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in a cracking mood


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ive got an old laptop thats running windows xp and ive had the strange desire for the last couple of days to crack into something. tried setting up a virtual machine but apparently my computer doesnt support hardware virtualization so it makes it difficult. so id like to try messing with my old laptop.

im not asking how to crack into it. ill figure that out myself through research and trial/error. i just wanna know how i should setup my old laptop so that i can have some fun getting into it.

im a total n00b at cracking. i create things not break them so i dont know much. i dont want to use script kiddie tools if at all possible. i'd like to learn how to actually do things instead of just letting a program do something i dont understand.

i have physical access to my laptop as well as full admin rights obviously.


if your confused please refer to the 2nd post

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Im confused. What is it your tyring to do? Setup a virtual machine, or crack software?

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hmmm how should i put this without sounding as noobish as i really am.

im trying to play a game of "pwn this box" by myself using my old laptop as the box. so to answer your question. neither

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Well if i understand you right what you really want to do is set up a lab and penetration test on your laptop from your desktop.If this is the case and you want to crack or hack in a legal testing enviroment some reading and study is needed.You should probably start out with some basic general overview books on penetration testing to get an idea of how you want to do it then probably study some code, ASM,perl ect.. depending on what you want to do..You want to stay away from kiddy tools so be prepared for a good solid year of study unless you are super smart..If you just want to play around crack the hash of the computer connect by terminal services or set up an ftp and make an account through terminal services on it from the hash you crack. when you make a password for your laptop you could look away so you dont know what it really is.. But if you want to analyze code of operating software test it and succesfully penetrate it remotly be prepared for some work..

hope that helps

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Well if i understand you right what you really want to do is set up a lab and penetration test on your laptop from your desktop.If this is the case and you want to crack or hack in a legal testing enviroment some reading and study is needed.You should probably start out with some basic general overview books on penetration testing to get an idea of how you want to do it then probably study some code, ASM,perl ect.. depending on what you want to do..You want to stay away from kiddy tools so be prepared for a good solid year of study unless you are super smart..If you just want to play around crack the hash of the computer connect by terminal services or set up an ftp and make an account through terminal services on it from the hash you crack. when you make a password for your laptop you could look away so you dont know what it really is.. But if you want to analyze code of operating software test it and succesfully penetrate it remotly be prepared for some work..

hope that helps

that does help quite a lot lol. right now im just interested in, as you said, cracking the hash out of my computer lol. just a lil fun for now. but ive been wanting to look into pen testing for a while. perhaps this will be a good start :)

if nothing else comes from this ill at least make a small guide to setting up a legal pen testing environment for those with a spare machine

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plunks got a crack me going if you want to try that

not at all what i wanted to do lol. im getting my fix learning to crack wep.

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WEP cracking is fun and easy to learn. Then you can build on it if you really want to keep cracking. Like learning different methods of WEP attacks, and then moving up to WPA/WPA2.

Then once your on the network you can learn to 'pwn some boxen' I suppose. While I agree with Dred that you won't learn much of anything with kiddie tools, it doesn't mean they aren't fun. If you get a copy of BackTrack 3 you can use that crack a wireless network. Then use things such as MetaSploit to try and gain access to the machines. Or you can use the plethora of tools out there to sniff packets for info or one of my personal favorite kiddie things to do SideJacking.

Have fun,


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WEP cracking is fun and easy to learn. Then you can build on it if you really want to keep cracking. Like learning different methods of WEP attacks, and then moving up to WPA/WPA2.

Then once your on the network you can learn to 'pwn some boxen' I suppose. While I agree with Dred that you won't learn much of anything with kiddie tools, it doesn't mean they aren't fun. If you get a copy of BackTrack 3 you can use that crack a wireless network. Then use things such as MetaSploit to try and gain access to the machines. Or you can use the plethora of tools out there to sniff packets for info or one of my personal favorite kiddie things to do SideJacking.

Have fun,


yeah thats my general plan :) i enjoy learning and its fun so i thought i would start learning one step at a time.

1. learn to get on a network

2. learn what can be done on the network

skiddie tools. ill just use them to see what can be done. then ill learn how to do that stuff lol. i hate using some program without knowing how it does what it does.

though its just for fun. i wont take my knowledge outside of boosting my security and playing around a bit.

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