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Everything posted by r4v37t

  1. I do this into my CPanel account, I just want to learn and to know how hack into CPanel. My reason for to do this is if I have forgot username and password for login. It's possible to hack into CPanel to get my username and password back, if in this case I have already upload C99 phpshell into my account? *CPanel version 11 Regards,
  2. I dont know why my link doesnt work for swf. <a href="panorama1.html" style="cursor:pointer;" > <object width="560" height="100" data="./adm_panorama/start.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" > <param name="src" value="./adm_panorama/start.swf" /> </object> </a> please help to solve this problems :)
  3. its problems with this code: if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ // Mozilla, Safari httprequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); if (httprequest.overrideMimeType){ httprequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } }else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // IE try { httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){ try{ httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){} } } that return MimeType to 'text/xml' maybe that cause every return as 'text/xml' in client-side except server-side code.
  4. Thanks again Jason :) but one more question still about ajax, why when I get "responseText" from ajax from any file resource with contain javascript inside, why that javascript is not running well? example: function call_one(){ var link="http://localhost/first.php"; getData(link,'targetDIV_one'); } which inside 'first.php' : <script> alert("Hello World"); </script> <?php echo "Example of Ajax"; ?> why when 'call_one()' execute the result just show "Example of Ajax" without an alert from javascript?
  5. thanks for that explain, i have ready solve this with adding code for check readyState this solve like this: function getData(dataSource,id){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ // Mozilla, Safari httprequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); if (httprequest.overrideMimeType){ httprequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } }else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // IE try { httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){ try{ httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){} } } if(httprequest){ var obj=document.getElementById(id); httprequest.open("GET",dataSource); httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httprequest.readyState==4 && httprequest.status==200){ obj.innerHTML=httprequest.responseText; } } } httprequest.send(null); } function call_one(){ var link="http://localhost/first.php"; if(httprequest.readyState==4||httprequest.readyState==0){ //check if httprequest in idle getData(link,'targetDIV_one'); }else{ setTimeout('call_one()',1000); //if httprequest busy retry again in 1 second } } function call_two(){ var link="http://localhost/second.php"; if(httprequest.readyState==4||httprequest.readyState==0){ //check if httprequest in idle getData(link,'targetDIV_two'); }else{ setTimeout('call_two()',1000); //if httprequest busy retry again in 1 second } } it's running well :)
  6. thanks for recommend but I want learn how ajax running :)
  7. This ajax code: function getData(dataSource,id){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ // Mozilla, Safari httprequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); if (httprequest.overrideMimeType){ httprequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } }else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // IE try { httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){ try{ httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e){} } } if(httprequest){ var obj=document.getElementById(id); httprequest.open("GET",dataSource); httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(httprequest.readyState==4 && httprequest.status==200){ obj.innerHTML=httprequest.responseText; } } } httprequest.send(null); } function call_one(){ var link="http://localhost/first.php"; getData(link,'targetDIV_one'); } function call_two(){ var link="http://localhost/second.php"; getData(link,'targetDIV_two'); } in html code: <html> <head> </head> <body onload="call_one(); call_two();"> <div id="targetDIV_one"> </div> <div id="targetDIV_two"> </div> </body> </html> but the result in "targetDIV_one" and "targetDIV_two" just show result of function "call_two()", how this problems solve???
  8. for a while this problem has been solved found on http://onjava.com/onjava/2005/10/26/ajax-h...ack-button.html
  9. but how to use in ajax location.hash() and location.replace()?
  10. Thanks, now I found what I need, it's Drawbacks function..
  11. Google have 2 case, Case 1: 1--> start type www.google.com in url 2--> then type ajax in search 3--> then *like a magic* of course ajax do it, the content have change to it search then the url change to http://www.google.com/#hl=en&expIds=17...5790a4486b7f45f 4--> then I want to see next result the URL show on next link http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax&hl...art=10&sa=N without symbol '#' 5--> but when I click that link the url change to http://www.google.com/#q=ajax&hl=en&am...ddd74dd827ab059 Case 2: 1--> using google search use google search bar on firefox 2--> I type ajax on google search bar on firefox 3--> the URL show like this http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax&ie...GGLL_en___ID397 4--> then I want see next result the URL show on next link http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax&hl...art=10&sa=N 5--> but when I click that link *like a magic again ajax do it*, without refresh the page the URL have change again to http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax&ie...ddd74dd827ab059 that's all. I think this is answer of my topic at Get Referring Page From Ajax Apps, Can it to do? How?
  12. But I see google have adaptation the code although in a different way.
  13. I have found that google search have adaptation this technology, how it can be?
  14. I have found that google search have adaptation this technology, how it can be?
  15. I have found that google search have adaptation this technology, how it can be?
  16. So it's be very difficult for the adaptation the code??
  17. After I had watch "the social network" movie, I see there "facebook" had involved now and I so interesting with "facebook" technology today. Then after I had view the "facebook" page source, how surprise me there just 'javascript' and 'html' tags. How it's working????? and When I had view for link in "facebook" like this: [my url now]--> http://www.facebook.com/home.php [link]-->Home [link show]--> http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home [when link click my url change to]--> http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/ [but when I refresh my page, my url change to]--> http://www.facebook.com/ How it's working???
  18. Thanks for suggestion first but I want to build it from normal webcam.
  19. any suggestion? I mean where I can learn the basic first?
  20. How to detect fire and smoke in this case hot spot detection use web cam? and what the best programming language I should use?
  21. How to extract DLL files where is have compress by PECompact before?
  22. Thanks for advice before,... I have done got it Thanks once again. this topic now close.
  23. cheating than i mean is can make me play more than one char, not cheating to gets coins. I just want play more than one char with one race, but thanks for the attention before.
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