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Open Source people give me a headache


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You can just never win with them...

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Gotta admit, militant FOSS supporters can be utter dicks, and anyone who spells Microsoft as Micro$oft should be shot.

I agree, the correct spelling is Microshaft. Micro$oft is just how Bill and Steve spell it because that is how they see it. See when you use their products you get shafted and they get money.

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I agree, the correct spelling is Microshaft. Micro$oft is just how Bill and Steve spell it because that is how they see it. See when you use their products you get shafted and they get money.

You sir, are a wanker.

On a different note, i've yet to find a FOSS linux project that can beat a Server 2008 domain.

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You sir, are a wanker.

On a different note, i've yet to find a FOSS linux project that can beat a Server 2008 domain.

Haha so true! its even written by an admin :)

Linux is stable, and is free, and can make an awesome server etc, but the nerds that babble on about it like the bearded weirdos that live in basements who create all the FOSS stuff (okay, maybe that was too much of a stereotype :P) can go too far, the micro$oft spelling etc is a perfect example. IMHO FOSS has its uses, but there are often better proprietery alternatives (MSOffice/OpenOffice is a good example), on the other side, I wouldnt ever think about using MS IIS web server, I would always choose Apache. Both "sides" have good and bad pieces of software.

I too often wish the opensource people would stfu and just disappear and go and recompile their kernels or whatever it is they do for fun :D

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To true, I love freeBSD (which is hands down better than linux imo) and I like Ubuntu and CentOS, I'm even trying to convince the militant Wintel top-dog admin to let me use OpenFiller so I can add iSCSI storage to our 1U kit without the cost of Windows Storage Server. But when it comes to big-enterprise directory systems managing client machines and users, linux isn't even close to windows currently. Although this may change if Intel switch to linux in-house.

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Gotta admit, militant FOSS supporters can be utter dicks, and anyone who spells Microsoft as Micro$oft should be shot.

This is what I was getting at, even the Microsoft part.

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Hey don't lump us all in together...I am a FOSS fanboy, i use foss everywhere i can...as long as it suits my needs. Linus is probably the most noted figures in the FOSS community and even he himself doesn't always use FOSS (BitKeeper anyone). Even though he may be one of the most influential persons in the FOSS community he frequenlty speaks about using "The best tool for the job", even it is closed source. I guess its time to go back to recompiling my kernel while i play WOW on my windows box...Freeciv just doesn't do it for me. :)

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dont get me wrong, im a foss lover myself, but i think it's alot of what you want to do and how easy it is to do it. if it's just a few things on a standalone server, linux will serve well, but especially if you want alot of specialized services and it's windows that your using throughout the network, i think good ole' windows server would be a hell of alot easier to manage, maybe not as fast, but definitely easier to manage. thats just my 2 cents. honestly i havent delt with a windows server since 2kserver, so i dunno about 03 and 08.

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Hey don't lump us all in together...

Sorry :) But you are very right in saying (as with Linus), "the right tool for the job", but there are way too many FOSS nerds who would rather sit by themselves and play TuxRacer or Solitaire "just becuase they are FOSS" whilst everyone else plays real games on Windows OSes. They dont *want* to be playing those crappy games, but they are like "zomg M$ suxxors", and refuse to use it, because, as someone so elequantly put it, they are dicks :P

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*spoken like Chris Rock...*

I live FOSS, but there's FOSS, and there's FOSStards. And the FOSStards have got ta go.

If your mamma was a FOSStard, she wouldn't bother buy you baby food and diapers, because tho do so would support companies that produce RFID tags and use proprietary inventory management systems.

There comes a point where you got to say, pay the man and get some shit done. Life's too short to spend in your basement writing useless software all day and making 97 copies of the wheel. If you want to, do it because you enjoy it, and stop preaching. Let's be human about this.

If you are a turbo babble FOSStard advocate, you're seriously a douchebag nerd. And that's different from being a smart and scientific contributor to society. Fo sure.

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lol... i have a tux racer and frozen bubble ports on all of my windows boxes....and no gf..coincidence?

The choice is clear: closed source ftw if u liek smex.

But for real, there's nothing wrong with open or closed source, it's just making a lifestyle behind it is just going too far...

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I happen to work for a very large commercial open source entity and I feel that you sir are far from correct. It would seem that most commercial software users are stubborn in theirs ways, convinced that free can't be good. The free product trumps the commercial one in performance and functionality. Take for example DVR's. With the mythTV DVR there has been a web frontend for ages. It is only just now DirecTV is offering the ability to remotely tell it to record an episode; and even then you can't stream/download it or do much else with it. MythTV allows you to take your recordings and move them, as they're completely unencrypted and DRM free. I can listen to music on MythTV, play emulator games, stream hundreds of movies from my NFS shares across my network, use any remote I want with it (with reprogramability or not), De-interlace 1080i video with filters, skip commercials, burn the captured content to DVD's, play DVD's, rip DVD's, rip CD's, look at RSS feeds, watch video/audio from RSS feeds with media content, look at the weather, look at movie times, change a NetFlix Queue, and browse the web. I've never seen a commercial DVR do all these things.

This, by the way, is why Comcast needs to lose on the cable cards. Oh and supposedly NetFlix is working on a Linux client for the "Watch Instantly" functionality. If it happens, somebody could write a mythTV plugin to do that.

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I see nothing wrong with both closed and open source. It's just a childish rivalry like the Mac versus Windows commercials. If you are an IT professional it PAYS to know both. Otherwise, it's a useless debate for fanboys.

I use both everyday and have had little to no problems with both Linux, Windows, and the Mac OS's. The people that like to gripe usually do an unfair comparison and have unusually high expectations (one OS can't do this). When it all comes down to it; it's just user preference.

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Its not that free isn't good, its just that FOSS can be ropey when it comes to support. Openfiler is a good example of a FOSS project that would be good in a comerical enviroment, as you can buy support from them and at resonable rates. If you don't need the support, then you don't have to pay for it. This is the type of FOSS stuff that I personally want to use comerically.

When it comes down to things like DVR's, MythTV is very good but its not a product. For you and me, its cool because we know what we are doing and can put the time into making it work, and work damn well for our needs. But for Joe the Plumber, its not going to be the best choice, because lacking the skills to make it do exactly what he wants, he will be lost. For him, buying something would be a better choice as all he wants to do is record his shows, not learn how the build a DVR.

Ultimately, time is money and in my line of work its hard to justify spending a couple of weeks dedicated to a FOSS project when you have a $500000 budget and can afford to get something off the shelf that will be up and running within hours. And, the CFO's of this world always like having someone to sue should it go wrong.

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