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Default Settings On Thumb Drives


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Bad title, but could not think of anything good & short.

If you ever ask me about Vista, I would answer "Lots of bugs".

I hope this one can be fixed.


I wrote an AutoRun.inf for my thumb drive:

label=RandomClown's Secure TD
action=RandomClown's Thumb Drive [3.8GB]
shell\1truecryptmount=Mount RandomClown's Virtual HDD  [3.75GB]
shell\1truecryptmount\command=TrueCrypt.exe /q background /lR /m rm /v Files.tc
shell\3SIW=System Information for Windows

The AutoRun works fine on XP, but on my Vista, it only shows the icon & nothing more.

My XP has autorun removable devices disabled,

so I would right click the drive has the "RC.ico" & is labeled "RandomClown's Thumb Drive [3.8GB]"

& click on one of the options listed above.

Before on my Vista, it would show everything. As time past, it randomly stopped showing the options listed above.

Now on Vista, it shows the icon, but the name is "Removable Disk" & the options are never displayed.

It gets really annoying cause I have to open the drive & type in the address bar "truecrypt.exe" & mount or whatever I may need.

Does anyone know a solution?

PS: My Vista seems to be degrading...the desktop icons has stopped refreshing. I have to hit F5 to show newly created files.

Thanks for reading.


Grammar fix. Use "a" before a constanant & "an" before vowels.

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Well there's nothing wrong with reinstalling your OS every 6/12 months.

QFE, somewhat. Regular backup and system checks are a good idea. I reinstall after every semester and burn all my papers/assignments/notes, music/videos is on a nas.

For windows I would keep an updated version of your programs on a disk and install those, that way your not downloading them once your install has finished. But for now:

Grab a copy of CCleaner and run it.

Defrag your hhd and run the windows file cleaner.

Run msconfig and turn off all the shit that you do not need, same goes with services in admin tools.

Try to run this bat to clean out some old junk:

cd "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp"
DEL /q /s /f *.*
cd "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files"
DEL /q /s /f *.*
cd C:\Windows\Temp
DEL /q /s /f *.*
del %temp%\. /f/s/q
rd /s/q %temp%\
del %tmp%\. /f/s/q
rd /s/q %tmp%\
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.dmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.log
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old

*Remembered pretty well for not having a windows box for a few months huh?*

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QFE, somewhat. Regular backup and system checks are a good idea. I reinstall after every semester and burn all my papers/assignments/notes, music/videos is on a nas.

For windows I would keep an updated version of your programs on a disk and install those, that way your not downloading them once your install has finished. But for now:

Grab a copy of CCleaner and run it.

Defrag your hhd and run the windows file cleaner.

Run msconfig and turn off all the shit that you do not need, same goes with services in admin tools.

Try to run this bat to clean out some old junk:

cd "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp"
DEL /q /s /f *.*
cd "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files"
DEL /q /s /f *.*
cd C:\Windows\Temp
DEL /q /s /f *.*
del %temp%\. /f/s/q
rd /s/q %temp%\
del %tmp%\. /f/s/q
rd /s/q %tmp%\
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.dmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.log
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old

*Remembered pretty well for not having a windows box for a few months huh?*

Ohh, I never mentioned that I do:

- Uninstall anything that is not used [they can be redownloaded anyways]

- Delete temp junk

- Stop booting programs that are not essential

- Defrag [a couple times this month.. maybe 4? was experimenting with batch defrag]

* I do have CCleaner. :D

- I have used it. Often I should add. It clears my Temporary Internet cache for me, but I do clear that manually anyways when I am done Googling a thousand things. [ok, maybe not quite 1000]

* My storage drive [111GB], is about 75% full of backup installers. *.exe & disk images mostly. I recently updated most of the installers. [didnt like the new "DAEMON Tools" setup]


I actually used rmdir /s /q %temp%\ to clear my temp stuff before.


del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.dmp

del /f /s /q %etc...

/s in Delete is Subdirectory.

You may be deleting files needed by other programs!

...well, I understand logs can go BB, but you never know in rare cases, .dmp may means something else in another program.

I dont remember what exts, but I remember programs fighting over file types until I chose the defaults.


Yesh, you do remember well for not having windows for a while.


Whats QEF?

I really need to defrag the locked system files, other than page files.

I defragged my page file by turning off page files, restart, defrag, enable page again.

It would be better to have a program to do it before boot though.

Is there a defragger that allows me to select where I would want to place certain files?

I want to force some 40GB of GCFs to the end of my HDD, as they got fragmented to 1000+ with one of my recent backups.

I wrote a batch-semi-GUI chooser to extract from RARs on DVD to Steam; Just the specific GCFs I need for the games I choose.

I use JkDefrag, but the only way for me to do this is to defrag my entire computer, instead of GCFs only.

I ask way to many random questions.


My brain over flows Google.

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