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work computers getting BSOD every time we turn around


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The company I work for just recently went into a partnership with another company, the new company brought in new office computers, now this partnership took place 5 months ago. In that five months our office computer has had like 20 bsod's and we also had to replace the 3 750gb hard drives 4 times now. The three hd are in raid as one large hd so everytime they crash we lose everything. Now IT told me the reason the hard drives keep failing is because two of the hd are upside down on the bottom of the case. they are secured down but I didn't think that having a hard drive being upside down would cause them to go bad like that. Any way not really looking for help just thought it was kinda weird and that everyone would get a kick out of it.

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ive never heard of that. i have a few computers that have upside down drives, sideways drives, drives suspended inside the case with rubberbands drives sitting on the carpet while theyre running, you name it. i think its alot harder than people think for a drive to just take a shit on you. especially that many drives in such a short amount of time.

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If they are localized (in the same area of the office), you might be seeing a power issue. Might be time to call the electrician.

(My original answer was that you should stop turning around. Turning your back on a Windows machine is always a mistake.)

this is actually the same machine that had that many bsod's and had hard drives crash 4 times now

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this is actually the same machine that had that many bsod's and had hard drives crash 4 times now

the drives still work though dont they? or are they totally dying? if so then they should be covered under warranty. if youre still able to use the drives in another maching then i would suspect failure in another part of the machine. but before you run around playing the guessing game i would get the BSoD error code from the bluescreen and find out what is actually crashing the system.maybe wanna update the bios version and raid drivers as well.

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If its a powersurge, you could try buying a surgemaster. They work pretty well, and they are cheaper than UPS's. Its unlikely that the PSU is underpowered if the other ones work fine, and, if the other ones do work fine, (making the assumption that they are all have the same software suites installed), it might not even be a software issue.

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