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Help me plz with choosing a language to learn


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im new to hak5 but id like to get more into it and it seems to be a great community and even tho im probly little help to anyone now id like to at some point in time be able to help other and contribute to the community

but uhh anywayz back to the topic at hand :P

im currently working on learning c++ and its goin good but id like some experienced people help me choose what code i start with based on my personal preferences so that i dont get into it and realize OMG! this doesnt work for what i need!

so here is what i would like to work towards:

making simple apps

making more advanced apps

game hacking tools

and some 2d games but large ones kinda like final fantasy tactics or somtin that would be sweet

and well im not sure what from there

but im looking into being like a server admin or somtin like that where im in charge of keeping hackers out and such it just sounds so fun

and if any of you have questions for me that can specify whatever you may need to know to help me with my choice ill be happy to answer

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I'd stick to C++,

C# isn't really going to help your career just because there's a large amount of *nix based OS's used for commercials needs.

There's heaps of C++ APIs out there to do about anything you want, And if you're looking for game developement you could always use Dark GDK which seems to be pretty open to new comers etc, Or just go straight to Directx or OpenGL.

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meh well i dont want a career in video game programming too many people are getting into it so by the time im ready to tackle large scale games im gonna be in a long line behind many people so i think ill stick to something else something a little less popular but i would like to be able to create a few smaller games iknow i refered to fft but im not tryin to make a game that large lmao just something that i can say im capable of doing and impress people the game thing is more for shits and giggles

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That's what DarkGDK is for..

And C++ will always be a king amongst languages.

You could go and find a open source game engine which has It's own simple scripting language and use that,

But you wouldn't make any direct revenue from it...

So you're just looking to make some games here and there for friends or..??

And any programming language out there can make "simple programs" It's like asking what car can drive.

You're always going to get fan boys which support python & only python etc etc So just do some research & jump in.

I just put up a blog @ http://free-vent.com/blog talking about my experience with C++ so go check it out if you're interested in C++

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there have been many languages that have tried to take the place of c++. nothing has done it. if you want a secure career i'd stick to c++, java, or c#.

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o ok well i guess that settles it ty

welcome. fyi c++ is the language most companies use to program their games. but its also the language a large portion of the non gaming programs are made from. its used for games because its very powerful but thats nowhere near its only application

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so should i go with the DarkGDK compiler thingy or Dev's? i currently have Dev-C++ compiler

and what book could any of u recommend i have a few c++ books but whenever i compile their codes they occasionally have errors and i have to fuck around with them to get it right and that's fun and all but id like to learn from a book that isn't retarded and chocked full of errors

also im switching to linux tomorrow probly so yeah...

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so should i go with the DarkGDK compiler thingy or Dev's? i currently have Dev-C++ compiler

and what book could any of u recommend i have a few c++ books but whenever i compile their codes they occasionally have errors and i have to fuck around with them to get it right and that's fun and all but id like to learn from a book that isn't retarded and chocked full of errors

also im switching to linux tomorrow probly so yeah...

im running ubuntu studio and loving it lol. but aside from that. i cant recommend any books but i can say the code blocks compiler is nice and its cross platform so you dont have to worry about it during the switch.


its a fairly easy to use IDE and it is a plugin based system as well so if you want to make something but you dont know what then you can make a plugin for it or something

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DarkGDK is a Game development kit,

It's not a compiler It's more of a API for VC++.

I'd recommend Primer Plus 5th edition. (ISBN 0-672-32697-3)

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I'd recommend you get a VERY firm understanding of C++ before moving onto anything other then WinAPI or STL.

DarkGDK is also free, Maybe you should try Google? And VC++ Express is also free..

I'm sure you're going to get heaps of people giving VC++ a bad review etc, But It's has the best compliance & debugging.

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So what's your planned OS that'll you develop for & use?

Just remember you'll need to make sure your applications are portable among different OS's out there,

So I'd recommend if you're looking for a good career in C++ you compile on Windows.

It really depends if you're looking to make applications for end users or for use within a large corporate environment.

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i want to use ubuntu as my perm OS but id like to have a c++ compiler that can work across multiple OS's but yah i think my career will proly be in windows... maby i should shitch back huh...


k ive decided i goin back to xp... lol either im a complete failure or theres something wrong with my stuff but i cant find a compiler that will work and stuff and yah idk i dont think my craputer can handle 2 OS's at once so yah 4get it

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Well I wouldn't worry about a compiler with works cross platform,

I'm not sure if there's a large selection of portable compilers available (freeware/opensource)

So what's your current "tech savvy" knowledge?

Because you might want to take some other stepping stones to get to C++ instead of just skipping it all.

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Stick to windows for now, Once your a comfortable Win32 C++ programmer you may want to try and take on coding for linux.

The best C++ compiler ever:


Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

Microsoft knows their shit^^^ So you can thank them for providing this awsome C++ compiler absolutely free

Don't torrent the FULL Visual Studio 2008! it really isn't neccessary, its a huge download and doesn't include anything needed, that you don't get with the express edition(it just has the extra stuff, VB, VC#, etc.. things a C++ programmer doesn't need)

And when your ready to release your application(If your going to) then follow this thread to make it fully portable(as in it will run on any windows machine)


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If you want to learn Linux,

Put it on a old machine & don't install (Well use) X or any GUI.

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Hello! I'm brand new to this forum but still, I just REALLY wanted to say this. My favorite language to use is BlitzMAX and here is why:

1. Completely Modular

2. Incorporates C++

3. Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux)

4. Great debugging system

5. It's INCREDIBLY simple to learn and is INCREDIBLY powerful once you get deeper into the language

6. It's great for game programming, whether small scale or company games

7. The community is great if you have any questions or need help

The program also has a Module call MaxGUI which gives Windows, Mac OS, or Linux GUI capability to make applications like in Visual Basic or C++.

All the details can be found at the website (http://blitzbasic.com/Products/blitzmax.php)

Again, I'm just throwing this out there if anyone really is interested...


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