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I'm a PC. Like it? Hate it?


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i do love the counter commercial by apple. where pc is dividing cash into marketing and fixing vista. clever and didnt cost a fortune. im a pc user and a windows user. but id be happy with a mac as well. though i choose linux over both vindows or mac lol.

its amazing they put that much money into marketing a product thats almost an industry standard lol.

i see it this way.

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My favourite apple ad is "Pizza Box", that one always makes me laugh.

You probably have seen that you can record your own "Im a PC" and send it to microsoft, and how they set a recording booth outside an apple store, but i think it was a great representation, a Massive White Apple, towering above a little Microsofto Booth.

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i agree windows is crap at times but im more than willing to bet everyone here feels it has its uses. due to its large popularity and wealth of native software(mainly games for me).

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More and more games are coming out for mac, and as soon as the next version of my favourite games come out for it (im sure they will as all the latest releases have had mac versions) I will delete my bootcamp install, as i only use it for games.

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Not a joke... Now there's a new one from Microsoft: an info video styled like a children's book titled "Mommy, Why's There a Server in the House? Helping Your Child Understand the Stay at Home Server"


What are they going to think of next?

Makes me think about a Hak5 version: "Darren, Why Is There Evil Server in the HakHouse? Helping Your Community Understand the Stay at HakHouse Evil Server."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont really see anything to wrong with windows. I occasionally find my self having to start up a vm to do some tasks. If you are smart and know how to take care of a machine/OS then windows will not crash. When you start installing "h4x0r t00lz" and being retarded, that is when the problem starts. Vista was not their best moment, but hopefully Win7(or 8?) will put them back on top, more than they already are.

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I really like the Apple ads, but they are painting black (the dumb PC) and white (the smart Mac). The marketing of Apple is brilliant and there are people which are in love with Mac. There are other people as well, they love Linux, MVS, OS/400, OS/2 and Windows...

I think the ad "I'm a PC reminds the people how versatile Windows is", and thats good!

I personally love my Compaq TC4200 Tablet notebook with windows on it. All my loved tools are running on it and I do not want to miss Onenote2007. I really like my Vista Business as well, everything is running smooth...

What did I wrong?


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