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My Book External HDD Display Ring Mod


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Ok so I have a 160 GB My Book External HDD from Western Digital. It's the one seen here:


I have mine sitting on my desk horizontally. Every time I plug it in and see the green ring light up, I keep getting this idea in my head. Would it be possible to mod the ring display so it would light up in a way that represents how much space is being used/free space is on the disk? Kind of like the Xbox 360 with the 4 controller display... but more accurate than just 4 separate 25% spaces. To have it show exactly the percentage of space used/free around the ring. It's kind of hard to explain what I'm thinking of. If anyone can help me out with this, that would be great. I think it is possible, just have to get some creative minds together. Would make for an awesome mod segment for the show! Let me know what you think.

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my first thought is that you'd have to replace the one light on it with 8 LEDs or more depending on how many segments you wanted it split into. You may also have to run one of the software packages that display settings of your system, this may be easier to write an "addon" that will control the LEDs per how much drive space you have used.

(I have one of the software packages on my system at home but the name escapes me right this moment)

Cool idea ..

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You'd need a controller to interface them with the PC. It'd probably be easiest with a parallel port, though you could use serial/USB (the latter being the most difficult and expensive). Idea's pretty simple, as suggested above, perhaps 8 LEDs or something (4 green, 2 yellow, 2 red?, 6 blue, 2 red?) connected to the appropriate port with some simple software to perform the (very) simple maths required to show % on 8 LEDs.

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