AussieKlutz Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Hey guys. I was going through some old site code while doing a major recode and rebuild, when I found some code I used earlier on in the year that I want to tidy up and put out there for the community. The story is that I was moving from far north-west queensland, australia to tasmania, australia. A roadtrip of about 4000 Km. I wanted to be able to post to my blog en-route and provide a map so that my family and friends could see where I was at. The first thing was a simple little php script that logged into a pop3 mailbox and parsed a email into a blog post. I also had a similar script that parsed and stored a gps location. Being kinda poor, owning an old phone with no wap and sms' being so cheap, I found a free sms to email gateway. This allowed me to post my blogs as well as update my location in a database. The second piece of code took the gps points out of a route (from .... to ....) in a google maps kml file (the compressed file in a kmz file) and drew them using the image functions in php. I also drew some other kml files into the image to give me state borders, etc. I also drew some city points and names, giving a result something like this: Quote
AussieKlutz Posted December 2, 2008 Author Posted December 2, 2008 its a bit of a mess mashup atm... i'll strip some email addresses and pwds and so on tonight and post teh code update: first gen code: Not sure if this is working, my host is down, i gotta install wamp and test it tonight <?php //function get coords function getCoords($filename, $linebreak = true) { // open kml file $mapfile = file($filename); $coordsindex = 0; $nextline = false; // step throught kml file and extract all coordinates foreach ($mapfile as $line) { if($nextline) { $thesepoints = explode(' ', $line); foreach ($thesepoints as $point) { $thesecoords = explode(',', $point); // convert to absolute values for($i=0;$i<count($thesecoords);$i++) { $thesecoords[$i] = abs($thesecoords[$i]); } // build coords array if(count($thesecoords) == 3) { $coords[$coordsindex] = $thesecoords; //print_r($thesecoords); //echo('<br />' . '/n'); $coordsindex++; } } if($linebreak) { $coords[$coordsindex] = 'fred'; $coordsindex++; } } if(strstr($line, '<coordinates>')) { $nextline = true; } else { $nextline = false; } } return $coords; } // function drawRoute() function drawRoute($coords, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $color, $points, $repair = false) { //echo('----<br />'); $longcolor = imagecolorallocate($map, 255, 0, 0); // draw route $previouspoint = $coords[0]; $point = 0; $breakpoints = false; foreach($coords as $currentpoint) { if($currentpoint == 'fred') { $breakpoints = true; } else { if($breakpoints) { $previouspoint = $currentpoint; } $pointdistance = round(sqrt(((($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)))*(($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)))) + ((($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)))*(($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)))))); if($pointdistance > 7 && (round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset) != round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))) && (round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)) != round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))))) { if($repair) { $previouspoint = $currentpoint; } } if($point < $points) { imageline($map, round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)), round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)), $color); $point++; $breakpoints = false; } /* $pointdistance = round(sqrt(((($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)))*(($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)))) + ((($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)))*(($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))-($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)))))); if($pointdistance > 7 && (round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset) != round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset))) && (round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)) != round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset))))) { echo('Long point: ' . $pointdistance . '<br />'); print_r($currentpoint); echo('<br />'); print_r($previouspoint); echo('<br />(' . $point . '/' . count($coords) . ')<br />'); imageline($map, round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)), round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)), $longcolor); } */ //debugging //if(!(round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)) < $width && round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)) > 1)) echo(' 1 ' . round($ratio * ($previouspoint[0] + $latoffset)) . '<br />'); //if(!(round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)) < $height && round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)) > 1)) echo(' 2 ' . round($ratio * ($previouspoint[1] + $lonoffset)) . '<br />'); //if(!(round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)) < $width && round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)) > 1)) echo(' 3 ' . round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)) . '<br />'); //if(!(round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)) < $height && round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)) > 1)) echo(' 4 ' . round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)) . '<br />'); $previouspoint = $currentpoint; } } } //function drawplaces function drawplaces2($filename, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $color) { // open coma delimited file $mapfile = file($filename); $previousxposition = 0; $previousyposition = 0; $previousname = ''; // step throught kml file and extract all coordinates foreach ($mapfile as $line) { $datum = explode(',', $line); $place = $datum[0]; $latitude = abs($datum[4]); $longitude = abs($datum[3]); $currentxposition = round($ratio * ($latitude + $latoffset)); $currentyposition = round($ratio * ($longitude + $lonoffset)); if((($currentxposition > $previousxposition) && ($currentxposition < ($previousxposition+(imagefontwidth(2)*strlen($previousname))))) && (($currentyposition > ($previousyposition-(imagefontheight(2)))) && ($currentyposition < ($previousyposition+(imagefontheight(2)))))) { $overlapoffset = imagefontheight(2); } else { $overlapoffset = 0; } imagefilledellipse($map, round($ratio * ($latitude + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($longitude + $lonoffset)), 8, 8, $color); imagestring($map, 2, round($ratio * ($latitude + $latoffset))+10, round($ratio * ($longitude + $lonoffset))+10+$overlapoffset, $place, $color); $previousxposition = $currentxposition; $previousyposition = $currentyposition; $previousname = $place; } } // function colorPoints() function colorPoints($coords, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $color, $points) { foreach($coords as $currentpoint) { if($currentpoint != 'fred') { if($point < $points) { imagefill($map, round($ratio * ($currentpoint[0] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($currentpoint[1] + $lonoffset)), $color); } $point++; } } } // settings $imagewidth = 500; $imageheight = 500; $frames = 1; // retrieve main route $coords = getCoords($kmlfile); // determine max and min lat and lon values $minlat = 1000; $maxlat = -1000; $minlon = 1000; $maxlon = -1000; foreach($coords as $gpscoord) { if($gpscoord != 'fred') { if($gpscoord[0] < $minlat) $minlat = $gpscoord[0]; if($gpscoord[0] > $maxlat) $maxlat = $gpscoord[0]; if($gpscoord[1] < $minlon) $minlon = $gpscoord[1]; if($gpscoord[1] > $maxlon) $maxlon = $gpscoord[1]; } } //echo('Minlat: ' . $minlat . '<br />'); //echo('Maxlat: ' . $maxlat . '<br />'); //echo('Minlon: ' . $minlon . '<br />'); //echo('Maxlon: ' . $maxlon . '<br />'); // determine total lat and lon range $totlat = $maxlat - $minlat; $totlon = $maxlon - $minlon; //echo('Totlat: ' . $totlat . '<br />'); //echo('Totlon: ' . $totlon . '<br />'); // calculate ideal image ratio $gpsratio = $totlat / $totlon; if($gpsratio >= 4/3) $ratio = $imagewidth / ($totlat * 2); if($gpsratio < 4/3) $ratio = $imageheight / ($totlon * 2); //echo('Original Ratio (w/h): ' . $gpsratio . '<br />'); //echo('Ratio (pixels/degree): ' . $ratio . '<br />'); // determine image width and height $width = round($ratio * $totlat * 2); $height = round($ratio * $totlon * 2); //echo('Width: ' . $width . '<br />'); //echo('Height: ' . $height . '<br />'); // determine offset constants $latoffset = -($minlat) + ($totlat * 0.5) + ((($imagewidth - $width)/2)/$ratio); $lonoffset = -($minlon) + ($totlon * 0.5) + ((($imageheight - $height)/2)/$ratio); //echo('Lat Offset: ' . $latoffset . '<br />'); //echo('Lon Offset: ' . $lonoffset . '<br />'); // calculate points per frame $pointsperframe = count($coords) / $frames; // begin animation loop for($frame = 0; $frame < $frames; $frame++) { // create image $map = ImageCreateTrueColor($imagewidth, $imageheight); $white = imagecolorallocate($map, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($map, 0, 0, 0); $aabbcc = imagecolorallocate($map, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc); $aaccbb = imagecolorallocate($map, 0xaa, 0xcc, 0xbb); $nnccbb = imagecolorallocate($map, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xbb); $red = imagecolorallocate($map, 255, 0, 0); imagefill($map, 0, 0, $white); imagesetthickness($map, 3); // draw states $aus1 = getCoords('aus1.kml'); $aus2 = getCoords('aus2.kml'); $aus3 = getCoords('aus3.kml'); $aus4 = getCoords('aus4.kml'); $aus5 = getCoords('aus5.kml'); $aus6 = getCoords('aus6.kml'); $aus7 = getCoords('aus7.kml'); drawRoute($aus1, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus1)); drawRoute($aus2, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus2)); drawRoute($aus3, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus3)); drawRoute($aus4, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus4)); drawRoute($aus5, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus5)); drawRoute($aus6, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus6)); drawRoute($aus7, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aabbcc, count($aus7)); // color map //$states = getCoords('states.kml'); //colorPoints($states, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $nnccbb, count($states)); //draw places drawplaces2($locationsfile, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $black); // draw main route imagesetthickness($map, 4); drawRoute($coords, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $aaccbb, ($pointsperframe*($frame+1))); //draw places drawplaces2($locationsfile, $map, $ratio, $latoffset, $lonoffset, $black); // fetch most recent position //include('../includes/dbvars.php'); //mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); //mysql_select_db($dbname); //$posquerystring = 'SELECT * FROM `gpsposition` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 0 , 1'; //$posquery = mysql_query($posquerystring); //$pos = mysql_fetch_assoc($posquery); //print_r($pos); // draw recent position /* imagesetthickness($map, 5); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 15, 15, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 14, 14, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 13, 13, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 12, 12, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 11, 11, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 10, 10, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 9, 9, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 2, 2, $red); imageellipse($map, round($ratio * ($pos['latitude'] + $latoffset)), round($ratio * ($pos['longitude'] + $lonoffset)), 3, 3, $red); */ // save image imagejpeg($map, 'map' . $frame . '.jpg', 75); header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($map, NULL, 75); imagedestroy($map); $links[$frame] = '<img src="map' . $frame . '.jpg" /><br />'; //echo($frame . '<br />'); // end animation loop } // output links //foreach ($links as $link) //{ //echo($link); //} ?> This was originally going to be used to draw a series of images with the route drawing through. The end result to be turned into video for home videos. This is a static, single frame version. Quote
AussieKlutz Posted December 3, 2008 Author Posted December 3, 2008 support files: usage is : s_statickmlrender.php?kmlfile=day1.kml&locationsfile=day1.txt kmlfile is the main route you are viewing locationsfile is a comma delimited text file with the place names I plan to rewrite/ clean up the code over the next few days. Quote
AussieKlutz Posted December 10, 2008 Author Posted December 10, 2008 This is gonna take a bit longer than I had originally planned. I want to find a better way to extract the co-ordinates from the kml files. Also trying to rewrite my blog code, so it might take a while Quote
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