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Wont happen, well, will happen. But not today, and not by Rudd.

Australia brought out a firewall package that was delivered to all that requested it for free, to be able to stop your children from viewing the wrong sites, within its first week, it has 'hacked' by a 13yo.

It would cost to much, and not be effective enough to introduce in today's current financial / technological standards.

And i think the Australian government has more to worry about over the next 3yrs (Rudds term) than stopping kids from getting there rocks off, we are heading into a rescission after all.

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we are heading into a rescission after all.

It's bullshit like that which the media and everyone in Australia goes on about causing the problems. Home buyers don't need to be hearing that Australia is going down the same path as America. We are in a much better position. panic never ends well.

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It's bullshit like that which the media and everyone in Australia goes on about causing the problems. Home buyers don't need to be hearing that Australia is going down the same path as America. We are in a much better position. panic never ends well.

Yea i totally agree with you, the media has hyped the the whole issues to no end, but none the less, the Australian dollar has dropped, and so has the price of shares.

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Back on subject and what do you know, my ISP (iinet) is awesome and they don't seem to like it, but still they're doing the trail beggining 24th december. http://iinet.net.au/about/news/internet_filtering.html

get your assorted VPN's, tunnels and everything else ready!

Also is anyone in WA going to the iinet open day? I wanted to go to some of the seminars but they were booked out.

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Well I'm sure the trial will be a great success (In the Governments eyes)

And they'll put it in full force & see hundreds of millions of dollars gone to waste.

Trial & Error bitch.

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