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Hey, ive got two 1st gen xboxs, i had softmodded one of them but the other hasnt been touched, just wondering if u guys had any cool ideas on hacks for it ;)


I have a first gen xbox which I softmodded and installed XBMC on. It works _really_ well as a media centre and I love it. It only cost €20 and it provides huge amounts of functionality. If you want you can run it as a desktop using XDSL, or you can use it as a server running xbox-linux. You can replace the hard drive if you want for both the server and media centre uses.


hmm thats a really good idea ;), have u used xbox-linux? does it run well if u have?

just noticed ive got a spare 320gb IDE sitting here, could put it to some good use :D


:o thats exactly what i was gonna do lol, ive got a brand new pc case been sitting there for ages lol

gonna hurt losing my xbox casing cause i modded it though lol


Been thinking about buying a couple of these, they are practically giving them away now.

My servers are old Dell GX280s and they have overheating problems, so they're dying. Was considering using a couple of old xboxes maybe. Just as a torrent server n stuff, nothing exciting. That is of course assuming you can install a nice CLI Linux distro on there, not just the media centre stuff.

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