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  1. I am getting a ton of errors trying to get this working on my macbook. Did you have to do anything crazy to get it to compile? B
  2. I thought this looked pretty cool for the windows guys out there. Not sure how hard it wuld be to get going with this project. http://www.cfdan.com/index.cfm?blogpostid=91 B
  3. Lets say you have a folder on your desktop called pandoras and that the pandoras.jar file actually resides in this folder. What you need to do is this. Open terminal, and do cd Desktop/pandoras then type ./pandora.sh Do that and you will be good to go.
  4. Clear cache, delete temp files, get newest version 7.2
  5. I created the file myself also, but for some reaosn TextEdit in OS X still gave me the problems. Only creating the file from within vi would work for me.
  6. Weird stuff. I copy and pasted that from this forum into text editor, and it did not work. but creating the file from within vi works fine. Thanks for the help.
  7. Flash 8 is fine. People have problems with Flash 9. I wouldn't update flash at this point.
  8. Make sure you are using the latest version first of all. Then clear your cache and delete all the plugtmp stuff in your temporary files. I am pretty sure that you are using an old version.
  9. Could you make sure you pandora.sh script has EXACTLY the following? I've tested this script on both 10.3 and 10.4 and it works. pandora.sh #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8085 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell" Ahh. So if I have #!/bin/bash It gives that error. If I do #!/bin/bash I do not get the error. Only Difference is the space before #. But it still doesnt work. Just does nothing. I get no error, but it just sits there. I am using OS X 10.4.6 on a Macbook.
  10. btothec...we can use some applescript to open a new firefox window. Also, the port # can be specified via the first argument...example: $ ./pandora.sh 8000 #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8085 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell" Wheatstraw.. Thanks for the input. The oascript works fine. For some reason though I cannot get the first part of the script to work. When I run the script I get this. if: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
  11. I'll add a pandora.sh to the source documents if you'll put this in the n00b's guide Done. I will update when I figure out how to open a "new window" in firefox.
  12. FYI.. If anyone wants to run this on os x here is a script that I put together to start everything for yo. export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar 8085& cd /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/ ./firefox-bin http://localhost:8085& I just create a file called pandora.sh and add all that to it. Make sure it is executable and run ./pandora.sh. May be a better way to do it, but this works for me. Also this only works if Firefox is not running yet. I am not sure how to open a new window in firefox via command line. Any ideas?
  13. New verion works. However the default save directory is a little screwey. For example, if I change the default.properties archive path to "D:pandorasmp3" the actual place where they are saved to is "D:pandoraspandorasmp3mp3" Not a huge deal. However on my mac if I set the default.properties default save path to "/Users/myname/Desktop/pandora.alpha.7/" The files are saved to "/Users/myname/Desktop/pandora.alpha.7/mp3" Either way I am just glad that it is working again. Thanks for the help.
  14. Yea, I have tried every version that is posted, and nothing is working as of right now.
  15. Awesome. Thanks for the input. This works flawlessly for me. I do however still have the problem where I am grabbing the wrong mp3 and labelling it incorrectly. Has anyone found a workaround for this yet?
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