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Just had me a tall 16oz glass hefeweizen (Heavy Seas Hang Ten Unfiltered German Wheat Beer, 10% Alchohol) and man, it actually started to give me a slight buzz off one glass. I think the taste alone was enough to give anyone a buzz, as its one of the nastiests beers I have ever tasted.

What is your favorite Beer/Ale/Stout, or drink of preference?

Guiness, Samuel Adams (SA) Cream Stout, SA Black Lager, SA Octoberfest, Longshot Black Lager(Probably my favorite ever micro brew, but sadly they don't make it anymore), Becks Dark(With some Hot Cherry Pepper Shooters to chase down the beer in about 2 minutes, best way to kill a beer quickly), Blue Moon Belgian white and Blue Moon Pumpkin Spice,Brooklyn Chocolate Stout, Buffalo Bills Bluberry Oatmeal Stout, Heavy Seas Peg Leg Imperial Stout(Part of the Heavy Seas Shipwreck Sampler Pack - Really great sampler except for that hefeweizen), Most trappist monk chimay ale's, especially the ones in the smaller clay bottles like or duval and trippel, St. Bernardus, etc.

Damn, I drink too much stuff and this isn't even a complete list...

I used to work in a Canal's Discount Liquor Warehouse, so I pretty much have tried everything at some point in time.

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Oh sweet and yummy beer!


I personally like:

  • Fat Tire
  • Bass Ale
  • Killians Irish Red
  • Dosequis Amber


Notice I didn't say Becks.... Sorry Hak5 :P

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Yeah, I'm not the biggest Becks fan, but I found that I like the Becks Dark with salty/spicy foods. Especially with Spicy Cherry Prosciutto/Provolone Shooters, the Becks goes down REALLY fast and after the first two, you can't really taste it anymore. I used to drink Bass, Dosequis, and Irish Red's(Of other brands as well). Still like Bass and Dosequis, but the Irish Reds just don't do it for me. Same goes for Honey Browns. Used to drink them all the time, and now I can't stand them. Black and Tans are nice with Guiness and Bass, or just buy a Mississippi Mud or Yuengling Black and Tan. Not as good as a stout and porter combo if you can find decent Micro Brews in your area though.

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John Smiths Extra Cold/Smooth

Becks Variety (Energy/Orange/Lemon&Lime)


JägerBull (Jägermeister with red bull)

Summerset Strawberry Cider

Various british ale's

Carlsberg/Carlings with After Shock added to them (red)

Peach Schnapps

Various TiaMaria/Baileys drinks, especially Calypso's (TiaMaria + Coffee + Whip Cream)

Absinthe (wormwood included, done properly with melting sugar through absinthe spoon is the only way to do it right)

Various sake's depending on what im eating (if anything) or what kind of mood im in.

Probably missing some top drinks but this is my current list.

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Jägermeister, mmmm. I once killed a bottle in one night by myself and ended up having to get someone to drive me and my vehicle home. It's scary how much easier it gets to drink it over the course of a night, the more you drink it. Jägermeister sneaks up on you all at once and leaves you stranded. Jägermeister is not a good friend...Jägermeister is evil.

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Jägermeister, mmmm. I once killed a bottle in one night by myself and ended up having to get someone to drive me and my vehicle home. It's scary how much easier it gets to drink it over the course of a night, the more you drink it. Jägermeister sneaks up on you all at once and leaves you stranded. Jägermeister is not a good friend...Jägermeister is evil.

Yeah, I've had those nights.. I think thats why i like it so much.. Like a surprise in a bottle..

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Strongbow (I hear it's the Nattie Light of England, but I still like it.)


Canadian Caesar (Clamato juice, dash of tobasco sauce, dash of worchestrshire sauce, vodka to taste, a celery stick, and chili pepper on the edges.) It's a love it or hate it drink.

Bloody Mary

Midori Sour

Darren's House Special


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Strongbow (I hear it's the Nattie Light of England, but I still like it.)


Canadian Caesar (Clamato juice, dash of tobasco sauce, dash of worchestrshire sauce, vodka to taste, a celery stick, and chili pepper on the edges.) It's a love it or hate it drink.

Bloody Mary

Midori Sour

Darren's House Special


Strongbow! Back in my Navy days, I once got completely discombobulated off of strongbow while at the base bar in Bahrain. I don't think I have ever been so hung over the next day.

