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Ethernet device logging.


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How could I log all the activity between an ethernet peripheral and my computer. I realize there are ethernet data loggers but those are too expensive. Is there anyway I could use an ethernet to usb converter and attach a usb keylogger to that to capture the information. I really need help on this one.


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How could I log all the activity between an ethernet peripheral and my computer. I realize there are ethernet data loggers but those are too expensive. Is there anyway I could use an ethernet to usb converter and attach a usb keylogger to that to capture the information. I really need help on this one.



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Not necessarily. The hardware keylogger is nothing more than a regular USB thumbdrive essentially, with software installed to let it log keystrokes. Im looking for a packet sniffer that will automatically log the packets without me doing anything.

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The only device I could find that comes loosely close is this.

I forgot to mention in my last post that despite the claims that those key stroke loggers are undetectable they actually aren't usually unless the manufacturer made them to be (and more expensive?)

Usually you can spot them by either an additional USB ID been registered on the computer, or the keyboards ID is missing and been replaced by another ID, but this requires software that is actively looking for such changes.

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Yeah, this one was a little more expensive and is almost invisible (it shows up as a texas instruments peripheral under the control panel). Im looking for something smaller. If I used a small external harddrive what programs would I need to install on it to log ethernet traffic?

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Yeah, this one was a little more expensive and is almost invisible (it shows up as a texas instruments peripheral under the control panel). Im looking for something smaller. If I used a small external harddrive what programs would I need to install on it to log ethernet traffic?

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You could install Linux on a NSLU2 (for example), then in one USB port connect an additional Ethernet adapter and a hard drive to the other port. Then just bridge the two adapters.

While such a device is feasibly undetectable in software, this isn't true. The computer that is connected through it would take a performance hit, perhaps not humanly noticeable, but with some simple timing tests the difference would be rather noticeable.

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