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What to do this holyday in NYC


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First time in NYC, so im wondering what to do besides this:

- Skydiving (reason im going) btw its my Wishlist item #7

-Ellis Island & Statue Of Liberty

-Museum Of Modern Art

- Radio City Music Hall

- Central Park

- American Museum Of Natural History

- Metropolitan Museum Of Art

- See a Brodway Show

- Visit Ground Zero-

- The Frick Collection

- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Im sure there is a lot more to NYC than this, but everywhere i look this is preaty much it. I will be there for 4 weeks counting from this tuesday ^_^

So the things im interested in: if you see/read it on hak5 im in (big fan), all outdoor activities, all extreme sports/activities (except for bungie and slapping a bull on its face), nighlife, rivers, beaches, lakes, concerts...etc

I hope you guys are open minded if so, i can share a couple of items of my wishlist to see if anyone knows where i can get it done (ie: skydive <i think i got the place down, will be the first phone call ill make in US soil, no doubt any help will be greatly appreciated>, get a first person view at the filming of this show (hak5) i know it far but ill take a bus :P

PD: Im a med student on my 5th year, and im doing all this because for the next year or so i will have no more vacations :blink: (wtf?... yes, no vacations... weekends off but not all of them) so i plan to have as much fun as possible on this trip.

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Yeah, in this country they dont sell the fun routers... that will be one of the things i will buy for sure :D oh, from all the things to do, ill probably go to a metallica concert and maybe to the niagara falls...

Well thanks for the reply... CHeers!

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BS man BS, i like canada, but it sucked on that side. yes, its bigger but the view sucks and when i was there it was dirty with trash over flowing everywhere. When i looked over i saw people on NY side going down by the water.

it was the worst

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You can try stopping by lord and taylor on 38th and 5th. They put up Christmas windows during the holiday season. My mom used to take me to see it every year when I was a kid. Its usually a different Christmas story every year. And since you mentioned extreme sports u might want to check out the Brooklyn banks. Just take the green subway line to chambers street and ask one of the cops in the booths by the courthouses and they'll point you in the right direction. There's another skate spot nearby but I don't remember exactly where it is. I just know how to get there from the banks. If you wanna know where it is I'll stop by it this week and find out where it is exactly. Both spots are underneath a bridge so unless the weather really sucks you should be able to have some fun. Oh and check out the tree at Rockefeller Center. I'd shy away from skating there though its pretty pricey. Bryant park has a free ice skating rink. You only pay for skate rentals ($12) if you need them.

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Thanks for your reply's :D

Im in Manhattan right now, its not as cold as i thought it would be, its really nice compared to the heat of my island.


I cant Skydive anywhere in NY or NJ i have to travel down south to FL

How can i get there?

I checked greyhound.com and it says it takes 14-16 hour bus ride, but the Skydive instructor says its impossible, its more likely a 36h trip. Can anyone give me a hand here? Maybe a train or cheap airplane?

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Meh, doesnt matter i have time. =)

One last thing... im looking to buy the Sony Ericsson c905, anyone has expirence buying cellphones in USA. I dont know whats best if to buy it direct-online from the maker, go to the store or a 3rd party store?

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I'd buy online if I were you. And if your going buy any electronics in the city, buy from chain stores (ie best buy, circuit city, etc) the small little shops tend to be much more expensive and alot of the time your buying something refurbished. Particularly the ones on 5th ave. around the empire state building. Thieving bastards... anyway have fun while your here. Oh check out pop burger its on either 14th street or 15th street on or around 8th ave. A bit expensive but the burgers are pretty good, and they have a little booth in the back that plays porn. It's next to the bar in the back. And yes. I am completely serious. I worked there for 2 days. Kitchen + summer = hells no.

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1. Stop by Chinatown. If you like REAL chinese food, try Yummy Noodles or Noodletown on Bowery. Try the soup dumplings in Shanghai Cafe on Mott St. Vietnamese is also good, try the one on Baxter. Just ask around, trust me, people will know. Also, walk down Canal St. and check out the bootlegger shops.

2. If you have the time, take the subway D or Q from Grand Station all the way to last stop in Brooklyn for Coney Island. It's a bit of mess there, but might as well visit while you are in NY.

3. Botanic Garden in Brooklyn by Park Slope. Look at flowers and shit.

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avoid Harlem, most of brooklyn, and all apartment complexes in NY city and you should be fine. cant do much involving any electronics in roughly 99.9% of NY state because 99.9% of the people here are assholes.

i live in NY and i know how bad it can be

i generally try not to take out any electronics in public but when I got a phone call, i pulled the cellphone out of my pocket to answer, 2 minutes later, 2 assholes walked up to me and tried to rob me for the cellphone

and it's not even a good cellphone, it is a Motorola v195 that the phone company gives for free

PS that was in queens NY

i hate NY but the internet connections are so much better here that once you go NY, you never go back :)

PS if you have friends with you then I recommend you get a small video cam

theres funny stuff to record especially if you take the bus

almost every day on the bus, you will see stupid stuff mainly, people getting on the bus and refusing to go more than half way to the back, so the front gets extremely packed until people are standing in the stairwell

the bus driver then refuses to move to bus until people move back

when the bus driver tell everyone to move to the rear of the bus, everyone standing pretty much just turns their head and looks at the back of the bus, but doesn't do any moving, the bus driver tells them over and over and the bus doesn't move for at least 6-7 minutes, then the people there start yelling at the bus driver for not driving

the bus is half full, and there empty seats on the other half of the bus

when this happens it is hard to stop your self from laughing because you just cant comprehend how stupid it is and how stupid the people are

then theres the MTA tradition of stupid people using their sidekick (over priced crappy cell phone) to chat with their friends, then you will see someone getting ready to leave the bus, and on their way out they will snatch the sidekick from the person chatting

then they start going crazy and start yelling about their 3rd sidekick being stolen (i guess people never knew that pulling out a expensive device thats covered in bright LED's to show off t the world that you have a sidekick and it is signaling that it is ready to be stolen, by blinking, is a 1 way ticket to getting it actually stolen)

if you have friends with you so people will be less likely to rob you, recording the stupidity in NY will make great memories of your visit

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lol it ain't that bad here. Just stay in crowded areas. Manhattan is generally pretty safe. Most places you can't count to 30 without seeing a cop. OH if your over 21 take the green line to astor place. You'll see 2 starbucks across the street from each other. Across the street from the one with the outdoor area is a bar called the continental (used to be a club like CBGBs, my band was supposed to play there once but show was overbooked so i got wasted instead) anyway check out that bar. 5 shots of whatever for 10 bucks.

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Tourists should not visit Brooklyn or Queens really. Should just stay in the city, as what most tourists do. You'll get really lost if do not know where you are going, even on the subway.

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