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broken psp...video out idea?!?


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ok so i have 3 psp's with shatered screens...yes i can replace them...but i dont want to or have the money todo so

so i was thinking...is there a way to wire a composite cable or any kind of video cable to maybe a specific part of the psp's mobo and get video that way....if its possible i would love to do it as i would use it more for PSP Deving XD

then for games


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As far as I'm aware, no, there is no mod for TV out right now. It's likely that the signals are both digital and proprietary all the way from the graphics processor to the LCD, which means that you probably won't be able to get anything useful from anywhere in the chain. The only way to get video from a PSP to my knowledge is the 3rd party camera hoods, though that would only work with a fully working PSP as it works by pointing a camera at the screen and sending the signal out to the TV.

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There are PSP component cables. So what you would need is the "pin out" for said cables and then solder your new connection in the respective matter. You could make your own connection from a .35mm jack or solder directly on the board. If you want to send me one, "FREE OF CHARGE AND I KEEP IT", then i can get it to work for you. Other than that Id be more than happy to help on the forums.

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If you know the interface as well as I do you should be able to setup remotejoy on your psp. You just have to manage to install the plugin and enable it without seeing the psp's screen.. If you use a second psp as a comparasion and set it up the same way you can do it like that.

Then use remotejoy to see your psp on your computer.

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