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XXXX Bitter

Tooheys Extra Dry

Tooheys Extra Dry Platnium


Oh yeah! I actually like Tooheys New (If its still around). Australian beer is friggin awesome.... that is except Fosters.

I used to like Hahn Ice too back when "Ice" beers were all the rage.

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Strongbow! Back in my Navy days, I once got completely discombobulated off of strongbow while at the base bar in Bahrain. I don't think I have ever been so hung over the next day.

Wow where in Bahrain did you live? I spent a year living there with my step-dad.

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Wow where in Bahrain did you live? I spent a year living there with my step-dad.

I didn't live there thank God (No offense to Bahrainians), I did however camp out there once at Manai (sp) Plaza with the Marines for a few days, and then two more times a few years later my shipped pulled in for a port visit.

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You what else is a good beer? I had it in Vancouver once (Actually many times during my stay) is Shaftesbury Cream Ale. It does the body good! :blink:

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I dont really have any stomach for beer....I perfer:

Smirnoff (I get so much crap for this, because all my friends drink beer, so they call it beotch drinks...oh well)

Vodka cranberry, but ill drink vodka any day! ^_^

Mikes hard lemonade

Prolly more, but can't think of any, plus I am kinda new to the drinkin thing (even though im 22, been really drinking for a couple months :) )

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I dont really have any stomach for beer....I perfer:

Smirnoff (I get so much crap for this, because all my friends drink beer, so they call it beotch drinks...oh well)

Vodka cranberry, but ill drink vodka any day! ^_^

Mikes hard lemonade

Prolly more, but can't think of any, plus I am kinda new to the drinkin thing (even though im 22, been really drinking for a couple months :) )

I used to drink Smirnoff, but Absolut and Sky are probably my favorites.

I have heard that you can take Smirnoff(Or any cheap Vodka) and run it through a Britta water filter several times, and it makes it taste like more expesnsive Vodka, as well as gets rid any impurities that can give you a headache long before the hangover kicks in. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but wondered if anyone has tried it...

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I used to drink Smirnoff, but Absolut and Sky are probably my favorites.

I have heard that you can take Smirnoff(Or any cheap Vodka) and run it through a Britta water filter several times, and it makes it taste like more expesnsive Vodka, as well as gets rid any impurities that can give you a headache long before the hangover kicks in. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but wondered if anyone has tried it...

Actually they did that myth on Mythbusters, and brought in an alcohol taster, and it turned out that you can make it better, but it will never be as good as top shelf, plus it would be cheaper just to get the top shelf. :)

I have yet to try Sky and Absolut. I bet I will try them soon.

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I used to drink Smirnoff, but Absolut and Sky are probably my favorites.

I have heard that you can take Smirnoff(Or any cheap Vodka) and run it through a Britta water filter several times, and it makes it taste like more expesnsive Vodka, as well as gets rid any impurities that can give you a headache long before the hangover kicks in. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but wondered if anyone has tried it...


Love absolut.

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why cant they make a beer thats not bitter, soda is cheaper and taste much better than beer

don't the beer companies ever taste test their own products and notice how bitter their drink is? an if they do, then why don't they ever fix the problem with the beer being really bitter

they could at least add some sugar or something to make it better

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why cant they make a beer thats not bitter, soda is cheaper and taste much better than beer

don't the beer companies ever taste test their own products and notice how bitter their drink is? an if they do, then why don't they ever fix the problem with the beer being really bitter

they could at least add some sugar or something to make it better

There are plenty of great tasting Beers. Most of the ones that have that great taste are made in small batches and local to the areas you live in. They are called Micro-brews, and will change most peoples minds about what a Beer should taste like, with flavors from things like Chocolate, to spicy peppers, cherries, etc, it depends on what you drink and who makes it. Bud, Miller, and all the other dominant brands are ok if you want to get a buzz, but if you want flavor and substance, you have to try a few others that might never haver heard of before. Buffalo Bill's, Magic Hat, Longshot to name a few, but the important things is to know that Beer does not have to taste like Beer in the traditional sense of what you find at the Bar. Unless of course, they make their own microbew and have it on tap. I love Guinness, but there are plenty of local, stateside brews that I like as much if not better than a good stout.

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I like both beers and whisky myself, a short list down below:










The Famous Grouse

Black Label

Green Label



Glen Moray

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