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Hey guys,

It's been forever since I've posted but in light of a recent disaster I figured I'd head back to the forums and ask the community for help. Basically, I'm in between jobs and I just got a 3 day notice from my apartment, so its pretty much either find $1120.71 USD or I get the boot at midnight on the 23rd. I posted this in IRC, it's in the topic at the moment I know I probably am not familiar with a lot of the newer forum members but I've been here for a long time. So I hope that everyone can help out at least a little. It doesn't have to be anything huge, just a dollar or two helps.

Donate and read more here:


If you can't donate (or even if you did.), please take some time to digg it, every digg helps:


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m0u53, I've been in the community for a long time, most of the regular members know me especially in IRC. (note my join date Dec. 9, 2006 ) So a couple years now. I'm not going to be rude since I know this sort of scam is common online, but I've been around long enough for people to know that this isn't what I'm doing. Actually, to be quite honest it doesn't look like it matters too much as it is. I've recieved only a dollar (thanks for the donation Unreal) and I don't have very long left.

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Gcninja, Not sure, I'm in Texas right now, i have two sides of family, one in Kentucky and one in Ohio, seeing as this doesn't look like its going to work out I'm going to head to one of those two, just not sure when they'll be able to make it here. I'm going to try to give them a little cash tomorrow and see if they'll let me stay til the 31st (so I'll have time to get someone to take me to ohio or kentucky) just hoping they'll let me stay that long cause I don't have anywhere else at the moment.

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This might sound rude, but have you considered being homless? depending on the area you can live comfortably, find some external powerpoints, wifi, Showers(found in locker rooms of some places), Toilets and an active dumpster(for fun stuff that people chuck out). I haven't tried this because I live with my parents (I'm 15) but I have heard around the internet that it can be good as long as you find the right area.

And the best thing? completley debt free.

http://www.instructables.com/member/johnnyallenshaw/ <- this guy is homless

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yea im sorryabout that ive run into something very familier and then the guy was like 'HAHAHA you stupid noobs i gots all your monies and now im gonna go buy me some games later suckers'

but yea what part of texas man?

i live in spring,texas i dont have any money so i couldnt really help but who knows i just got hired at krogers you should try working somewhere if your not already

but just tell the landlord or whoever "im getting a job give me another week and ill pay you something"

try and work out a payment plan ofcourse you should sell your laptop or something just so you can live there and then buy it back if your rent people arnt assholes you should be able to work something out they cant just throw you into the street if anything else tell em you dont have anywheer to go and yea being homeless is not a good thing..your self respect will drop and everything about your inner being will become shit as the stuff your gonna have to eat

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Not that you want to be homeless, but if that happens, check out this video on Squatters. They make out pretty well for short time periods, and some of them stay internet connected and use their network of squatters to find new places to stay from time to time. Maybe you could find someone to take you in for a short time to save up some money and get on your feet: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6EF8DDE89253EE23

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Audey, I've heard about such stuff but to be honest I don't think it'd be quite as easy around here and I'd rather avoid being homeless if possible. Don't worry about being rude, it wasn't I know you're trying to be helpful.

m0u53, I'm in Garland, at the moment, applied pretty much everywhere within range and got turned down D:, I'm going to try to get some money from some family members today and try to convince the landlord to let me stay long enough to get them the rest by the 31st, I cant get them very much today but hopefully it'll be enough to get to get them to let me stay longer so I can at least have longer to get another family member here so I can head back to Kentucky or Ohio.

digip, Thanks for the video

wetelectric, I'm going to call a lawyer today and make sure that there's not some legal way of saying they have to let me have more time til I can get transportation out of here and like I say, I'm going to try to get them some of the cash today and convince them to let me have til the 31st to get out and pay them the rest.

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hey man really sorry about your situation...i would really like to help you, but unfortunately im only 16(trying to get a job) and currently i have about 4 dollars to my name. well anyway hopefully things turn out good for you and the best of luck....

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