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I was editing my Xbox live stuff and i attempted to put the word "Linux" in my Motto and what a suprise! Its a banned word. Just thought i tell you guys. Pretty Funny


Whoever decided to ban the word is a complete tool. That's just the silliest thing I ever heard, to ban the word Linux. What's next?

"John was enjoying a nice juicy apple, when he bit into a worm.

ERROR: We're sorry, both Apple and Worm are not valid words. You have been banned from MSN Messenger!"


"Just then as little mikey entered "linux" into his name, his xbox suddenly sprang to life, walked to him, removed the controller from his hands and bitch slapped him with it. It then turned and lept out the third story window landing with a loud CRASH on the pavement below"

hahahaha. that is fucked up though, that infringes on freedom of speech, no?

"Just then as little mikey entered "linux" into his name, his xbox suddenly sprang to life, walked to him, removed the controller from his hands and bitch slapped him with it. It then turned and lept out the third story window landing with a loud CRASH on the pavement below"

hahahaha. that is fucked up though, that infringes on freedom of speech, no?

Freedom of speed does not exist on the internet.


This is very surprising "that'd" do this.

"John was enjoying a nice juicy apple, when he bit into a worm.

ERROR: We're sorry, both Apple and Worm are not valid words. You have been banned from MSN Messenger!"

Thats no prob, just leave MSN for what it is and jump over to aMSN, no band words there and it runs on Unix/Linux and Windows.



ill bet if you put in suse it would work.. since micro$oft is basically taking the project over.

...thats also why i still use ubuntu :D

Thats no prob, just leave MSN for what it is and jump over to aMSN, no band words there and it runs on Unix/Linux and Windows.


There are no banned words on MSN. So that doesn't matter anyways.


It was a reference joke about the XBL banned words.

Engrish It was made to be read!

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