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Pineapple Use

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hi everyone! i am thinking about setting up my pineapple for specific reasons, but i was wondering a couple things. how many people have set it up and actually gone to places and used it? Do you find it as convenient as it looked on the episode? Have you used hamster and feret? and lastly do you just sit there for hours waiting for anything interesting or it depends?



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I have used the equivalent of Jasager (airbase) out in the public and I can say it is lethal. I waited about 60 seconds after starting the AP for someone to join and start surfing facebook. I'm getting my FON tomorrow so I'll let you know how it is in the field. Hopefully I can get it to log data just like I can do with airbase.

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There are instructions around on adding an sd card to the device and Bikeswine is currently working on making one with extended memory.

I don't think a slimmed down tcpdump would save enough space to make it any more useful than a normal tcpdump.

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if you need more space on the fon, set up a remote file system. That is significantly easier than adding an SD card as most of us are using some netbook or laptop to control the fon.

SMB file share might be the easiest if your running a netbook or laptop with windows.

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