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Website Help

USS Voyager

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Alright, heres the scoop.

I'm currently working on a website for a non-profit organization. They want to be able to changes the news info on their front page. However, I don't have the patience to teach them how to edit HTML and upload to FTP.

They're not able to spend any money on this project.

Does anyone know anyway to let them edit/add to the news section of their page?



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I'm gonna say Wordpress is probably the easiest to use for such a thing. There are plenty of free off the shelf blog suites and CMS systems out there, but Wordpress should do the trick for anyone who doesn't know how to program or edit websites manually.

If you can create the database and install wordpress(as well asn teh automatic upgrade plugin and Akismet spam plugin), they should be able to do the rest and use wordpress to update the posts themselves. Plus, it makes it easier to manage all that content through the wp panel. Anybody should be able to learn how to use it within a few minutes of going through the panel. Setting it up is the hardest part, but even that isn't really all that difficult.

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