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Hi even tho I said in my previous thread that I had given up from using ettercap in vista I havn't >.<


but I was wondering if anyone has gotten minGW to work on vista and if they had a guide on how to get a program ie. test.c (http://www.zonic.co.uk/products/mingw/files/test.c)

to compile.. can't find a tutorial or guide anywhere?!?!?

I thought it installed gcc

but no luck doing the following from command line:

>gcc test.c -o test.exe

>mingw test.c -o test.exe

>mingw32-make test.c


always getting the "whatever is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

either it's not installed properly (because thats how I thought it worked) or I don't know how to use it?

I hope someone can help

cheers, for at least reading :D

*edit/update* fixed, can now compile test.c using MSYS.. now just to get that to work with mingw *end edit/update*

epic wewts

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