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no music


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xmms2 is the only program that will play music on my computer. no other programs work. ive tried amarok, songbird, rhythmbox, and now banshee. banshee would be the perfect software since it hasnt crashed like amarok. but theres 1 problem all of these players have had. they wont play anything. i click play, the icon changes to w/e it changes to(pause or stop depending on the program) but the time counter stays at 0:00 and no sound at all. it happens with all tracks. mp3, flac, and ogg have been tried and not 1 works.

i have no idea whats going on.

roguehart@Ubuntu:~$ banshee
Warning: [11/10/2008 4:44:39 PM] (Cannot connect to NetworkManager) - An available, working network connection will be assumed
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:39 PM] (Loading audio profiles) - /usr/share/banshee/audio-profiles
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Default player engine) - GStreamer 0.10
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Audio CD Core Initialized) - 
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Testing device for DAP support) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_52A6CDC702736237
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (DAP has not been added) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_52A6CDC702736237
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Testing device for DAP support) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_F8A052BEA0528354
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (DAP has not been added) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_F8A052BEA0528354
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Testing device for DAP support) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_d72c5106_2b92_4feb_afbc_5ab8ba77ec7b
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (DAP has not been added) - /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_d72c5106_2b92_4feb_afbc_5ab8ba77ec7b
Debug: [11/10/2008 4:44:40 PM] (Enabled multimedia keys support) - Using org.gnome.SettingsDaemon
Setting IO Backend to Banshee.IO.Unix.IOConfig (unix)
Could not fetch recommendations: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

thats the output of banshee when its run from console. that last error is not the problem.

here is the amarok output

roguehart@Ubuntu:~$ amarok
Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x809be28 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "unnamed", which already has a layout
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x809be28 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments
    StarManager::ratingsColorsChanged() --> ContextBrowser::ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged(const QString&)
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap

i am running the latest ubuntu studio. everything is fully up to date.

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i have the codecs. i assume the drivers are installed because amarok worked at one point in time.

youtube videos still play sound no problem. videos arent an issue either. its just my music

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sometimes on ubuntu you may have sound issues when leaving a browser open and when you try to play music it doesnt work, the reason i mention this is because i had that problem, anyways i dont know if ubuntu studio has the same paths to certain things but this is how i fixed my problem in ubuntu

1)Click system>preferences> and click sound

2) In sound set all the options to alsa

3) under default mixer tracks set the device to analog devices (oss mixer)

***For option 3 you might wanna mess around to see which device works perfect for you, because i notice with some you dont get the option to control volume correctly, well this is true for my settings because when i try to change volume on my laptop speakers then it doesnt work. So like i said just check which device option works best for you***

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sometimes on ubuntu you may have sound issues when leaving a browser open and when you try to play music it doesnt work, the reason i mention this is because i had that problem, anyways i dont know if ubuntu studio has the same paths to certain things but this is how i fixed my problem in ubuntu

1)Click system>preferences> and click sound

2) In sound set all the options to alsa

3) under default mixer tracks set the device to analog devices (oss mixer)

***For option 3 you might wanna mess around to see which device works perfect for you, because i notice with some you dont get the option to control volume correctly, well this is true for my settings because when i try to change volume on my laptop speakers then it doesnt work. So like i said just check which device option works best for you***

thanks much. works fine now :)

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damn man sorry man maybe you should just mess around with different settings under the sound options

thats what im working on. thanks for the help anyway lol

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Hey Rogue, I have a little story for ya:

after i use Ushare (to stream vids to my Xbox360) all other video services (youtube, vids on the harddrive) on my computer won't display the videos . To resolve this. i use the handy <ctrl+alt+backspace> combo to refresh my system and my youtube vids work like new. My question is this: Is there any other program running (or that you have ran) that could cause a confilct of this sort (with your audio)? Is there a pattern, that you can see?

Now you're confusing me in two different threads.....i hope you're happy ;p

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Hey Rogue, I have a little story for ya:

after i use Ushare (to stream vids to my Xbox360) all other video services (youtube, vids on the harddrive) on my computer won't display the videos . To resolve this. i use the handy <ctrl+alt+backspace> combo to refresh my system and my youtube vids work like new. My question is this: Is there any other program running (or that you have ran) that could cause a confilct of this sort (with your audio)? Is there a pattern, that you can see?

Now you're confusing me in two different threads.....i hope you're happy ;p

well thats what i would have thought but restarting has no effect on the issue. it seems completely random.

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