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Laundry Card hack


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As some of you must know that doing laundry while living in an appartment is an expensive affair.I have litle kids and spend a lot of money in doing laundry in addition to paying expensive rent .

I have been searching for a software to hack in to the card .Its one of those cards which has a golden square chip on the top. "ESD Card"

I have a card reader , but my question is where can I get the software which can read the card and i can take a hex dump.

Any kind of help is greatly appreciate and thanks in advance.



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There is open source software out there than can not only read cards, but also write to them. As far as ones with RFID's in them, not sure how you go about programming them. I imagine they have both a chip and mag strip?? If so, they are probably programmed in two parts, One, the strip with your information, and two, the chip to identify itself to the machine so no one can use forged cards. Google turn up anything?? SOmeone probalby has alrady done th ework for you, so I imagine its just a matter of where to look on google and what you search for:

In order to do a vend or to add value to an account, a customer will swipe their card in a machine and that machine will then immediately send a signal to the central computer, or what we call the Opus Account Manager PC. That signal includes the customer account number and the address of the machine to determine the vend price required or amount being added and determine the current balance of your customer’s account


Maybe stripe snoop can help: http://stripesnoop.sourceforge.net/

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I would suggest some actual reading one the subject to see how you are being charged(MASS. Subway Hacker). And honestly laundry is something you have to plan for so i do not understand the big deal of 10 every week to wash your clothing. If rent is really that high just move, and I am sure that if your parents are alive and around then they would be more than accommodating.

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It cost sme at least $20.00 a week, but there are 4 of us, 2 adults and 2 kids. If I wait too long to do laundry, it costs more just for the shear volume of it, but I'd say we average about $80.00 a month. Thats $80.00 I could use for gas, groceries, etc.

Oh, and stealing is bad. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, go straight to jail. (But still, learning how to do it is not wrong, just what you do with that knowledge is up to you. I say do it for the hack, and not so much for the stealing of money/credit.)

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It cost sme at least $20.00 a week, but there are 4 of us, 2 adults and 2 kids. If I wait too long to do laundry, it costs more just for the shear volume of it, but I'd say we average about $80.00 a month. Thats $80.00 I could use for gas, groceries, etc.

Oh, and stealing is bad. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, go straight to jail. (But still, learning how to do it is not wrong, just what you do with that knowledge is up to you. I say do it for the hack, and not so much for the stealing of money/credit.)

But thats not how to OP posted their original question. I am sure that if all he wanted was a smartcard dumper program some one would have more than generous. I just dont wash my clothing until it is absoluty necessary, you have no idea how far some febreeze and a bottle of axe can get you :).

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you have no idea how far some febreeze and a bottle of axe can get you :).

I really don' want to know..lol

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Heh, No one mentioned the fact that there would probably be encryption going on and or passing of certain data at key times. Also I would say take the information you could learn from hacking the system and take it to the people who develop these cards because they need it more than ppl trying to rip them off.

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I hav tried searching for it on Google but cant really find anything.Still looking for the esd card dumper program.

Anyhow thanks for your responses so far, it has definately added to my existing knowledge.


Build one your self . Plus there is pretty good documentation there so read and see what you can do.

Find out what card you have

Does it support encryption? Before or after the fact?

Can you read the contents?

Do you understand the contents?

Do you really want to still from the person providing you a place yo live with possible reprocustions?

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  • 1 month later...
I have the software for this card, Contact me if you want more information.

To all that it may concern about this subject, I have the software for this card, If you want more information, contact me. I need to extract the moneycard console out of this program, If you know how to do it, Contact me.

I have the software for this program, If you want more information, Contact me.

So you have the software for this program? What does that mean?

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I have the software for this card, Contact me if you want more information.

To all that it may concern about this subject, I have the software for this card, If you want more information, contact me. I need to extract the moneycard console out of this program, If you know how to do it, Contact me.

I have the software for this program, If you want more information, Contact me.

3 posts that all say the same thing, roughly 5 minutes apart from each other. Someone a little OCD, or impatient? If you had the software for this, then others probably would as well. Why don't you just post a link?

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It means that I can put balance on the card, But I have to decompile the software and change the license number in the software. Every card like this has a license number and a site number, I need to change the license number so it will work with my card, If you can help me with that, I will give you a copy and every one else in this forum a copy if they want one, It will read the balance from the card but it will not add to it because the card that is inserted is the wrong license number, I am looking for someone who will be able to do this and it will free up the software so it will work with any card that is inserted into the reader putting value on them, The maximum value that the card will hold is $500. I am allowed to put a maximum of $40 on mine so they will not know that it has been hacked. I paid $2500 for this software if you want to know how much it was, I have the DVTM that goes with it also and all of the setup cards, If you want more information, Let me know.

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have you checked to see if there is already a crack out for it?what is the name of the software you have?

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1st post and I am extremely interested in software that will allow a HEX dump from a smart card (blue arrow). There are forums and posts out there that insist they can do it, but where is the proof. Post a link to software capable of this. To get a reader/writer shouldn't be too hard-but no software. I will keep posting as to any information updates.

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