would be here... GO Hak5 GO...

So here it is. I just purchased a new cellphone (htc touch pro -AWESOME-), and I now have my old xv6700 PocketPC that no longer has phone/wwan service. It does however still have wifi, bluetooth, etc...

I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of a custom Windows Mobile ROM with some super network security tools, or even better, a pocketpc supported linux distro that would allow me to Airpwn my friends... and enemies


All in all, I can't bare to have this handy little device to go on being unused.

Thanks in advance for anything ya'll can come up with.

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airscanner mobile security suite, wifi fo fum, pocket putty, mochasoft vnc viewer, mochasoft telnet/ssh client, check HTC for rom updates, also you might want this http://la.gg/v/Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.0.zip, but you need to install .net 2.0cf first, that will help you unlock alot of shit, mobiscope, mobiola webcam3. i cant remember the others right this second, i'll post the rest later. if you need any help with those apps lemmie know.

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airscanner mobile security suite, wifi fo fum, pocket putty, mochasoft vnc viewer, mochasoft telnet/ssh client, check HTC for rom updates, also you might want this http://la.gg/v/Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.0.zip, but you need to install .net 2.0cf first, that will help you unlock alot of shit, mobiscope, mobiola webcam3. i cant remember the others right this second, i'll post the rest later. if you need any help with those apps lemmie know.

Holy crap... That was quick. Keep em comin. :-) Also, thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

there arnt many primarily because noone has ported a solid packet capturing driver for win mobile. some have created proprietary drivers (read airmagnet) but require a specific chipset or card to work properly/at all.

that being said, there are tools out there... simple and feature specific. there is also a linux distro that has been around the block for some time called familiar linux. obviously could run things like airpdump/tcpdump and others like kismet and aireplay etc

at one time there was a toolkit developed for ppc called tigersuite, but it was nothing special. theres also a version of cain for ppc with limited capablility, and i dont think mao is developing for it any more



or buy a nokia 770 and get a copy of immunity

or get on the bus and grab an eee. netbooks are great for pentesting/audits

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