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I'm confused... Why would I want to do this?

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This was probably covered in one of the episodes and I just missed it, but what is the point? From what I've seen on the show all that you can do with this is make other computers connect through you to the Internet. I've search around on the forums and all I've seen is that you can turn it into a wifi jammer.

Im assuming I'm missing something huge. What else can you do with the router and Jasager?

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This was probably covered in one of the episodes and I just missed it, but what is the point? From what I've seen on the show all that you can do with this is make other computers connect through you to the Internet. I've search around on the forums and all I've seen is that you can turn it into a wifi jammer.

Im assuming I'm missing something huge. What else can you do with the router and Jasager?

Several reasons, most of which are debatable, but for the most part, research, hacking, and just because you can. If you can't see a need for it, then you obviously have no need for one and would not server any purpose for you.

Adding the WRT hack alone allows you to do more than just the Jasager stuff, which in itself is handy to have on any wireless router, let alone the Fon.

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The main reason is to become a man in the middle for wifi traffic. After that you have all the standard mitm attacks such as sniffing passwords, capturing traffic and replacing traffic.

I've also had it suggested that it could be used in the workplace as a lure for laptop users who use wireless networks outside the office and leave their wifi on while not using them. Jasager can attract them then do a captive portal to display a warning message with the company policy in it.

But like digip says, if you can't see a use for it then you probably don't have one.

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The main reason is to become a man in the middle for wifi traffic. After that you have all the standard mitm attacks such as sniffing passwords, capturing traffic and replacing traffic.

I've also had it suggested that it could be used in the workplace as a lure for laptop users who use wireless networks outside the office and leave their wifi on while not using them. Jasager can attract them then do a captive portal to display a warning message with the company policy in it.

But like digip says, if you can't see a use for it then you probably don't have one.

Speaking of mitm, you could also couple that with some DoS stuff, or phishing. If you own their traffic, the potential to own them is certainly there. Jasager just makes getting it started very easy.

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Thats the idea, Jasager gets you in the middle, you then use your own imagination!

If you can turn your imagination into a script/module then I'll include it for everyone else to play with.

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